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Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

English - العربية
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Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Introduction to the program


The modern curriculum considers the learner to be the focus of the educational process and education, It seeks to acquire the skills of the 21st century and help it acquire life skills that develop personality, gain balance, be able to solve problems, make the right decisions and enhance its ability to conform to the requirements of the modern era.

Project Based Learning’s practical learning strategy has been developed into a specific and clear teaching strategy.

Project Based Learning has received the attention of researchers in the field of modern teaching methods in a great way because of its great role in deepening students’ learning and its ability to give them the opportunity to face complex and challenging problems, sometimes the most complex, which are very similar to everyday life, They develop obstetric learning and bring them efficiently and effectively to higher stages of thinking, analysis, composition and evaluation of what is learned.

Project Based Learning goes beyond the idea of arousing students’ interest and motivating them to learn only. Well-designed projects encourage effective surveying and improved thinking. (Thomas 1998) Research on brain study emphasizes the importance of these educational activities. It enhances students’ ability to gain greater understanding when “associated with meaningful problem-solving activities and when helping students understand why, time and how these skills and facts relate” (Bransford, Brown and Cocking 2000), Page 23. (

What is project based learning?

Project Based Learning is a unique educational model that relies heavily on and does modern learning theories, Where students are busy investigating pressing problems within their social context, which reach their peak in actual outcomes, and students identify one of the problems according to practical research tools and scientific model to solve problems and then design a practical project to contribute to solving this problem, This is accompanied by the design of an exhibition and products for learning results and this is done according to the model of Bloom learning disc where students move during the application of the project and learn from it from the stage of knowledge to understanding and then application and then analysis, composition and evaluation, This enhances their learning and develops their higher mental abilities and presents the students with the results of their projects in a special exhibition to present the results of learning, accompanied by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and development of a variety of abilities that help the student to conform to the requirements of life in the 21st century.

The projects that students are directed to provide stronger learning opportunities for the classroom can vary in subject matter and field, and this strategy can be applied and presented to many levels of the classroom and can be compatible with courses starting from course activities or in the form of free student activities.

Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy is characterized by the sharing of attributes by producing many challenging and unanswerable questions with rememberable education. Projects put students in an effective role of problem solving, decision-making, investigative and documented. Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy therefore achieves important and specific educational objectives, as it is not just fun or additions to actual courses.

Project Based Learning Benefits of Practical Project Based Learning

What are the benefits of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education model?

Project Based Learning offers a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers.

Project Based Learning in the school contributes to involving students in planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating the educational process, helping to motivate them, reduce absence, enhance collaborative learning skills and improve academic performance (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001).

For students, The benefits of practical project-based education include::

Increased attendance, increased self-reliance and improved attitudes towards education (Thomas, 2000). Academic benefits equal to or better than those resulting from other learning models, By involving students in projects and taking responsibility for their learning more than during traditional classroom activities (Boler, 1997, S.R.I., 2000 ) . Opportunities to develop advanced skills such as higher thinking skills, problem solving, collaboration and communication (SRE, 2000). • Get a greater range of learning opportunities in the classroom and provide a strategy to contain learners with different cultural backgrounds (Railsback, 2002) The attractiveness of this type of learning for many students stems from the credibility of the experience. Students are responsible for playing the role and behavior of those who work in a particular field of study. Whether the students are making a documentary on an environmental issue or designing a tourist publication to focus on archaeological sites in the community or developing a multimedia presentation about supporters and opponents of the phenomenon of graffiti to other practical, social and intellectual projects that correspond to the interests of students and are consistent with the problems that exist in their social environment, They are therefore engaged in realistic activities that have meaning beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

The benefits to teachers are greater experience in education and training, increased collaboration between colleagues and opportunities to create relationships with students (Thomas, 2000). In addition Many teachers are happy to create a model that suits learners that takes into account different cultural backgrounds by providing a greater range of learning opportunities within the classroom. Through their effective application of project based learning, teachers discover that the students who benefit most from project Based Learning are students who do not tend to have traditional teaching methods and methods (SRE), 2000 ) .

Who is offering this course?

This course is offered to students who will be taught in accordance with project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, This training bag is designed to contain the basic tools that contribute to students’ understanding of this strategy and help them make the most of it, It is a foundational course for them in which all stages of the project are applied and they are effective and efficient in using the tools of success in learning in accordance with the methodology of project based learning and show them their roles and what to do.

And there are courses offered to teachers, To train them to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy, it may be useful for teachers to attend this course with students as assistant trainers to learn how to actually implement this strategy.

What do success skills for human development have to do with project Based Learning’s practical project strategy, And what’s her experience in this area?

Success skills for human development are project based learning and collaborative learning strategy, The training workshops and the McCarthy 4 MAT Model are scientific training requirements that must be taken into account in the design of the training bags they provide, Success skills trainers are trained to apply them in their training programs and their performance is evaluated according to customized models that measure their performance in their application. This is one of the values of excellence in its training programs.

That’s why Project Based Learning has been heavily involved in project based learning and has established a scientific research team in its field to provide the largest reference in Arab science in the application of project based learning strategy. Work to publish the findings of the scientific team periodically to contribute to the spread of the application of this strategy in teaching and training in the Arab world.

This has contributed to the formation of great expertise in the application of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy and associated concepts, The scientific team and trainers have the skills to succeed in human development to adapt this strategy to become applicable in our schools while retaining its distinctive features.

The scientific team has produced a special model for the life cycle of the project by taking advantage of the methodology of managing professional projects PMI, The team designed a life course to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy that helps students to effective students, integrates management tools into the project and gains the learner 21st century skills.

The scientific team, led by training experts, also produced training bags targeting students, teachers and trainers to train on how to apply and teach them.

What is the importance and advantages of this training bag?

