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مميزات الحقيبة

دليل المدرب
مذكرة المتدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Introduction to the program


The concept of six hats as a technique for creative thinking Let’s start with the next question, When can we use the six hats and what time is it? And the answer is that they are used when we want to think about something, a new project, for example, or change the procedures of a process, or develop a particular device, Or planning to build a family home or other work that we want to think about at the same time be inclusive and creative.

Let’s start by talking about the differences between the six styles or the six thinking colors:

White hat

The white hat refers to the neutral pattern, This is intended to gather information on the subject of thinking. Where to set up a project or idea, Prices, quantities and costs, Information about the surrounding environment and surrounding conditions, Information about similar projects, if any. Note that such information is neutral, neither positive nor negative, so we chose white.

Yellow hat.

The yellow hat refers to positive thinking and is taken from the color of the sun, the symbol of development and the source of energy. When wearing a yellow hat, we think about the positive aspects of the idea, How this idea increases our income, for example, or how it improves working and life conditions

Black hat.

The black hat refers to pessimistic thinking and when worn, We often wear them without feeling, We think about the negative aspects of the project, The losses we can suffer and the difficulties we will face.

Red Hat

The red hat refers to emotional thinking and when worn we think about the project in a purely emotional way without looking at logical factors and pros and cons, What emotions drive you to enter this project, what pleasures will you gain as a result, do you feel feelings of pride or pride or others when you enter or adopt such a thing…

Green Hat

The green hat symbolizes creative thinking and is taken from the color of the trees and their meanings of creativity and innovation, When wearing a green hat we look for new ideas that have never been knocked. For example, we think about the origin of the subject, the project, Why don’t we look for a project that represents a new and pioneering idea? Then we can think about the negatives how can we creatively overcome these negatives and turn them into positives? Can we also think of more positives that the project can add? Then we think creatively about the role of emotions and feelings in the success of this project? Thus, new horizons of reflection open up for us that could lead us to unprecedented ideas.

Blue Hat

The blue hat symbolizes holistic thinking and its role is to verify the use of all patterns of thinking involved in the definition of technology. Before the thought process is over, the question arises. Is there a pattern in which further research and thinking is needed? Based on the answer to the question, the thinking process is either stopped or completed.

This training bag was prepared based on scientific standards in the field of training in the skills of using six hats for reflection, We aim to give participants high skills in the field of thinking management, problem solving, decision-making, the ability to manage teams and training concerns, and contribute to the formation of a leadership personality capable of intellectual balance and managing methodological thinking situations leading to behavior management and success. It is not just a training program, it is a real building of a skill that, God willing, lasts for life and can be shaped according to your daily needs. Come and learn how to manage your life efficiently and effectively.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing): Develop and refine participants’ skills for thinking processes, organizing and managing them, and enhancing the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn, God willing:

• Learn about the idea of Dr. Edward DeBono’s six hats and their intended.

• Learn about the criticisms levelled at the six hats.

• Identify shortcomings in the way we usually think.

Understand the human nature of thinking and how thinking caps are a framework for thinking.

• Learn about the time available for use thinking caps.

• Learn about what has been said about thinking caps and their benefits.

• Recognize the white thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the red thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the black thinking hat and its use applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the yellow thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Learn about the green thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the blue thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

Methods and methods of use of hats (individual use and sequential use)

• Six hat applications (personal use during modern use during meetings use in reporting) (application workshops)

• Other innovative applications for think tanks (application workshop).

To order: 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available    


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Introduction to the program


The concept of six hats as a technique for creative thinking Let’s start with the next question, When can we use the six hats and what time is it? And the answer is that they are used when we want to think about something, a new project, for example, or change the procedures of a process, or develop a particular device, Or planning to build a family home or other work that we want to think about at the same time be inclusive and creative.

Let’s start by talking about the differences between the six styles or the six thinking colors:

White hat

The white hat refers to the neutral pattern, This is intended to gather information on the subject of thinking. Where to set up a project or idea, Prices, quantities and costs, Information about the surrounding environment and surrounding conditions, Information about similar projects, if any. Note that such information is neutral, neither positive nor negative, so we chose white.

Yellow hat.

The yellow hat refers to positive thinking and is taken from the color of the sun, the symbol of development and the source of energy. When wearing a yellow hat, we think about the positive aspects of the idea, How this idea increases our income, for example, or how it improves working and life conditions

Black hat.

The black hat refers to pessimistic thinking and when worn, We often wear them without feeling, We think about the negative aspects of the project, The losses we can suffer and the difficulties we will face.

