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3 The most important types of professional training

3 The most important types of professional training

There are three types of training that we will recognize in the following lines which are in terms of training time, in terms of training place and in terms of training objectives.
    3 The most important types of professional training

3 The most important types of professional training

aOr: In terms of training time

Time-to-time training takes two main forms:

1. Training before the service job or before signing up for work

Pre-service training is intended to equip personalities scientifically, practically and wirelessly properly to qualify them for the work to be assigned to them when they join their jobs.

Field education for graduates of education colleges is practical pre-service training.

2. In-service training

It aims to train single-service or productive workers in order to develop mental potential and practical skill experiences .

The main purpose of training during the service function is to refine the staff member and keep him informed of the latest developments in his field of specialization and to improve the degree and standard of his job performance by upgrading the methods of effort.

And all-service training varies from Training before benefit as that Training during the service function contains Attempts by characters in the wake of their practice Work and gain some education While they want to train before Service to Prepare one in full preparation to take over Professional or technical tasks.

Secondly: In terms of where to train.

Training in both places takes two main forms:

Training within the organization

It is intended to train a number of staff members who are held courses or conferences in their organization.

This category of training is usually performed by one of the organization’s officials, such as trainee heads or colleagues with previous experiences who have gained throughout the effort in a specific field in exchange while among them, the benefit of personnel affairs, or the organization’s training department.

2. Out-of-organization training

He intends to stop working for a limited time to join a course or training programme with one of the training centres in the country or abroad , but not in his organization. Training centres include, for example, public administration institutes and university colleges, both in the Kingdom and abroad.

Thirdly: In practice goals

The types of training here revolve around the goal that the Organization hopes and works to achieve.

Some were briefly eaten as follows:

Training for refresher

This is called resuscitation training, which gives the trainee up-to-date information on the workplace, its methods and new advanced means, or the promotion of its data and concepts.

Skills training

It refers to the training of over-skilled expertise that enables administrators to perform specific work and raise their efficiency in performance. This category of exercise therefore aims to provide administrators with management and supervision skills that necessarily increase their effectiveness.

Behavioural training (or directional training )

Behavioral training aims to Conversion of disposal items or opinions and trends that Followed by managers in The difference between Directions exercise and train skilled expertise that The larger pattern allows the administrator A close opinion and tries to convince him of its usefulness and benefit by scientific examples and realistic models as an increase Enable him to Design , for example.As we find Maran’s skilled experiences are interested. by putting the leaders in some applied ways regardless Sight of what If he’s convinced of it or not.

Training for promotion

He means training while they look at him, To revise the possibilities of the employee in order to prepare him for higher management positions, which provides the employee with the areas of improvement in the future.

Promotion training does not necessarily indicate that the trainee is proud once he or she has successfully passed an educational course .

There are a large number of views and opinions on the article linking training to promotion, including the following:

The first point of view :

You see that any The benefit of not being twisted in lift the trainee who passed A successful mission course, The link between Win in Training and Getting redacted makes training in his view The tool of progress in Effort and therefore its popularity multiplies Above it and magnified Training is useful as a means to increase administrative efficiency.

Second point of view :

Training is one of the most important means that the utility has to promote the morale of its employees and revise their abilities in order to prepare it for the top positions, which provides the employee with the promotion arenas in the future.

The third point of view :

You see that improving a higher job should advance the employee’s training process in the future profession, or in a newer sense, promotion should not only relate to the employee’s success in a training course.

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3 The most important types of professional training

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3 The most important types of professional training

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