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مميزات الحقيبة

دليل المدرب
مذكرة المتدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Introduction to the program


Educational supervision is a conscious, ongoing, constructive and planned process, aims to help and encourage the individual to know himself and understand himself and develop his potential intelligently, In the past, educational supervision existed and was practiced without taking this name or scientific framework and without being covered by an organized programme, But it has evolved and now has its foundations, theories, methods, fields, programs and skills, It is now being carried out by scientific and technical specialists and there is an urgent need for educational supervision in our schools, in our families, in our educational institutions and in our society in general.

Our educational institutions need educational supervision, Each teacher during his successive stages of education goes through normal problems and critical periods in which he or she needs constant evaluation in order to continuously upgrade performance. There has been significant scientific and technological progress, There has been a development in education and its approaches, There has been an increase in the number of pupils in schools. There have been changes in work and occupation. We now live in an era called the era of new developments. All this confirms that there is an urgent need for effective educational supervision based on the latest theories on the one hand, and on practical experiences and practical workshops for the most prominent skills of educational supervision on the other.

Today we are witnessing a great difference in the concept of educational supervision and the development of a great development, it has become to look at it and judge it with success or failure due to the good supervisor or bad.

The creative educational supervisor required by the educational process and we want to be present in our schools is the supervisor who is a participatory leader who surrounds himself with teachers who work with him and does not work for him, reads the personality of teachers and his staff, involves them in drawing and implementing the school plan, encourages creative teachers who want to learn, develop and continuous professional growth, and plans to prepare them as an effective team qualified with training, good preparation and delegation. Therefore, it encourages its employees to present new ideas that bring creativity and creative innovation, so that each teacher is asked to provide innovative ideas for a particular problem or develop a specific vision to achieve a specific goal in one of the areas and aspects of school educational work in each school year, so that these solutions carry in their secrets the meanings of excellence, novelty and innovation.

Who is the effective educational supervisor? :

An effective educational supervisor is an educational leader who, with his administrative and educational skills, can employ teachers, school principals, students, parents and even the community to achieve what the educational process aspires to.

Who’s the target of this training bag?

This training portfolio aims to train : educational supervisors, social supervisors, school teachers and various educational institutions, school principals, their agents, assistants and graduate students in the faculties of education – department of educational management, educators and interested people.

The advantages of this training bag:


1. Combining the trends of modern educational supervision with Islamic rooting.

2. Focus on giving participants the most important practical skills that the educational supervisor should have in order for the educational supervisor to deepen his achievements.

3. Relying on the results of supervisory expertise and field studies from schools and various educational institutions in the world.

4. Use many applied workshops to study various cases in order to deepen experiences in addition to theoretical methods.

In our success skills for human development as experts in education and training, we have designed a training portfolio focused on meeting the actual needs of educational supervisors and seeking to provide them with knowledge and experience and develop their supervisory skills through effective supervisory tools supported by the experience of our trainers and consultants in the field of education and supervisory scientific and continuous improvement of the training bag by repeating the presentation of the training bag in more than arab countries, which contributed to the training bag containing a variety of supervisory experiences.

This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge vision of the skills of effective educational supervision, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.

This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success for human development look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.

We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in the skills of success for human development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.

We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.

Here we invite you to know the specifications of the training bag.

Targeted from the training program
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in the skills of effective educational supervision and its recruitment mechanisms in designing, building and managing educational supervision processes at the school level, education emirate and ministry, A basic requirement (basic course for the work of educational supervisory functions) for all educational supervisors at the school level, first teachers, educational supervisors at the level of educational management, general supervisors at the level of the Ministry of Education, directors of education education, directors of supervisory departments in the field of education, heads of departments and supervisory administrative units in the field of education, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, supervisors of public administrations, supervisors of work teams and directors of educational projects, All those involved in the process of educational supervision as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is designed directly to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and benefit from the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out educational supervision processes effectively and efficiently.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role in schools, complexes, organizations, the Department of Education and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his work to carry out the process of educational supervision, management and implementation of supervisory tasks.
We strongly advise anyone who wants to establish or manage an educational project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology to attend this training program where it will help him in the ability to build an educational supervisory system according to a general methodology and practical experiences that will help God willing in his success in leading his education project or managing his organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which these goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and each researcher for development and institutional success in the environment of educational management.
Objectives of the training program

Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants in the training program have achieved the following learning results:

