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14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies

Occupational safety and health:

Workers may be exposed to a variety of risks in the course of their work, including physical risks (e.g. radiation or heat exposure), chemical or biological risks (e.g. the spread of viruses and bacteria among workers), electrical or fire hazards, and other accidents that may occur in the workplace, This is a necessary procedure for applying occupational safety and health rules at work.

Occupational safety and health are not limited to factories with large equipment, machinery and dangerous chemicals, But they must also be applied to various companies, institutions and workplaces.

Occupational safety and health procedures followed by professional companies in the following workplaces:

14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies 1 14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies
  1. Maintain and secure all machinery, tools and equipment regularly to avoid any accident or injury
  2. Provide instructions and rules that help keep the company’s employees safe
  3. Store and dispose of any hazardous materials in the workplace properly.
  4. Attention to hygiene and disinfection to reduce the spread of viruses and epidemics
  5. Provide all the necessary tools such as simple medicines and medical equipment for first aid, Staff are also trained in first aid essentials to save people effectively and quickly in the event of any injury.
  6. Provide fire fighting tools throughout the company and install fire detection equipment where financial means permit.
  7. Identify persons responsible for occupational safety and health in the workplace and clarify their responsibilities
  8. To conduct regular monitoring and inspections to record and report problems or incidents to resolve them
  9. Develop safety procedure guidelines in different parts of the company or factory
  10. Provide regular and continuous training for all staff in the application of occupational safety and health rules
  11. Provide a dedicated line to receive reports and complaints about the safety and health of employees
  12. In addition to these rules, Some professional safety procedures can be added at the factory
  13. When dealing with dangerous equipment and machinery, Workers are particularly trained in safe handling.
  14. Stress the need to wear safe clothes and prevent risks.
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How do you provide a safe working environment?

After determining the role of each agency employee by complying with professional ethics, We have also highlighted the agency’s role in implementing occupational safety and health rules, and it’s time to answer the basic questions in our article, How do you provide a safe working environment?

by establishing an enterprise, company or factory designed in a way that takes into account the nature of the job and all the risks it requires, You can do this by identifying all business risks using functional safety analysis.

What is functional safety analysis:

It is one of the oldest methods used to identify risks, Dividing the project or phase into multiple activities and then examining each activity individually with the aim of extracting and identifying risks to reduce the risk of injury to workers, Upon completion of the work safety analysis, Steps will be taken to protect your employees and secure your workplace in compliance with standard safety regulations, The work safety analysis report is divided into four steps, This makes it easy to ensure that the requirements of each section are completed:

  • First choose a function to analyze:

At some point, It is best to conduct a job safety analysis of every job you perform in your workplace, But the truth is that you can’t handle them all at the same time, So you have to prioritize the jobs you’re going to. Do first, For example in the construction industry, Features that include fall protection can be that you really benefit from the professional safety analysis process due to the high mortality rate from falls. to determine where to start, The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety recommends considering the following factors:

  • Frequency and severity of incidents: The frequency or severity of previous injuries can indicate where functional safety analysis begins.
  • Newly created jobs: New tasks may pose a greater risk because your employees are not familiar with these functions.
  • Risk of serious injury or illness: Work requiring dealing with hazardous materials or conditions may be more likely to occur.
  • Work done indirectly: Like new tasks, Work done in a frequent manner can be more dangerous because employees do not know the risks that will arise.
  • 2. Work tasks – sub-tools:

Once you’ve selected the work you want to see, Divide the process into the specific tasks you want to accomplish and list the steps from start to finish. Then close the device and complete any clean-ups and then it is necessary.

  • thirdly Select therisks involved in each step:
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Analyze each step individually to determine the risks that may exist at any time. It is also important to examine the entire environment for any potential risks, where there are not necessarily risks in the task itself, But it may be found in the area where it is implemented. Activity.

When determining risks, It is also important to set priorities and assess the risks of each risk. Most safety professionals use risk matrix calculations to assess and prioritize the risks of these risks.

  • fourthly Identify possible preventive measures:

Once potential risks are identified, It is necessary to determine what can be done to prevent those potential risks from becoming a reality. If the danger cannot be eliminated, Ways to change business procedures or reduce risk must be found. A functional safety analysis program can make this important process easier. for all concerned.

In general, As an employer, You have to take the safety and occupational health rules of workers and employees seriously, and have the policies and procedures necessary to maintain the safety and health of your employees and apply them firmly, As a safe workplace provision always comes first, priority, If you need professional help with the application mechanism, these rules and work to integrate them into your work environment, This is the occupational safety and health cycle.

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