This training bag was designed and developed by the scientific team in collaboration with experts from the skills trainers of success for human development to be aimed at the student group in order to introduce them to project based learning education strategy and train them on how to benefit from this strategy in learning and provide them with the skills necessary to learn according to this strategy, It has been taken into account to be a combination of pleasure and usefulness in learning, This training bag, its scientific contents and training activities are designed in a way that simulates the learning process according to project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, And to be saturated with training workshops and to contribute to the active participation of the students participating in them and motivate them to learn, It should represent a reference experience for teachers and trainers in how to implement project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy. It is aimed at students at all levels of school and anyone who wants to learn how to apply project based learning’s practical project-based education strategy.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing):

1. Get to know the project based learning strategy and how to apply it to active learning. 2. Develop and refine the skills of participants for thinking processes, organization and management and enhance the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions. 3. Students participating in collaborative learning skills and team building to achieve their educational and future goals.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn the following cognitive and knowledge units:

Unit 1: An overview of project based learning’s practical project strategy.

(The concept of learning, The difference between teaching and learning, The concept of experience, learning levels, The importance of 21st century skills to the student, The concept of the project, Project Based Learning concept of practical project-based education strategy, Project Based Learning’s lifecycle model.

Unit 2: Project Based Learning project-based education strategy.

(Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion.

Unit 3: Group Dynamics Group Dynamics

(Group Dynamics Group Dynamics Concept, Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity.

Unit 4: Thinking tools and skills .

(The concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider.

Unit 5: Problem Solving End Decision Making

(The concept of the problem, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, Information Overload Problems, Creativity Problem Creativity Problems, Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving, Faulty Logic Problems, Concept Clarification Problems, Process Problems, Deviation Problems, General steps in solving generic steps in Problem Solving, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Scientific MethodS, different models of the different forms of the Scientific Method, The Experimental Scientific Method, Steps in Doing an Experimental Science Project, Decision Making decision-making, logical decision-making steps, the limits of decision-making, Decisions Tree Decisions Tree, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Creativity creativity, Creativity Blocks, Lateral Thinking and Creativity, lateral thinking and creativity, The seven stages of the creative process of problem solving, The Creative Process, Creativeity Prompts signs/signs of creativity, Prepare creativity by employing unusual genres during presentations, Role Playing (Seeing Through the Eyes of Another), Time Travel, Twenty questions, Collect poles.

Unit 6: Project Work Tools (Success Tools )

(Percentile percentage calculation, Quartile quarters account, Descriptive Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, Statistical Charts and Graphs, Graphic Organizers, graphic organizers, Advantages of Graphic Organizers, Concept or Mind Maps, How to build a concept mapHow to Construct a Concept Map, Data Comparison and Classification, the schemes of cause and effect Storyboards storyboards, A storyboard chart model, System Diagram, Sequence and Flow sequence, “Art” schemes venn Diagrams, Flow Charts, successive paintings, Other types of graphic organizers.

Unit 7: Questioning Skills Skills

(Questioning Skills questioning skills, Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions.

Unit 8: Information collection and processing skills

(Potential Sources of Research, Planning the Management of Research Data, Planning the Management of Research Data, Proposed strategies for proposed data gathering techniques, Required Resources, Material sources, Human Resources, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Timeline of information information, Chronology of information (grand image) questionnaires, Secret anonymity and Confidentiality resolution, Steps to design and implement resolution in Steps in Designing and Administering questionnaires, Survey/referendum Surveys, Surveys, Types of questions types of Questions, Types of surveys, Identify the need to scan Determining the Need for the Survey, Interviews Interviews, Observations notes, Focus Groups discussion groups, Previous studies, Search the World Wide Web for International Communications Internet Search, Media Types, Data Manipulation and Analysis, Interpretation, organization and analysis Interpreting Organizing and Analyzing, The process of synthesis processing ideas, Illustrating Information, Share Ideas Ideas, Lists, Tables Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis tables, Statistical Terms statistical terms, Variables statistical variables, Population study community, Sample sample study, References and sources, Plagiarism literary fraud, Who’s described as literary cheating? , consequences of literary fraud Consequences of Plagiarism, Avoiding literary fraud of Plagiarism, Academic Honesty Scientific Secretariat, Installation of Synthesizing Ideas ideas, Installation or literary cheats Synthesis or Plagiarism, Composition Summary (Redrafting) Synthesis Summary, How do you plan and write a summary of the composition of ideas ?? , Installation table Synthesis Graphic Organizer, Drawing Conclusions, Processing the original hypotheses Directed at Original Thesis, Evidence-based conclusions based on evidence, Applying Logic application, degree of certainty, Clarity of clear conclusions conclusions, Recommendations, Recommendations basics and elements recommendation Elements and Structure, Citing Citing Sources of Information, The process of mentioning sources Citing Sources, Footnotes and Endnotes bookmark work, Bibliography reference list, Ethics of Scientific Research Ethics.

Unit 9: Final Presentation Exhibition and Closing Presentation

(Exhibition, The importance of the exhibition, The importance of documentation, Action Action, Responsibility responsibility, Conditions, logical or justification Reason or Justification, Priority priority, Clarity clarity, View Illustrating Data data, Use images to communicate ideas contained in images in Textual Communication, a) Images that support the information contained in the text, b) Images that enhance the information contained in the text, c) Images that help to give a certain spirit to the text, d) Images used to support text containing a metaphor or metaphor to illustrate its intended, e) Images used to give an aesthetic touch to text or to provide visual evidence that helps explain the text, Use tables, charts and graphs to understand data containing numbers, Use graphic organizations, Use movies, animations and virtual reality, Final Presentation, Provided by The Introduction, Last Minute Checking’ last minute audit, Field testing and feedback, Optional Presentation Forms, Oral Presentation Forms, Visual Presentation Forms, Written Presentation Forms, Options for joint oral-visual presentations, Choices of common written visual presentations, Selections of joint oral presentations Combined Oral & Written Presentation Forms Options, Oral, visual, and Biblical, common, Selections of combined presentation styles.

Unit 10: Evaluation Rating

Evaluation, Revising review, Or not: Content Concerns content review, Secondly: Review revision of the Appearance, Thirdly: Review revision of the supporting illustrations, Fourthly: Revision of the Documentation Review, Checklists checklists, Written Materials Checklist checklist, Science Project Checklist checklist, Oral Presentation Checklist, Multimedia Presentation Checklist checklist.

