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KPI key performance indicators

Key Performance Indicators is an abbreviation for the main performance index, It is a set of quantifiable metrics that companies use to measure their performance. therefore Kpi is a contributing factor to the amount of progress made towards the organization’s goals. These are financial and non-financial measures used to help ensure that these entities have succeeded in achieving their objective through their strategy.

The training program is designed to allow participants to practice analyzing the company’s performance indicators through workshops, And study realistic cases of the use of key performance indicators, Design and implementation of a comprehensive project.

KPI key performance indicators

Performance measurement or performance evaluationKPI:

This function (performance measurement: Including the creation of four measurements, evaluations, evaluations and improvements) of the most important human resources management functions. Relying on confidential reports is an evaluation by executives, On the one hand, often does not represent a real performance assessment, On the other hand, The evaluation is made by one person, Not by a working group.
Regardless of performance problems and how to avoid or mitigate them, The evaluation depends on one subject, Whether the worker is working or not, and whether he would pay a reward.
The assessment in the modern sense aims to be better:
The human element is indispensable and is undoubtedly inevitable at any stage, whether manual, mechanical or computerized. These rapid and ongoing developments in the field of communications and information technology have enhanced the importance of human resources, This is confirmed by many experiences. The success of the Agency’s mission in the hands of the staff and achieving the objectives depends on the performance of the staff member, The success of change efforts depends on the success of changing the behaviour and thinking of human resources.
Representation in modern concepts is designed to answer the following questions:
Last year, What kind of person did we want to be?
• How are we doing this year?
Who do we want to be next year?
This is the assessment in the modern sense.

Meaning of performance:

Changing performance in a management environment that seeks continuous improvement means that content, development and measurement are inevitable. Probably, The annual efficiency reporting model is full of standards such as current requirements or packages, And a good look, and practical experience, And other efficiency measures that require a variety of other standards. Whole land.
It has been suggested that in such rapid movements and extreme agility, Performance evaluation may become completely unnecessary, In this case, it can meet the variables of its performance measure, the most important of which is, For example Quantity, accuracy and speed, Continuous response and development at work.
The importance of measuring performance:
A growing body of evidence points to the importance of an organization’s human resources to successfully achieve its goals. A high-performance organization is nothing more than an organization with a well-trained workforce and its participation, This is the key to competing for any organization that strives for excellence and survival.
Performance Index Concept
Key performance indicators, Or KPIs, Helps measure progress towards management objectives.
They are predetermined measures by managing what you want to measure (financially, administratively, technically, Etc.).

The importance of KPI performance indicators:

Performance indicators are an effective tool for testing the degree of achieving goals, It is one of the methods used to measure the success of department performance in the quality of modern departments and organizational development plans, It is also a measure of administrative capacity. Determined to achieve its specific objectives through its strategy. The nature of the tasks and activities of different departments (equipment, technology, buildings, management, supervision, Etc.) Measuring these indicators, several technical, administrative and technical methods are used to identify these indicators to measure performance and work from these sections.
In today’s modern administration, Key performance indicators are valuable indicators for teams, managers and leaders to quickly assess progress against targets that can be measured using SharePoint’s key performance indicators.
There’s a lot of controversy about the actual value of performance metrics right now, Companies complain about the waste caused by the sheer volume of paperwork and paperwork they collect each month for reporting, But executives defend the situation because reports help them make decisions — make the process, help them discuss their views, help identify resources, and, more importantly, give them confidence in the quality and level of decisions they make.

PMP Professional Project Management

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