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How are models for successful courses?

An important question that everyone in training would like to know their answer to. There is no doubt that the preparation of models for successful training courses must contain components, whether technical or human. in order to appear positively in order to achieve the interests of the students, And then get to know the content, Obtain information that achieves the objective of the training.

What is the definition of models for successful courses?

The training courses combine the term course and here is the course intended for programs in which individuals participate in order to obtain the knowledge that will benefit them in study, work or life in general … Etc.

Preparing models for successful training courses

Training others is a daunting task that no one can do, And if you do, The trainer must be qualified to prepare models of scientifically and practically successful training courses. experiences that the coach must possess, which can only be achieved through the practice of training in a particular discipline for a large period of time, Among the factors that help the trainer to present the scientific material properly, What’s known as training. Training bags that must be prepared in an orderly manner, We will learn about the steps of preparing successful training bags as follows:

10 حقائب تدريبية للمعلمين والمعلمات معتمدة من وزارة التعليم
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Step 1:

Determining the goal of the training bag: the aim of preparing models for successful training courses is to develop a program that can be implemented practically on the ground to train a particular group, In a way that contributes to the education of trainees in a particular discipline or skills. This is done by determining the educational level of them, Accordingly, the material is developed in a simplified way, The trainer must put himself in the place of the trainees so that he can put what suits them.

Step 2:

Collect scientific material to prepare models for successful training courses: Each training package must include a clear scientific material in terms of features, Therefore, the trainer must collect information regarding thesis that will be taught in the training course, by reviewing all information related to the subject of training in newspapers, scientific journals, the Internet and scientific references, This is to list information from more than one source.

Step 3:

Writing the scientific article: At first, The coach writes the outlines and perception of what the scientific material will be, The finished touches and details remain. The researcher presents what is written to scientific experts in the field of training. In order to examine the information contained in any training bags according to specialization, Then address any deviations in the training bags, or add the information the trainer has lost, And a very important element must be mentioned which is that the training changes the bag according to what is discovered or extracted by the trainer while explaining the scientific material to the trainees, The trainer then reveals a lot of data that should be included in the training bag.

Stage 4:

Pay attention to practical examples: This is very important, And any successful training bag must include, For example in training a group of workers within a particular institution, Examples must be mentioned from their work; The closer the trainer to the practical reality and the problems of the workers on the ground, Increased way to reach success and achieve the real goal of the training package.

Step 5:

Due to the availability of many modern technologies that contribute to the presentation of components and contents models for successful training courses in a smooth way, These include:

  • Regular blackboard: Although the regular blackboard is not currently used, some centers still rely on it as a means of explaining what It contains training bags. It is an incentive for the trainee to follow up, unlike screens that display integrated paragraphs or integrated pages, the trainee cannot focus on them at once, especially in the case of a quick presentation.
  • Light bulb: It is a modern mechanism in displaying what is included in the contents of any training bag. The projector appeared in the 1990s, But it was not in modern times, It was just a way to show educational slides. At present, New types of projectors have emerged that can control image dimensions. View paragraphs without others with zoom or zoom … Etc.
  • Flat screens: Is a new method used to display what is present in any training bags for different specialties which vary in sizes, There are types up to four square meters, similar to the big cinema screens, In case the training hall is large and contains many trainee seats, And those screens are displayed educational materials on them by connecting them to a computer, The contents of the training bag are then turned on by an external display camera connected to the large screen.
  • Graphics, tables and graphs are important mechanisms that help clarify the content ideas of any training bags, Although it is important to present the scientific material in classes and sections, drawings, tables and charts deepen and clarify what the trainer aspires to achieve the overall vision of serving the trainees and then achieving it.
  • Presentation applications on your computer there are many applications used to prepare interesting training packages, Examples of these applications include PowerPoint, one of the most famous programs specialized in the design of training slides, including kinetic and sound effects that contribute to the delivery of educational material to trainees, This program includes various toolbars, Audio and video videos can be designed using other modern applications.
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Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world


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