Red Hat

The red hat refers to emotional thinking and when worn we think about the project in a purely emotional way without looking at logical factors and pros and cons, What emotions drive you to enter this project, what pleasures will you gain as a result, do you feel feelings of pride or pride or others when you enter or adopt such a thing…

Green Hat

The green hat symbolizes creative thinking and is taken from the color of the trees and their meanings of creativity and innovation, When wearing a green hat we look for new ideas that have never been knocked. For example, we think about the origin of the subject, the project, Why don’t we look for a project that represents a new and pioneering idea? Then we can think about the negatives how can we creatively overcome these negatives and turn them into positives? Can we also think of more positives that the project can add? Then we think creatively about the role of emotions and feelings in the success of this project? Thus, new horizons of reflection open up for us that could lead us to unprecedented ideas.

Blue Hat

The blue hat symbolizes holistic thinking and its role is to verify the use of all patterns of thinking involved in the definition of technology. Before the thought process is over, the question arises. Is there a pattern in which further research and thinking is needed? Based on the answer to the question, the thinking process is either stopped or completed.

This training bag was prepared based on scientific standards in the field of training in the skills of using six hats for reflection, We aim to give participants high skills in the field of thinking management, problem solving, decision-making, the ability to manage teams and training concerns, and contribute to the formation of a leadership personality capable of intellectual balance and managing methodological thinking situations leading to behavior management and success. It is not just a training program, it is a real building of a skill that, God willing, lasts for life and can be shaped according to your daily needs. Come and learn how to manage your life efficiently and effectively.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing): Develop and refine participants’ skills for thinking processes, organizing and managing them, and enhancing the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn, God willing:

• Learn about the idea of Dr. Edward DeBono’s six hats and their intended.

• Learn about the criticisms levelled at the six hats.

• Identify shortcomings in the way we usually think.

Understand the human nature of thinking and how thinking caps are a framework for thinking.

• Learn about the time available for use thinking caps.

• Learn about what has been said about thinking caps and their benefits.

• Recognize the white thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the red thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the black thinking hat and its use applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the yellow thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Learn about the green thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the blue thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

Methods and methods of use of hats (individual use and sequential use)

• Six hat applications (personal use during modern use during meetings use in reporting) (application workshops)

• Other innovative applications for think tanks (application workshop).

To order: 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available    


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Introduction to the program


The concept of six hats as a technique for creative thinking Let’s start with the next question, When can we use the six hats and what time is it? And the answer is that they are used when we want to think about something, a new project, for example, or change the procedures of a process, or develop a particular device, Or planning to build a family home or other work that we want to think about at the same time be inclusive and creative.

Let’s start by talking about the differences between the six styles or the six thinking colors:

White hat

The white hat refers to the neutral pattern, This is intended to gather information on the subject of thinking. Where to set up a project or idea, Prices, quantities and costs, Information about the surrounding environment and surrounding conditions, Information about similar projects, if any. Note that such information is neutral, neither positive nor negative, so we chose white.

Yellow hat.

The yellow hat refers to positive thinking and is taken from the color of the sun, the symbol of development and the source of energy. When wearing a yellow hat, we think about the positive aspects of the idea, How this idea increases our income, for example, or how it improves working and life conditions

Black hat.

The black hat refers to pessimistic thinking and when worn, We often wear them without feeling, We think about the negative aspects of the project, The losses we can suffer and the difficulties we will face.

Red Hat

The red hat refers to emotional thinking and when worn we think about the project in a purely emotional way without looking at logical factors and pros and cons, What emotions drive you to enter this project, what pleasures will you gain as a result, do you feel feelings of pride or pride or others when you enter or adopt such a thing…

Green Hat

The green hat symbolizes creative thinking and is taken from the color of the trees and their meanings of creativity and innovation, When wearing a green hat we look for new ideas that have never been knocked. For example, we think about the origin of the subject, the project, Why don’t we look for a project that represents a new and pioneering idea? Then we can think about the negatives how can we creatively overcome these negatives and turn them into positives? Can we also think of more positives that the project can add? Then we think creatively about the role of emotions and feelings in the success of this project? Thus, new horizons of reflection open up for us that could lead us to unprecedented ideas.

Blue Hat

The blue hat symbolizes holistic thinking and its role is to verify the use of all patterns of thinking involved in the definition of technology. Before the thought process is over, the question arises. Is there a pattern in which further research and thinking is needed? Based on the answer to the question, the thinking process is either stopped or completed.

