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مميزات الحقيبة

دليل المدرب
مذكرة المتدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

It is a training bag that helps you manage project risk effectively by identifying, analysing and reporting inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project.   The elements needed to measure project scope, schedule, cost performance and relevant reporting will be understood and applied. You will be equipped with the tools to manage change without significantly disrupting your team and other project stakeholders.

Detailed objectives of the training bag

  • Introducing basic terms and concepts according to ISO 31000:2009
  • Learn about risk classifications and sources.
  • Understand the risk management framework.
  • Explain all the steps of the risk management process.
  • Identify risk management clubs.
  • Learn about risk management steps.
  • Understand risk handling methods.

A detailed overview of a training bag: Project Risk Management Course

In today’s business challenges we are seeing more risks than ever before. This is due to many factors such as: Technological progress, Commercial expansions, Business systems and even individuals involved in communities. No organization is safe because we cannot eliminate known risks (or even new ones). But we can develop a framework to manage them effectively in an acceptable and manageable manner. Organizations face different types of risks based on their main causes such as: Financial risks and technology… Etc. Because most business transactions today are based on applications/ technology tools, So significant risk factors have recently been identified by technology risks. to address all these risks within a unified framework, ISO 31000 standards have been issued by ISO 31000 to address risk management principles, Framework, guidelines and processes. Institutions that manage risk effectively are the most successful in protecting themselves and continuing to grow their businesses. The real challenge for any business is the ability to best carry out daily activities and functions while mainstreaming these practices to the objectives of the large enterprise. Risk management is the safety valve for each project, preparing preliminary, operational and future studies to manage the funds of the project and developing all the expected possibilities according to the parameters and giver, as well as knowing the specific scope of the project and its products in general. Risk management includes risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response errors, and risk monitoring and control. This course will help you effectively manage project risk by identifying, analyzing and conveying the inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project. In this session, You will learn the basics of risk management, In addition to project risk management process applications.

Target groups

The Project Risk Management Course is a training bag for:
  • For anyone who wishes to practice project management, strategic planning and risk management in particular or supervise it.
  • Project management, strategic planning management and both executives, Program managers, Project managers, Heads and directors of project management offices, Project planners, Project coordinators, Risk managers and anyone who works directly or indirectly in risk management or/or project management. Those whose administration sees their candidacy.

What you need to know about distance training

The role of the teacher and the learner in the educational bag


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

It is a training bag that helps you manage project risk effectively by identifying, analysing and reporting inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project.   The elements needed to measure project scope, schedule, cost performance and relevant reporting will be understood and applied. You will be equipped with the tools to manage change without significantly disrupting your team and other project stakeholders.

Detailed objectives of the training bag

  • Introducing basic terms and concepts according to ISO 31000:2009
  • Learn about risk classifications and sources.
  • Understand the risk management framework.
  • Explain all the steps of the risk management process.
  • Identify risk management clubs.
  • Learn about risk management steps.
  • Understand risk handling methods.

A detailed overview of a training bag: Project Risk Management Course

In today’s business challenges we are seeing more risks than ever before. This is due to many factors such as: Technological progress, Commercial expansions, Business systems and even individuals involved in communities. No organization is safe because we cannot eliminate known risks (or even new ones). But we can develop a framework to manage them effectively in an acceptable and manageable manner. Organizations face different types of risks based on their main causes such as: Financial risks and technology… Etc. Because most business transactions today are based on applications/ technology tools, So significant risk factors have recently been identified by technology risks. to address all these risks within a unified framework, ISO 31000 standards have been issued by ISO 31000 to address risk management principles, Framework, guidelines and processes. Institutions that manage risk effectively are the most successful in protecting themselves and continuing to grow their businesses. The real challenge for any business is the ability to best carry out daily activities and functions while mainstreaming these practices to the objectives of the large enterprise. Risk management is the safety valve for each project, preparing preliminary, operational and future studies to manage the funds of the project and developing all the expected possibilities according to the parameters and giver, as well as knowing the specific scope of the project and its products in general. Risk management includes risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response errors, and risk monitoring and control. This course will help you effectively manage project risk by identifying, analyzing and conveying the inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project. In this session, You will learn the basics of risk management, In addition to project risk management process applications.

Target groups

The Project Risk Management Course is a training bag for:
  • For anyone who wishes to practice project management, strategic planning and risk management in particular or supervise it.
  • Project management, strategic planning management and both executives, Program managers, Project managers, Heads and directors of project management offices, Project planners, Project coordinators, Risk managers and anyone who works directly or indirectly in risk management or/or project management. Those whose administration sees their candidacy.