Develop the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for educational supervisors working in the field of educational supervision in charge of planning, follow-up, evaluation and guidance of the educational process by introducing them to the basic concepts of the process of effective educational supervision, types, patterns and methods, and strengthening their positive attitudes towards the process of educational supervision and its importance in the success of the educational process and strengthening their administrative and supervisory skills in the field of education and managing them to the importance of human relations in understanding behavioral patterns, understanding psychology and motivating workers.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

At the end of this course, every trainee, God willing, will be able to:

1. Defines the concept of educational supervision and enumerates its foundations and principles.

2. Distinguishes between what is true and incorrect of concepts, objectives and tasks related to working in the field of educational supervision.

3. Enumerates and describes the principles of educational supervision correctly.

4. Distinguishes between the types of educational supervision according to a legalized scientific methodology.

5. Explains the relationship of educational supervision to the educational department and its importance in activating it.

6. Enumerates supervisory patterns, shows the concept of each supervisory pattern and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

7. Determines the appropriate supervisory pattern of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

8. Enumerates supervisory methods, outlines the concept of each supervisory method and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

9. Determines the appropriate supervisory method of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

10. Scientifically and systematically choose a method of appropriate educational supervision for the school and educational community that works within and coexists with it.

11. Identifies the work, roles and functions of the educational supervisor, explains his work, defines his powers, and demonstrates the competences and skills of the educational supervisor that enables him to carry out his work efficiently and effectively, the mechanisms of self-evaluation and the procedures for the self-development of the educational supervisor.

12. Analyzes the relationship of the educational supervisor with his employees in the same field.

13. Assesses the supervisory role of the headmaster and describes ways to strengthen it.

14. Describes the relationship of educational supervision to the calendar.

15. The accounting application is employed in the development of education, learning processes and professional development of employees and the educational organization.

16. Creates creative solutions, positive initiatives and educational projects according to a legalized scientific methodology that contributes to reducing the difficulties and challenges of educational supervision in the 21st century.

17. Improves and develops the reality of supervisory practices in its surroundings according to a scientific methodology and contributes to building and developing the future of effective educational supervision.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The knowledge units mean a description of the results and outputs of learning, which represents an account of theoretical and skilled knowledge information and learning objectives and activities that should be understood and understood by the trainer and focused on providing them to participants during the training program according to the strategies of active learning and then testing the participants and determining the level of knowledge of the participant in these units and the trainee passing the cognitive units test by at least 70% is a prerequisite for passing the training program. The following is a presentation of these cognitive units:

We expect, God willing, that at the end of this training program, participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:

First Training Unit: Philosophy of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of supervision.

* The concept of education.

* The concept of educational supervision.

* The objectives of educational supervision.

The importance of educational supervision and the need for it.

Principles of educational supervision.

The development of educational supervision.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to learning theories and its role in activating methodological learning practices.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision with the science of management in general and educational management in particular.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to psychology in general and educational psychology in particular.

* The importance of educational supervision processes in activating the educational work system.

* Characteristics of educational supervision.

* Educational supervision functions.

Training Unit II: Patterns of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of educational supervision patterns.

* The importance of educational supervision patterns in activating the educational supervisory process.

* Educational supervision patterns and their implementation and activation:

O.A. Inspection supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Democratic oversight:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Scientific supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Creative supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

E . Corrective supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Preventive supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Building supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Clinical supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

* The elements and criteria for determining the success and effectiveness of the supervisory pattern chosen for the educational position or not.

Third training unit: methods of educational supervision
This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

Introduction to educational supervision methods.

* The concept of educational supervision methods.

* The concept of the educational position and its role in determining the supervisor’s options for the appropriate educational supervisory method of the situation.

* The basic elements of the success of the educational supervisor in choosing the appropriate educational supervisory method for the educational situation.

* Classification of methods of educational supervision:

First : Methods of individual visits :

* A. Direct individual visits, including:

Its concept.

Types of direct individual visits:

o 1. Visit the school .

Its concept.

• Its goal.

What should be taken into account in the relationship between the educational supervisor and the headmaster of the school.

o 2. Classroom visits to the teacher :

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Conditions for the success of the safavid visit.

• The most important criticisms directed at the method of supervisory class visit.