This training bag was prepared based on scientific standards in the field of training in the skills of using six hats for reflection, We aim to give participants high skills in the field of thinking management, problem solving, decision-making, the ability to manage teams and training concerns, and contribute to the formation of a leadership personality capable of intellectual balance and managing methodological thinking situations leading to behavior management and success. It is not just a training program, it is a real building of a skill that, God willing, lasts for life and can be shaped according to your daily needs. Come and learn how to manage your life efficiently and effectively.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing): Develop and refine participants’ skills for thinking processes, organizing and managing them, and enhancing the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn, God willing:

• Learn about the idea of Dr. Edward DeBono’s six hats and their intended.

• Learn about the criticisms levelled at the six hats.

• Identify shortcomings in the way we usually think.

Understand the human nature of thinking and how thinking caps are a framework for thinking.

• Learn about the time available for use thinking caps.

• Learn about what has been said about thinking caps and their benefits.

• Recognize the white thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the red thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the black thinking hat and its use applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the yellow thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Learn about the green thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the blue thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

Methods and methods of use of hats (individual use and sequential use)

• Six hat applications (personal use during modern use during meetings use in reporting) (application workshops)

• Other innovative applications for think tanks (application workshop).

To order: 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available    


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Introduction to the program


The concept of six hats as a technique for creative thinking Let’s start with the next question, When can we use the six hats and what time is it? And the answer is that they are used when we want to think about something, a new project, for example, or change the procedures of a process, or develop a particular device, Or planning to build a family home or other work that we want to think about at the same time be inclusive and creative.

Let’s start by talking about the differences between the six styles or the six thinking colors:

White hat

The white hat refers to the neutral pattern, This is intended to gather information on the subject of thinking. Where to set up a project or idea, Prices, quantities and costs, Information about the surrounding environment and surrounding conditions, Information about similar projects, if any. Note that such information is neutral, neither positive nor negative, so we chose white.

Yellow hat.

The yellow hat refers to positive thinking and is taken from the color of the sun, the symbol of development and the source of energy. When wearing a yellow hat, we think about the positive aspects of the idea, How this idea increases our income, for example, or how it improves working and life conditions

Black hat.

The black hat refers to pessimistic thinking and when worn, We often wear them without feeling, We think about the negative aspects of the project, The losses we can suffer and the difficulties we will face.

Red Hat

The red hat refers to emotional thinking and when worn we think about the project in a purely emotional way without looking at logical factors and pros and cons, What emotions drive you to enter this project, what pleasures will you gain as a result, do you feel feelings of pride or pride or others when you enter or adopt such a thing…

Green Hat

The green hat symbolizes creative thinking and is taken from the color of the trees and their meanings of creativity and innovation, When wearing a green hat we look for new ideas that have never been knocked. For example, we think about the origin of the subject, the project, Why don’t we look for a project that represents a new and pioneering idea? Then we can think about the negatives how can we creatively overcome these negatives and turn them into positives? Can we also think of more positives that the project can add? Then we think creatively about the role of emotions and feelings in the success of this project? Thus, new horizons of reflection open up for us that could lead us to unprecedented ideas.

Blue Hat

The blue hat symbolizes holistic thinking and its role is to verify the use of all patterns of thinking involved in the definition of technology. Before the thought process is over, the question arises. Is there a pattern in which further research and thinking is needed? Based on the answer to the question, the thinking process is either stopped or completed.

This training bag was prepared based on scientific standards in the field of training in the skills of using six hats for reflection, We aim to give participants high skills in the field of thinking management, problem solving, decision-making, the ability to manage teams and training concerns, and contribute to the formation of a leadership personality capable of intellectual balance and managing methodological thinking situations leading to behavior management and success. It is not just a training program, it is a real building of a skill that, God willing, lasts for life and can be shaped according to your daily needs. Come and learn how to manage your life efficiently and effectively.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing): Develop and refine participants’ skills for thinking processes, organizing and managing them, and enhancing the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn, God willing:

• Learn about the idea of Dr. Edward DeBono’s six hats and their intended.

• Learn about the criticisms levelled at the six hats.

• Identify shortcomings in the way we usually think.

Understand the human nature of thinking and how thinking caps are a framework for thinking.

• Learn about the time available for use thinking caps.

• Learn about what has been said about thinking caps and their benefits.

• Recognize the white thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the red thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the black thinking hat and its use applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the yellow thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Learn about the green thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

• Recognize the blue thinking hat and its applications (application workshop).

Methods and methods of use of hats (individual use and sequential use)

• Six hat applications (personal use during modern use during meetings use in reporting) (application workshops)

• Other innovative applications for think tanks (application workshop).

To order: 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available    


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

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Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Training bag: Six thinking caps.

Training bag: Six thinking caps.