E-training is a kind of training provided to the public, through modern mechanisms and techniques, This in itself helps to expand the participation of trainees, thanks to the comfort provided by modern methods, If we touch on the traditional concepts of training in a particular field, Through theoretical lectures that are conducted, By choice, individuals go to places where specific quality elements are available and ask in advance the person who presents the course to determine their experience, in order to achieve the required benefits, The trainee must go to the lecture and in a specific hall, According to specific criteria. Times Of course these multiple restrictions keep some people away from the training course, Despite their urgent need for them, But there are other reasons, too, Like time doesn’t help them, Or it’s going to cost a lot of money, Instead, We found that e-training overcomes these negative effects.
The concept of e-training:
- The concept of e-training has two important dimensions, The first dimension is training, which means how to get to know a particular profession, The word e-learning refers to a method or technique that helps humans perform specific activities in a way that saves time and energy.
- E-training is defined as: Gaining experience in a particular scientific field; This focuses primarily on computers, that have become the backbone of life and every field.
- E-training is the current and future method, in order to gain knowledge in various fields, Acquiring knowledge no longer needs to go to a certain place, Training is in the hands of persons imposed by the authority, The options under e-training are endless.
E-training history:
There is no clear history of e-training; it is relevant to the emergence of computers, The first computer was specially manufactured in 1937 by scientists Clifford Perry and John Atanasov, With the emergence of advanced applications that allowed electronic training through websites, The idea begins to prevail, It is similar to a simple example of making glass that was originally used to see people themselves, And then to improve the appearance, In the subsequent period, Glass was used for the table, And drawing on it, And many other uses.
The importance of e-training
Learn new specialties | There are many traditional specialties that can be obtained through e-training, such as: Management courses, and accounting courses, And language courses, In addition, There are also disciplines that are still in their infancy in the Arab world and urgently required in current scientific realities, Including human development and self-development courses, And e-marketing, Etc. Experts in these modern disciplines may not be available in a particular country, They can therefore be learned through e-training. |
Save time on trainees | Online training saves time for each of the trainees without having to travel to the learning headquarters elsewhere, All online training tasks are carried out at home, Or in general at the client’s headquarters, without making much effort. |
Get topics based on multiple technologies | Educational materials obtained by trainees through advanced electronic training, And you no longer need to read books or paper covers, But they can be viewed through computers in Word files, audio files, or videos, The return process is simple, In addition, this helps protect media materials from damage through electronic preservation. |
Reduce expenses paid | The presence of e-training on trainees saves significant material costs, Either directly through competition between sites to offer cheap prices and then offer many options to those interested in e-training, or indirectly by saving on the cost of attending training at Headquarters. Especially in the distance from the trainee’s place of residence, Which could carry a lot of money with him. |
What requirements should trainees meet to participate in e-training?
Trainees must meet the following requirements:
- Technical requirements: You must provide a modern computer connected to the Internet with some software applications installed on it, Such as: Google Chrome, YouTube, And file openers, and social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, And perhaps others required by e-training. Institutions.
- Usage requirements: Participants should be aware of how to use computers, And how to open applications related to e-training, And how to deal with their icons, Especially with applications used by some online training sites, Of course personal competence is different. Increases over time.
What is the interaction between trainers and students in online training mode?
- Text interaction: This is done by writing text between trainer and trainee, and there are many applications that contribute to this, including all social networks, as well as blogs and emails on websites.
- Visual interaction: It is an important type of interaction related to e-training, Using applications that facilitate the direct transfer of the trainer’s image, And it does the process of interpretation and analysis, Including skype, Then discussions and questions. .
What qualities should a website that offers e-training have?
Although there are many websites that offer e-training , And within different disciplines, However, trainees must be carefully selected, According to:
- Coach or trainer experience: This is one of the most prominent elements when enrolling in e-training, since some sites provide information to the shallow and unfeathful trainer, It is necessary to confirm the experience of the coach
- Providing a scientific material that is feasible: It is important for trainers to link scientific reality to the theoretical material they present, where trainees will not benefit from anything with access to ancient scientific materials, And more importantly, to make use of it in practice, For example, if e-marketing courses are taken, there must be practical situations that the learner trains according to the actual situation.
- Get a certificate of appreciation: It is important for trainees to obtain a certificate of appreciation to help them get a job after completing their e-training, Especially since some officials lack the knowledge and experience on which some applicants have written.