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يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Introduction to the program


The modern curriculum considers the learner to be the focus of the educational process and education, It seeks to acquire the skills of the 21st century and help it acquire life skills that develop personality, gain balance, be able to solve problems, make the right decisions and enhance its ability to conform to the requirements of the modern era.

Project Based Learning’s practical learning strategy has been developed into a specific and clear teaching strategy.

Project Based Learning has received the attention of researchers in the field of modern teaching methods in a great way because of its great role in deepening students’ learning and its ability to give them the opportunity to face complex and challenging problems, sometimes the most complex, which are very similar to everyday life, They develop obstetric learning and bring them efficiently and effectively to higher stages of thinking, analysis, composition and evaluation of what is learned.

Project Based Learning goes beyond the idea of arousing students’ interest and motivating them to learn only. Well-designed projects encourage effective surveying and improved thinking. (Thomas 1998) Research on brain study emphasizes the importance of these educational activities. It enhances students’ ability to gain greater understanding when “associated with meaningful problem-solving activities and when helping students understand why, time and how these skills and facts relate” (Bransford, Brown and Cocking 2000), Page 23. (

What is project based learning?

Project Based Learning is a unique educational model that relies heavily on and does modern learning theories, Where students are busy investigating pressing problems within their social context, which reach their peak in actual outcomes, and students identify one of the problems according to practical research tools and scientific model to solve problems and then design a practical project to contribute to solving this problem, This is accompanied by the design of an exhibition and products for learning results and this is done according to the model of Bloom learning disc where students move during the application of the project and learn from it from the stage of knowledge to understanding and then application and then analysis, composition and evaluation, This enhances their learning and develops their higher mental abilities and presents the students with the results of their projects in a special exhibition to present the results of learning, accompanied by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and development of a variety of abilities that help the student to conform to the requirements of life in the 21st century.

The projects that students are directed to provide stronger learning opportunities for the classroom can vary in subject matter and field, and this strategy can be applied and presented to many levels of the classroom and can be compatible with courses starting from course activities or in the form of free student activities.

Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy is characterized by the sharing of attributes by producing many challenging and unanswerable questions with rememberable education. Projects put students in an effective role of problem solving, decision-making, investigative and documented. Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy therefore achieves important and specific educational objectives, as it is not just fun or additions to actual courses.

Project Based Learning Benefits of Practical Project Based Learning

What are the benefits of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education model?

Project Based Learning offers a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers.

Project Based Learning in the school contributes to involving students in planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating the educational process, helping to motivate them, reduce absence, enhance collaborative learning skills and improve academic performance (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001).

For students, The benefits of practical project-based education include::

Increased attendance, increased self-reliance and improved attitudes towards education (Thomas, 2000). Academic benefits equal to or better than those resulting from other learning models, By involving students in projects and taking responsibility for their learning more than during traditional classroom activities (Boler, 1997, S.R.I., 2000 ) . Opportunities to develop advanced skills such as higher thinking skills, problem solving, collaboration and communication (SRE, 2000). • Get a greater range of learning opportunities in the classroom and provide a strategy to contain learners with different cultural backgrounds (Railsback, 2002) The attractiveness of this type of learning for many students stems from the credibility of the experience. Students are responsible for playing the role and behavior of those who work in a particular field of study. Whether the students are making a documentary on an environmental issue or designing a tourist publication to focus on archaeological sites in the community or developing a multimedia presentation about supporters and opponents of the phenomenon of graffiti to other practical, social and intellectual projects that correspond to the interests of students and are consistent with the problems that exist in their social environment, They are therefore engaged in realistic activities that have meaning beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

The benefits to teachers are greater experience in education and training, increased collaboration between colleagues and opportunities to create relationships with students (Thomas, 2000). In addition Many teachers are happy to create a model that suits learners that takes into account different cultural backgrounds by providing a greater range of learning opportunities within the classroom. Through their effective application of project based learning, teachers discover that the students who benefit most from project Based Learning are students who do not tend to have traditional teaching methods and methods (SRE), 2000 ) .

Who is offering this course?

This course is offered to students who will be taught in accordance with project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, This training bag is designed to contain the basic tools that contribute to students’ understanding of this strategy and help them make the most of it, It is a foundational course for them in which all stages of the project are applied and they are effective and efficient in using the tools of success in learning in accordance with the methodology of project based learning and show them their roles and what to do.

And there are courses offered to teachers, To train them to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy, it may be useful for teachers to attend this course with students as assistant trainers to learn how to actually implement this strategy.

What do success skills for human development have to do with project Based Learning’s practical project strategy, And what’s her experience in this area?

Success skills for human development are project based learning and collaborative learning strategy, The training workshops and the McCarthy 4 MAT Model are scientific training requirements that must be taken into account in the design of the training bags they provide, Success skills trainers are trained to apply them in their training programs and their performance is evaluated according to customized models that measure their performance in their application. This is one of the values of excellence in its training programs.

That’s why Project Based Learning has been heavily involved in project based learning and has established a scientific research team in its field to provide the largest reference in Arab science in the application of project based learning strategy. Work to publish the findings of the scientific team periodically to contribute to the spread of the application of this strategy in teaching and training in the Arab world.

This has contributed to the formation of great expertise in the application of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy and associated concepts, The scientific team and trainers have the skills to succeed in human development to adapt this strategy to become applicable in our schools while retaining its distinctive features.

The scientific team has produced a special model for the life cycle of the project by taking advantage of the methodology of managing professional projects PMI, The team designed a life course to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy that helps students to effective students, integrates management tools into the project and gains the learner 21st century skills.

The scientific team, led by training experts, also produced training bags targeting students, teachers and trainers to train on how to apply and teach them.

What is the importance and advantages of this training bag?