What you need to know about distance training

The role of the teacher and the learner in the educational bag


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

It is a training bag that helps you manage project risk effectively by identifying, analysing and reporting inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project.   The elements needed to measure project scope, schedule, cost performance and relevant reporting will be understood and applied. You will be equipped with the tools to manage change without significantly disrupting your team and other project stakeholders.

Detailed objectives of the training bag

  • Introducing basic terms and concepts according to ISO 31000:2009
  • Learn about risk classifications and sources.
  • Understand the risk management framework.
  • Explain all the steps of the risk management process.
  • Identify risk management clubs.
  • Learn about risk management steps.
  • Understand risk handling methods.

A detailed overview of a training bag: Project Risk Management Course

In today’s business challenges we are seeing more risks than ever before. This is due to many factors such as: Technological progress, Commercial expansions, Business systems and even individuals involved in communities. No organization is safe because we cannot eliminate known risks (or even new ones). But we can develop a framework to manage them effectively in an acceptable and manageable manner. Organizations face different types of risks based on their main causes such as: Financial risks and technology… Etc. Because most business transactions today are based on applications/ technology tools, So significant risk factors have recently been identified by technology risks. to address all these risks within a unified framework, ISO 31000 standards have been issued by ISO 31000 to address risk management principles, Framework, guidelines and processes. Institutions that manage risk effectively are the most successful in protecting themselves and continuing to grow their businesses. The real challenge for any business is the ability to best carry out daily activities and functions while mainstreaming these practices to the objectives of the large enterprise. Risk management is the safety valve for each project, preparing preliminary, operational and future studies to manage the funds of the project and developing all the expected possibilities according to the parameters and giver, as well as knowing the specific scope of the project and its products in general. Risk management includes risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response errors, and risk monitoring and control. This course will help you effectively manage project risk by identifying, analyzing and conveying the inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project. In this session, You will learn the basics of risk management, In addition to project risk management process applications.

Target groups

The Project Risk Management Course is a training bag for:
  • For anyone who wishes to practice project management, strategic planning and risk management in particular or supervise it.
  • Project management, strategic planning management and both executives, Program managers, Project managers, Heads and directors of project management offices, Project planners, Project coordinators, Risk managers and anyone who works directly or indirectly in risk management or/or project management. Those whose administration sees their candidacy.

What you need to know about distance training

The role of the teacher and the learner in the educational bag


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Training bag: Project Risk Management Course

It is a training bag that helps you manage project risk effectively by identifying, analysing and reporting inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project.   The elements needed to measure project scope, schedule, cost performance and relevant reporting will be understood and applied. You will be equipped with the tools to manage change without significantly disrupting your team and other project stakeholders.

Detailed objectives of the training bag

  • Introducing basic terms and concepts according to ISO 31000:2009
  • Learn about risk classifications and sources.
  • Understand the risk management framework.
  • Explain all the steps of the risk management process.
  • Identify risk management clubs.
  • Learn about risk management steps.
  • Understand risk handling methods.

A detailed overview of a training bag: Project Risk Management Course

In today’s business challenges we are seeing more risks than ever before. This is due to many factors such as: Technological progress, Commercial expansions, Business systems and even individuals involved in communities. No organization is safe because we cannot eliminate known risks (or even new ones). But we can develop a framework to manage them effectively in an acceptable and manageable manner. Organizations face different types of risks based on their main causes such as: Financial risks and technology… Etc. Because most business transactions today are based on applications/ technology tools, So significant risk factors have recently been identified by technology risks. to address all these risks within a unified framework, ISO 31000 standards have been issued by ISO 31000 to address risk management principles, Framework, guidelines and processes. Institutions that manage risk effectively are the most successful in protecting themselves and continuing to grow their businesses. The real challenge for any business is the ability to best carry out daily activities and functions while mainstreaming these practices to the objectives of the large enterprise. Risk management is the safety valve for each project, preparing preliminary, operational and future studies to manage the funds of the project and developing all the expected possibilities according to the parameters and giver, as well as knowing the specific scope of the project and its products in general. Risk management includes risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response errors, and risk monitoring and control. This course will help you effectively manage project risk by identifying, analyzing and conveying the inevitable changes in the scope and objectives of the project. In this session, You will learn the basics of risk management, In addition to project risk management process applications.

Target groups

The Project Risk Management Course is a training bag for:
  • For anyone who wishes to practice project management, strategic planning and risk management in particular or supervise it.
  • Project management, strategic planning management and both executives, Program managers, Project managers, Heads and directors of project management offices, Project planners, Project coordinators, Risk managers and anyone who works directly or indirectly in risk management or/or project management. Those whose administration sees their candidacy.

What you need to know about distance training

The role of the teacher and the learner in the educational bag


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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