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Educational bags

We are the foundation of your bag to prepare and design training educational bags , Designing training bags professionally, We offer a variety of solutions in the field of training bags to bring you great development and success for your training course.

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Educational bags

Educational bag definition

Contemporary educational trends emphasize the importance of individual learning, which shifts the focus of the educational process from the subject to the student himself and highlights it to reveal his own inclinations, preparations, abilities and skills in order to plan and guide its development. According to an educational recipe for each student individually to meet his own inclinations and in accordance with his needs and preparations and growth, And stimulate his personal motives and desires to reach his full potential and potential.

The educational bag is a collection of educational devices, tools, materials and means that serve a similar range of systematic and extracurricular activities, which are safely and appropriately saved inside a bag that is as easy to carry and transport as possible, So it’s classified inside that any piece is easily accessible

This modern educational trend will highlight the individual differences between one-class students and allow each individual to start their own learning pace. This trend requires educational planners to focus on what each student can do, practice, integrate and master rather than what he or she should learn, know or retain the knowledge and hard information that he or she cannot use, as was the case in the traditional way of education.

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Purpose of educational bags:

The process of manufacturing the educational bag aims to provide an educational tool that serves the curriculum, And contribute to the development of the educational process, It can be used and extracted easily, Provided it is easy to carry and transport, And safe. When it is used.

Justifications for the production of educational bags:

Reduce pressure on the school lab, school library and technology room.

Easy access to educational devices, tools and materials used in a number of activities on similar topics (such as light).

The educational bag has passed.

Phase 1: Discovery boxes:

These are boxes containing educational materials that serve a particular theme or idea around which the contents of the box are entirely rotated.

Content: Guidelines and analysis in the easiest and best way you can achieve your desired goals.

Phase 2: Match units:

These are boxes containing educational materials for various purposes and purposes such as: Photos, movies, animations, audio tapes, educational and entertainment games, models and raw materials…

Minimum matching units:

I wanted to focus on one part of the main interface unit.

Instruction bag:

represents a kind of individual learning or so-called (uniqueness of education) which is an integrated system of self-learning where the focus is on the learner taking into account individual differences and focusing on educational, behavioral and testing goals, Apply different ways in which the learner chooses what is effective and effective. During the learning process.

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Types of educational bags:

1- Bags of educational activity.

Individual educational bags.

Multimedia tools.

Educational complexes or coordinated educational units.

5- Educational bags or packages.

6- Pivot training bags.

Academic publication bags.

8- Reference bags.

The importance of educational bags:

Lies the importance of Educational  bags In it enables the learner to practice appropriate audiovisual and sensory experiences and skills, where he can get and acquire information, It allows him to monitor, scrutinize and deal with materials directly to the extent that he can achieve the desired objectives. Their importance can be summarized as follows:

Allow learners the freedom to choose the different activities they will perform.

2- Provides the opportunity to create a kind of active interaction between the teacher and the learner.

Promoting the development of the characteristics of responsibility and decision-making among learners.

They can be used in various areas of the curriculum.

5- The teacher and learner find space for entertainment and a useful learning experience.

Educational foundations educational bags:

The following educational foundations must be taken into account when preparing educational bags to achieve the highest effectiveness with minimal effort in the learning and education process. These foundations include:

Use of the methodological approach:

Setting goals, And choose educational materials, And prepare the action plan, And draw the evaluation paths.

Diversity of experiences:

Includes the diversity of areas of experience for the learner such as sensory experiences, abstract experiences and practical practices, This aims to involve more than one meaning in learning, leading to the integration of the experience.

Multiple means:

Aims to provide more than one educational means in order to use the most appropriate means to achieve each of the educational objectives of the issue of the bag, This will lead to as much sensory perception as possible that suits everyone. A gun. A gun. A gun. Learner.

Achieving the principle of meaningful learning:

Setting goals facilitates the process of choosing the right educational means and the right type of experience, It renews the required performance levels.

Positivity and activity in learning:

Clearly explains the goals of the learner how to deal with educational materials, This leads to a positive interaction with the knowledge and data available in the field of learning, This is known as learning by practice. .

Easy to handle:

This requires keeping educational materials in a suitable bag in order and organization that allows easy access to and preservation of the required materials after they have been completed.

Diversity of teaching methods:

The multiplicity and diversity of teaching materials makes it easy to follow different ways of using the learning portfolio and teaching methods.

الحقائب التعليمية
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Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

قوة الحقائب التعليمية 2024

حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى

قوة الحقائب التعليمية 2024