This training bag was designed and developed by the scientific team in collaboration with experts from the skills trainers of success for human development to be aimed at the student group in order to introduce them to project based learning education strategy and train them on how to benefit from this strategy in learning and provide them with the skills necessary to learn according to this strategy, It has been taken into account to be a combination of pleasure and usefulness in learning, This training bag, its scientific contents and training activities are designed in a way that simulates the learning process according to project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, And to be saturated with training workshops and to contribute to the active participation of the students participating in them and motivate them to learn, It should represent a reference experience for teachers and trainers in how to implement project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy. It is aimed at students at all levels of school and anyone who wants to learn how to apply project based learning’s practical project-based education strategy.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing):

1. Get to know the project based learning strategy and how to apply it to active learning. 2. Develop and refine the skills of participants for thinking processes, organization and management and enhance the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions. 3. Students participating in collaborative learning skills and team building to achieve their educational and future goals.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn the following cognitive and knowledge units:

Unit 1: An overview of project based learning’s practical project strategy.

(The concept of learning, The difference between teaching and learning, The concept of experience, learning levels, The importance of 21st century skills to the student, The concept of the project, Project Based Learning concept of practical project-based education strategy, Project Based Learning’s lifecycle model.

Unit 2: Project Based Learning project-based education strategy.

(Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion.

Unit 3: Group Dynamics Group Dynamics

(Group Dynamics Group Dynamics Concept, Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity.

Unit 4: Thinking tools and skills .

(The concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider.

Unit 5: Problem Solving End Decision Making

(The concept of the problem, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, Information Overload Problems, Creativity Problem Creativity Problems, Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving, Faulty Logic Problems, Concept Clarification Problems, Process Problems, Deviation Problems, General steps in solving generic steps in Problem Solving, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Scientific MethodS, different models of the different forms of the Scientific Method, The Experimental Scientific Method, Steps in Doing an Experimental Science Project, Decision Making decision-making, logical decision-making steps, the limits of decision-making, Decisions Tree Decisions Tree, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Creativity creativity, Creativity Blocks, Lateral Thinking and Creativity, lateral thinking and creativity, The seven stages of the creative process of problem solving, The Creative Process, Creativeity Prompts signs/signs of creativity, Prepare creativity by employing unusual genres during presentations, Role Playing (Seeing Through the Eyes of Another), Time Travel, Twenty questions, Collect poles.

Unit 6: Project Work Tools (Success Tools )

(Percentile percentage calculation, Quartile quarters account, Descriptive Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, Statistical Charts and Graphs, Graphic Organizers, graphic organizers, Advantages of Graphic Organizers, Concept or Mind Maps, How to build a concept mapHow to Construct a Concept Map, Data Comparison and Classification, the schemes of cause and effect Storyboards storyboards, A storyboard chart model, System Diagram, Sequence and Flow sequence, “Art” schemes venn Diagrams, Flow Charts, successive paintings, Other types of graphic organizers.

Unit 7: Questioning Skills Skills

(Questioning Skills questioning skills, Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions.

Unit 8: Information collection and processing skills

(Potential Sources of Research, Planning the Management of Research Data, Planning the Management of Research Data, Proposed strategies for proposed data gathering techniques, Required Resources, Material sources, Human Resources, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Timeline of information information, Chronology of information (grand image) questionnaires, Secret anonymity and Confidentiality resolution, Steps to design and implement resolution in Steps in Designing and Administering questionnaires, Survey/referendum Surveys, Surveys, Types of questions types of Questions, Types of surveys, Identify the need to scan Determining the Need for the Survey, Interviews Interviews, Observations notes, Focus Groups discussion groups, Previous studies, Search the World Wide Web for International Communications Internet Search, Media Types, Data Manipulation and Analysis, Interpretation, organization and analysis Interpreting Organizing and Analyzing, The process of synthesis processing ideas, Illustrating Information, Share Ideas Ideas, Lists, Tables Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis tables, Statistical Terms statistical terms, Variables statistical variables, Population study community, Sample sample study, References and sources, Plagiarism literary fraud, Who’s described as literary cheating? , consequences of literary fraud Consequences of Plagiarism, Avoiding literary fraud of Plagiarism, Academic Honesty Scientific Secretariat, Installation of Synthesizing Ideas ideas, Installation or literary cheats Synthesis or Plagiarism, Composition Summary (Redrafting) Synthesis Summary, How do you plan and write a summary of the composition of ideas ?? , Installation table Synthesis Graphic Organizer, Drawing Conclusions, Processing the original hypotheses Directed at Original Thesis, Evidence-based conclusions based on evidence, Applying Logic application, degree of certainty, Clarity of clear conclusions conclusions, Recommendations, Recommendations basics and elements recommendation Elements and Structure, Citing Citing Sources of Information, The process of mentioning sources Citing Sources, Footnotes and Endnotes bookmark work, Bibliography reference list, Ethics of Scientific Research Ethics.

Unit 9: Final Presentation Exhibition and Closing Presentation

(Exhibition, The importance of the exhibition, The importance of documentation, Action Action, Responsibility responsibility, Conditions, logical or justification Reason or Justification, Priority priority, Clarity clarity, View Illustrating Data data, Use images to communicate ideas contained in images in Textual Communication, a) Images that support the information contained in the text, b) Images that enhance the information contained in the text, c) Images that help to give a certain spirit to the text, d) Images used to support text containing a metaphor or metaphor to illustrate its intended, e) Images used to give an aesthetic touch to text or to provide visual evidence that helps explain the text, Use tables, charts and graphs to understand data containing numbers, Use graphic organizations, Use movies, animations and virtual reality, Final Presentation, Provided by The Introduction, Last Minute Checking’ last minute audit, Field testing and feedback, Optional Presentation Forms, Oral Presentation Forms, Visual Presentation Forms, Written Presentation Forms, Options for joint oral-visual presentations, Choices of common written visual presentations, Selections of joint oral presentations Combined Oral & Written Presentation Forms Options, Oral, visual, and Biblical, common, Selections of combined presentation styles.

Unit 10: Evaluation Rating

Evaluation, Revising review, Or not: Content Concerns content review, Secondly: Review revision of the Appearance, Thirdly: Review revision of the supporting illustrations, Fourthly: Revision of the Documentation Review, Checklists checklists, Written Materials Checklist checklist, Science Project Checklist checklist, Oral Presentation Checklist, Multimedia Presentation Checklist checklist.

To order : 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available  


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

English - العربية
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الملف التعريفي

Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Introduction to the program


The modern curriculum considers the learner to be the focus of the educational process and education, It seeks to acquire the skills of the 21st century and help it acquire life skills that develop personality, gain balance, be able to solve problems, make the right decisions and enhance its ability to conform to the requirements of the modern era.

Project Based Learning’s practical learning strategy has been developed into a specific and clear teaching strategy.

Project Based Learning has received the attention of researchers in the field of modern teaching methods in a great way because of its great role in deepening students’ learning and its ability to give them the opportunity to face complex and challenging problems, sometimes the most complex, which are very similar to everyday life, They develop obstetric learning and bring them efficiently and effectively to higher stages of thinking, analysis, composition and evaluation of what is learned.

Project Based Learning goes beyond the idea of arousing students’ interest and motivating them to learn only. Well-designed projects encourage effective surveying and improved thinking. (Thomas 1998) Research on brain study emphasizes the importance of these educational activities. It enhances students’ ability to gain greater understanding when “associated with meaningful problem-solving activities and when helping students understand why, time and how these skills and facts relate” (Bransford, Brown and Cocking 2000), Page 23. (

What is project based learning?

Project Based Learning is a unique educational model that relies heavily on and does modern learning theories, Where students are busy investigating pressing problems within their social context, which reach their peak in actual outcomes, and students identify one of the problems according to practical research tools and scientific model to solve problems and then design a practical project to contribute to solving this problem, This is accompanied by the design of an exhibition and products for learning results and this is done according to the model of Bloom learning disc where students move during the application of the project and learn from it from the stage of knowledge to understanding and then application and then analysis, composition and evaluation, This enhances their learning and develops their higher mental abilities and presents the students with the results of their projects in a special exhibition to present the results of learning, accompanied by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and development of a variety of abilities that help the student to conform to the requirements of life in the 21st century.

The projects that students are directed to provide stronger learning opportunities for the classroom can vary in subject matter and field, and this strategy can be applied and presented to many levels of the classroom and can be compatible with courses starting from course activities or in the form of free student activities.

Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy is characterized by the sharing of attributes by producing many challenging and unanswerable questions with rememberable education. Projects put students in an effective role of problem solving, decision-making, investigative and documented. Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy therefore achieves important and specific educational objectives, as it is not just fun or additions to actual courses.

Project Based Learning Benefits of Practical Project Based Learning

What are the benefits of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education model?

Project Based Learning offers a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers.

Project Based Learning in the school contributes to involving students in planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating the educational process, helping to motivate them, reduce absence, enhance collaborative learning skills and improve academic performance (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001).

For students, The benefits of practical project-based education include::

Increased attendance, increased self-reliance and improved attitudes towards education (Thomas, 2000). Academic benefits equal to or better than those resulting from other learning models, By involving students in projects and taking responsibility for their learning more than during traditional classroom activities (Boler, 1997, S.R.I., 2000 ) . Opportunities to develop advanced skills such as higher thinking skills, problem solving, collaboration and communication (SRE, 2000). • Get a greater range of learning opportunities in the classroom and provide a strategy to contain learners with different cultural backgrounds (Railsback, 2002) The attractiveness of this type of learning for many students stems from the credibility of the experience. Students are responsible for playing the role and behavior of those who work in a particular field of study. Whether the students are making a documentary on an environmental issue or designing a tourist publication to focus on archaeological sites in the community or developing a multimedia presentation about supporters and opponents of the phenomenon of graffiti to other practical, social and intellectual projects that correspond to the interests of students and are consistent with the problems that exist in their social environment, They are therefore engaged in realistic activities that have meaning beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

The benefits to teachers are greater experience in education and training, increased collaboration between colleagues and opportunities to create relationships with students (Thomas, 2000). In addition Many teachers are happy to create a model that suits learners that takes into account different cultural backgrounds by providing a greater range of learning opportunities within the classroom. Through their effective application of project based learning, teachers discover that the students who benefit most from project Based Learning are students who do not tend to have traditional teaching methods and methods (SRE), 2000 ) .

Who is offering this course?

This course is offered to students who will be taught in accordance with project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, This training bag is designed to contain the basic tools that contribute to students’ understanding of this strategy and help them make the most of it, It is a foundational course for them in which all stages of the project are applied and they are effective and efficient in using the tools of success in learning in accordance with the methodology of project based learning and show them their roles and what to do.

And there are courses offered to teachers, To train them to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy, it may be useful for teachers to attend this course with students as assistant trainers to learn how to actually implement this strategy.

What do success skills for human development have to do with project Based Learning’s practical project strategy, And what’s her experience in this area?

Success skills for human development are project based learning and collaborative learning strategy, The training workshops and the McCarthy 4 MAT Model are scientific training requirements that must be taken into account in the design of the training bags they provide, Success skills trainers are trained to apply them in their training programs and their performance is evaluated according to customized models that measure their performance in their application. This is one of the values of excellence in its training programs.

That’s why Project Based Learning has been heavily involved in project based learning and has established a scientific research team in its field to provide the largest reference in Arab science in the application of project based learning strategy. Work to publish the findings of the scientific team periodically to contribute to the spread of the application of this strategy in teaching and training in the Arab world.

This has contributed to the formation of great expertise in the application of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy and associated concepts, The scientific team and trainers have the skills to succeed in human development to adapt this strategy to become applicable in our schools while retaining its distinctive features.

The scientific team has produced a special model for the life cycle of the project by taking advantage of the methodology of managing professional projects PMI, The team designed a life course to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy that helps students to effective students, integrates management tools into the project and gains the learner 21st century skills.

The scientific team, led by training experts, also produced training bags targeting students, teachers and trainers to train on how to apply and teach them.

What is the importance and advantages of this training bag?

This training bag was designed and developed by the scientific team in collaboration with experts from the skills trainers of success for human development to be aimed at the student group in order to introduce them to project based learning education strategy and train them on how to benefit from this strategy in learning and provide them with the skills necessary to learn according to this strategy, It has been taken into account to be a combination of pleasure and usefulness in learning, This training bag, its scientific contents and training activities are designed in a way that simulates the learning process according to project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, And to be saturated with training workshops and to contribute to the active participation of the students participating in them and motivate them to learn, It should represent a reference experience for teachers and trainers in how to implement project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy. It is aimed at students at all levels of school and anyone who wants to learn how to apply project based learning’s practical project-based education strategy.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing):

1. Get to know the project based learning strategy and how to apply it to active learning. 2. Develop and refine the skills of participants for thinking processes, organization and management and enhance the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions. 3. Students participating in collaborative learning skills and team building to achieve their educational and future goals.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn the following cognitive and knowledge units:

Unit 1: An overview of project based learning’s practical project strategy.

(The concept of learning, The difference between teaching and learning, The concept of experience, learning levels, The importance of 21st century skills to the student, The concept of the project, Project Based Learning concept of practical project-based education strategy, Project Based Learning’s lifecycle model.

Unit 2: Project Based Learning project-based education strategy.

(Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion.

Unit 3: Group Dynamics Group Dynamics

(Group Dynamics Group Dynamics Concept, Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity.

Unit 4: Thinking tools and skills .

(The concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider.

Unit 5: Problem Solving End Decision Making

(The concept of the problem, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, Information Overload Problems, Creativity Problem Creativity Problems, Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving, Faulty Logic Problems, Concept Clarification Problems, Process Problems, Deviation Problems, General steps in solving generic steps in Problem Solving, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Scientific MethodS, different models of the different forms of the Scientific Method, The Experimental Scientific Method, Steps in Doing an Experimental Science Project, Decision Making decision-making, logical decision-making steps, the limits of decision-making, Decisions Tree Decisions Tree, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Creativity creativity, Creativity Blocks, Lateral Thinking and Creativity, lateral thinking and creativity, The seven stages of the creative process of problem solving, The Creative Process, Creativeity Prompts signs/signs of creativity, Prepare creativity by employing unusual genres during presentations, Role Playing (Seeing Through the Eyes of Another), Time Travel, Twenty questions, Collect poles.

Unit 6: Project Work Tools (Success Tools )

(Percentile percentage calculation, Quartile quarters account, Descriptive Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, Statistical Charts and Graphs, Graphic Organizers, graphic organizers, Advantages of Graphic Organizers, Concept or Mind Maps, How to build a concept mapHow to Construct a Concept Map, Data Comparison and Classification, the schemes of cause and effect Storyboards storyboards, A storyboard chart model, System Diagram, Sequence and Flow sequence, “Art” schemes venn Diagrams, Flow Charts, successive paintings, Other types of graphic organizers.

Unit 7: Questioning Skills Skills

(Questioning Skills questioning skills, Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions.

Unit 8: Information collection and processing skills

(Potential Sources of Research, Planning the Management of Research Data, Planning the Management of Research Data, Proposed strategies for proposed data gathering techniques, Required Resources, Material sources, Human Resources, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Timeline of information information, Chronology of information (grand image) questionnaires, Secret anonymity and Confidentiality resolution, Steps to design and implement resolution in Steps in Designing and Administering questionnaires, Survey/referendum Surveys, Surveys, Types of questions types of Questions, Types of surveys, Identify the need to scan Determining the Need for the Survey, Interviews Interviews, Observations notes, Focus Groups discussion groups, Previous studies, Search the World Wide Web for International Communications Internet Search, Media Types, Data Manipulation and Analysis, Interpretation, organization and analysis Interpreting Organizing and Analyzing, The process of synthesis processing ideas, Illustrating Information, Share Ideas Ideas, Lists, Tables Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis tables, Statistical Terms statistical terms, Variables statistical variables, Population study community, Sample sample study, References and sources, Plagiarism literary fraud, Who’s described as literary cheating? , consequences of literary fraud Consequences of Plagiarism, Avoiding literary fraud of Plagiarism, Academic Honesty Scientific Secretariat, Installation of Synthesizing Ideas ideas, Installation or literary cheats Synthesis or Plagiarism, Composition Summary (Redrafting) Synthesis Summary, How do you plan and write a summary of the composition of ideas ?? , Installation table Synthesis Graphic Organizer, Drawing Conclusions, Processing the original hypotheses Directed at Original Thesis, Evidence-based conclusions based on evidence, Applying Logic application, degree of certainty, Clarity of clear conclusions conclusions, Recommendations, Recommendations basics and elements recommendation Elements and Structure, Citing Citing Sources of Information, The process of mentioning sources Citing Sources, Footnotes and Endnotes bookmark work, Bibliography reference list, Ethics of Scientific Research Ethics.

Unit 9: Final Presentation Exhibition and Closing Presentation

(Exhibition, The importance of the exhibition, The importance of documentation, Action Action, Responsibility responsibility, Conditions, logical or justification Reason or Justification, Priority priority, Clarity clarity, View Illustrating Data data, Use images to communicate ideas contained in images in Textual Communication, a) Images that support the information contained in the text, b) Images that enhance the information contained in the text, c) Images that help to give a certain spirit to the text, d) Images used to support text containing a metaphor or metaphor to illustrate its intended, e) Images used to give an aesthetic touch to text or to provide visual evidence that helps explain the text, Use tables, charts and graphs to understand data containing numbers, Use graphic organizations, Use movies, animations and virtual reality, Final Presentation, Provided by The Introduction, Last Minute Checking’ last minute audit, Field testing and feedback, Optional Presentation Forms, Oral Presentation Forms, Visual Presentation Forms, Written Presentation Forms, Options for joint oral-visual presentations, Choices of common written visual presentations, Selections of joint oral presentations Combined Oral & Written Presentation Forms Options, Oral, visual, and Biblical, common, Selections of combined presentation styles.

Unit 10: Evaluation Rating

Evaluation, Revising review, Or not: Content Concerns content review, Secondly: Review revision of the Appearance, Thirdly: Review revision of the supporting illustrations, Fourthly: Revision of the Documentation Review, Checklists checklists, Written Materials Checklist checklist, Science Project Checklist checklist, Oral Presentation Checklist, Multimedia Presentation Checklist checklist.

To order : 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available  


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Training bag: PBL Practical Project-Based Learning

Introduction to the program


The modern curriculum considers the learner to be the focus of the educational process and education, It seeks to acquire the skills of the 21st century and help it acquire life skills that develop personality, gain balance, be able to solve problems, make the right decisions and enhance its ability to conform to the requirements of the modern era.

Project Based Learning’s practical learning strategy has been developed into a specific and clear teaching strategy.

Project Based Learning has received the attention of researchers in the field of modern teaching methods in a great way because of its great role in deepening students’ learning and its ability to give them the opportunity to face complex and challenging problems, sometimes the most complex, which are very similar to everyday life, They develop obstetric learning and bring them efficiently and effectively to higher stages of thinking, analysis, composition and evaluation of what is learned.

Project Based Learning goes beyond the idea of arousing students’ interest and motivating them to learn only. Well-designed projects encourage effective surveying and improved thinking. (Thomas 1998) Research on brain study emphasizes the importance of these educational activities. It enhances students’ ability to gain greater understanding when “associated with meaningful problem-solving activities and when helping students understand why, time and how these skills and facts relate” (Bransford, Brown and Cocking 2000), Page 23. (

What is project based learning?

Project Based Learning is a unique educational model that relies heavily on and does modern learning theories, Where students are busy investigating pressing problems within their social context, which reach their peak in actual outcomes, and students identify one of the problems according to practical research tools and scientific model to solve problems and then design a practical project to contribute to solving this problem, This is accompanied by the design of an exhibition and products for learning results and this is done according to the model of Bloom learning disc where students move during the application of the project and learn from it from the stage of knowledge to understanding and then application and then analysis, composition and evaluation, This enhances their learning and develops their higher mental abilities and presents the students with the results of their projects in a special exhibition to present the results of learning, accompanied by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and development of a variety of abilities that help the student to conform to the requirements of life in the 21st century.

The projects that students are directed to provide stronger learning opportunities for the classroom can vary in subject matter and field, and this strategy can be applied and presented to many levels of the classroom and can be compatible with courses starting from course activities or in the form of free student activities.

Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy is characterized by the sharing of attributes by producing many challenging and unanswerable questions with rememberable education. Projects put students in an effective role of problem solving, decision-making, investigative and documented. Project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy therefore achieves important and specific educational objectives, as it is not just fun or additions to actual courses.

Project Based Learning Benefits of Practical Project Based Learning

What are the benefits of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education model?

Project Based Learning offers a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers.

Project Based Learning in the school contributes to involving students in planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating the educational process, helping to motivate them, reduce absence, enhance collaborative learning skills and improve academic performance (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001).

For students, The benefits of practical project-based education include::

Increased attendance, increased self-reliance and improved attitudes towards education (Thomas, 2000). Academic benefits equal to or better than those resulting from other learning models, By involving students in projects and taking responsibility for their learning more than during traditional classroom activities (Boler, 1997, S.R.I., 2000 ) . Opportunities to develop advanced skills such as higher thinking skills, problem solving, collaboration and communication (SRE, 2000). • Get a greater range of learning opportunities in the classroom and provide a strategy to contain learners with different cultural backgrounds (Railsback, 2002) The attractiveness of this type of learning for many students stems from the credibility of the experience. Students are responsible for playing the role and behavior of those who work in a particular field of study. Whether the students are making a documentary on an environmental issue or designing a tourist publication to focus on archaeological sites in the community or developing a multimedia presentation about supporters and opponents of the phenomenon of graffiti to other practical, social and intellectual projects that correspond to the interests of students and are consistent with the problems that exist in their social environment, They are therefore engaged in realistic activities that have meaning beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

The benefits to teachers are greater experience in education and training, increased collaboration between colleagues and opportunities to create relationships with students (Thomas, 2000). In addition Many teachers are happy to create a model that suits learners that takes into account different cultural backgrounds by providing a greater range of learning opportunities within the classroom. Through their effective application of project based learning, teachers discover that the students who benefit most from project Based Learning are students who do not tend to have traditional teaching methods and methods (SRE), 2000 ) .

Who is offering this course?

This course is offered to students who will be taught in accordance with project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, This training bag is designed to contain the basic tools that contribute to students’ understanding of this strategy and help them make the most of it, It is a foundational course for them in which all stages of the project are applied and they are effective and efficient in using the tools of success in learning in accordance with the methodology of project based learning and show them their roles and what to do.

And there are courses offered to teachers, To train them to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy, it may be useful for teachers to attend this course with students as assistant trainers to learn how to actually implement this strategy.

What do success skills for human development have to do with project Based Learning’s practical project strategy, And what’s her experience in this area?

Success skills for human development are project based learning and collaborative learning strategy, The training workshops and the McCarthy 4 MAT Model are scientific training requirements that must be taken into account in the design of the training bags they provide, Success skills trainers are trained to apply them in their training programs and their performance is evaluated according to customized models that measure their performance in their application. This is one of the values of excellence in its training programs.

That’s why Project Based Learning has been heavily involved in project based learning and has established a scientific research team in its field to provide the largest reference in Arab science in the application of project based learning strategy. Work to publish the findings of the scientific team periodically to contribute to the spread of the application of this strategy in teaching and training in the Arab world.

This has contributed to the formation of great expertise in the application of project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy and associated concepts, The scientific team and trainers have the skills to succeed in human development to adapt this strategy to become applicable in our schools while retaining its distinctive features.

The scientific team has produced a special model for the life cycle of the project by taking advantage of the methodology of managing professional projects PMI, The team designed a life course to implement project based learning’s practical education strategy that helps students to effective students, integrates management tools into the project and gains the learner 21st century skills.

The scientific team, led by training experts, also produced training bags targeting students, teachers and trainers to train on how to apply and teach them.

What is the importance and advantages of this training bag?

This training bag was designed and developed by the scientific team in collaboration with experts from the skills trainers of success for human development to be aimed at the student group in order to introduce them to project based learning education strategy and train them on how to benefit from this strategy in learning and provide them with the skills necessary to learn according to this strategy, It has been taken into account to be a combination of pleasure and usefulness in learning, This training bag, its scientific contents and training activities are designed in a way that simulates the learning process according to project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy, And to be saturated with training workshops and to contribute to the active participation of the students participating in them and motivate them to learn, It should represent a reference experience for teachers and trainers in how to implement project Based Learning’s practical project-based education strategy. It is aimed at students at all levels of school and anyone who wants to learn how to apply project based learning’s practical project-based education strategy.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing):

1. Get to know the project based learning strategy and how to apply it to active learning. 2. Develop and refine the skills of participants for thinking processes, organization and management and enhance the ability to think creatively, solve problems and make decisions. 3. Students participating in collaborative learning skills and team building to achieve their educational and future goals.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

In this training program, the participant will learn the following cognitive and knowledge units:

Unit 1: An overview of project based learning’s practical project strategy.

(The concept of learning, The difference between teaching and learning, The concept of experience, learning levels, The importance of 21st century skills to the student, The concept of the project, Project Based Learning concept of practical project-based education strategy, Project Based Learning’s lifecycle model.

Unit 2: Project Based Learning project-based education strategy.

(Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion.

Unit 3: Group Dynamics Group Dynamics

(Group Dynamics Group Dynamics Concept, Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity.

Unit 4: Thinking tools and skills .

(The concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider.

Unit 5: Problem Solving End Decision Making

(The concept of the problem, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, Information Overload Problems, Creativity Problem Creativity Problems, Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving, Faulty Logic Problems, Concept Clarification Problems, Process Problems, Deviation Problems, General steps in solving generic steps in Problem Solving, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Scientific MethodS, different models of the different forms of the Scientific Method, The Experimental Scientific Method, Steps in Doing an Experimental Science Project, Decision Making decision-making, logical decision-making steps, the limits of decision-making, Decisions Tree Decisions Tree, Analysis of potential problem analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Steps in Potential Problem Analysis, Creativity creativity, Creativity Blocks, Lateral Thinking and Creativity, lateral thinking and creativity, The seven stages of the creative process of problem solving, The Creative Process, Creativeity Prompts signs/signs of creativity, Prepare creativity by employing unusual genres during presentations, Role Playing (Seeing Through the Eyes of Another), Time Travel, Twenty questions, Collect poles.

Unit 6: Project Work Tools (Success Tools )

(Percentile percentage calculation, Quartile quarters account, Descriptive Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, Statistical Charts and Graphs, Graphic Organizers, graphic organizers, Advantages of Graphic Organizers, Concept or Mind Maps, How to build a concept mapHow to Construct a Concept Map, Data Comparison and Classification, the schemes of cause and effect Storyboards storyboards, A storyboard chart model, System Diagram, Sequence and Flow sequence, “Art” schemes venn Diagrams, Flow Charts, successive paintings, Other types of graphic organizers.

Unit 7: Questioning Skills Skills

(Questioning Skills questioning skills, Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions.

Unit 8: Information collection and processing skills

(Potential Sources of Research, Planning the Management of Research Data, Planning the Management of Research Data, Proposed strategies for proposed data gathering techniques, Required Resources, Material sources, Human Resources, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Tertiary Sources, Timeline of information information, Chronology of information (grand image) questionnaires, Secret anonymity and Confidentiality resolution, Steps to design and implement resolution in Steps in Designing and Administering questionnaires, Survey/referendum Surveys, Surveys, Types of questions types of Questions, Types of surveys, Identify the need to scan Determining the Need for the Survey, Interviews Interviews, Observations notes, Focus Groups discussion groups, Previous studies, Search the World Wide Web for International Communications Internet Search, Media Types, Data Manipulation and Analysis, Interpretation, organization and analysis Interpreting Organizing and Analyzing, The process of synthesis processing ideas, Illustrating Information, Share Ideas Ideas, Lists, Tables Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis tables, Statistical Terms statistical terms, Variables statistical variables, Population study community, Sample sample study, References and sources, Plagiarism literary fraud, Who’s described as literary cheating? , consequences of literary fraud Consequences of Plagiarism, Avoiding literary fraud of Plagiarism, Academic Honesty Scientific Secretariat, Installation of Synthesizing Ideas ideas, Installation or literary cheats Synthesis or Plagiarism, Composition Summary (Redrafting) Synthesis Summary, How do you plan and write a summary of the composition of ideas ?? , Installation table Synthesis Graphic Organizer, Drawing Conclusions, Processing the original hypotheses Directed at Original Thesis, Evidence-based conclusions based on evidence, Applying Logic application, degree of certainty, Clarity of clear conclusions conclusions, Recommendations, Recommendations basics and elements recommendation Elements and Structure, Citing Citing Sources of Information, The process of mentioning sources Citing Sources, Footnotes and Endnotes bookmark work, Bibliography reference list, Ethics of Scientific Research Ethics.

Unit 9: Final Presentation Exhibition and Closing Presentation

(Exhibition, The importance of the exhibition, The importance of documentation, Action Action, Responsibility responsibility, Conditions, logical or justification Reason or Justification, Priority priority, Clarity clarity, View Illustrating Data data, Use images to communicate ideas contained in images in Textual Communication, a) Images that support the information contained in the text, b) Images that enhance the information contained in the text, c) Images that help to give a certain spirit to the text, d) Images used to support text containing a metaphor or metaphor to illustrate its intended, e) Images used to give an aesthetic touch to text or to provide visual evidence that helps explain the text, Use tables, charts and graphs to understand data containing numbers, Use graphic organizations, Use movies, animations and virtual reality, Final Presentation, Provided by The Introduction, Last Minute Checking’ last minute audit, Field testing and feedback, Optional Presentation Forms, Oral Presentation Forms, Visual Presentation Forms, Written Presentation Forms, Options for joint oral-visual presentations, Choices of common written visual presentations, Selections of joint oral presentations Combined Oral & Written Presentation Forms Options, Oral, visual, and Biblical, common, Selections of combined presentation styles.

Unit 10: Evaluation Rating

Evaluation, Revising review, Or not: Content Concerns content review, Secondly: Review revision of the Appearance, Thirdly: Review revision of the supporting illustrations, Fourthly: Revision of the Documentation Review, Checklists checklists, Written Materials Checklist checklist, Science Project Checklist checklist, Oral Presentation Checklist, Multimedia Presentation Checklist checklist.

To order : 00966 – whatsapp+Viber 0567518848 available  


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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