• Types of class visits:

1. The planned (scheduled ) agreed visit, They include:

A. Personal visits (orientation):

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

2. Visit follow-up and calendar :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

3. Surprise visit :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

4. The planned visit (scheduled ) based on consultation between the teacher and the supervisor.

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

5. The requested visit (based on the invitation).

Its concept.

• The duties of the headmaster and educational supervisor to make the invitation-based visit a success.

• The pros of the supervisory visit based on the invitation.

• The duration of the class visit.

• Class visit procedures:

A. Before the visit.

B . During the visit (inside the classroom).

A. After the visit.

• The specifics of dealing with the new teacher.

o 3. Individual supervisory deliberations (individual meeting):

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Its types.

• Its procedures.

• The foundations of its success.

o 4. Exchange of visits between teachers .

Its concept.

• Objectives of exchange of visits.



ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Introduction to the program


Educational supervision is a conscious, ongoing, constructive and planned process, aims to help and encourage the individual to know himself and understand himself and develop his potential intelligently, In the past, educational supervision existed and was practiced without taking this name or scientific framework and without being covered by an organized programme, But it has evolved and now has its foundations, theories, methods, fields, programs and skills, It is now being carried out by scientific and technical specialists and there is an urgent need for educational supervision in our schools, in our families, in our educational institutions and in our society in general.

Our educational institutions need educational supervision, Each teacher during his successive stages of education goes through normal problems and critical periods in which he or she needs constant evaluation in order to continuously upgrade performance. There has been significant scientific and technological progress, There has been a development in education and its approaches, There has been an increase in the number of pupils in schools. There have been changes in work and occupation. We now live in an era called the era of new developments. All this confirms that there is an urgent need for effective educational supervision based on the latest theories on the one hand, and on practical experiences and practical workshops for the most prominent skills of educational supervision on the other.

Today we are witnessing a great difference in the concept of educational supervision and the development of a great development, it has become to look at it and judge it with success or failure due to the good supervisor or bad.

The creative educational supervisor required by the educational process and we want to be present in our schools is the supervisor who is a participatory leader who surrounds himself with teachers who work with him and does not work for him, reads the personality of teachers and his staff, involves them in drawing and implementing the school plan, encourages creative teachers who want to learn, develop and continuous professional growth, and plans to prepare them as an effective team qualified with training, good preparation and delegation. Therefore, it encourages its employees to present new ideas that bring creativity and creative innovation, so that each teacher is asked to provide innovative ideas for a particular problem or develop a specific vision to achieve a specific goal in one of the areas and aspects of school educational work in each school year, so that these solutions carry in their secrets the meanings of excellence, novelty and innovation.

Who is the effective educational supervisor? :

An effective educational supervisor is an educational leader who, with his administrative and educational skills, can employ teachers, school principals, students, parents and even the community to achieve what the educational process aspires to.

Who’s the target of this training bag?

This training portfolio aims to train : educational supervisors, social supervisors, school teachers and various educational institutions, school principals, their agents, assistants and graduate students in the faculties of education – department of educational management, educators and interested people.

The advantages of this training bag:


1. Combining the trends of modern educational supervision with Islamic rooting.

2. Focus on giving participants the most important practical skills that the educational supervisor should have in order for the educational supervisor to deepen his achievements.

3. Relying on the results of supervisory expertise and field studies from schools and various educational institutions in the world.

4. Use many applied workshops to study various cases in order to deepen experiences in addition to theoretical methods.

In our success skills for human development as experts in education and training, we have designed a training portfolio focused on meeting the actual needs of educational supervisors and seeking to provide them with knowledge and experience and develop their supervisory skills through effective supervisory tools supported by the experience of our trainers and consultants in the field of education and supervisory scientific and continuous improvement of the training bag by repeating the presentation of the training bag in more than arab countries, which contributed to the training bag containing a variety of supervisory experiences.

This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge vision of the skills of effective educational supervision, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.

This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success for human development look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.

We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in the skills of success for human development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.

We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.

Here we invite you to know the specifications of the training bag.

Targeted from the training program
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in the skills of effective educational supervision and its recruitment mechanisms in designing, building and managing educational supervision processes at the school level, education emirate and ministry, A basic requirement (basic course for the work of educational supervisory functions) for all educational supervisors at the school level, first teachers, educational supervisors at the level of educational management, general supervisors at the level of the Ministry of Education, directors of education education, directors of supervisory departments in the field of education, heads of departments and supervisory administrative units in the field of education, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, supervisors of public administrations, supervisors of work teams and directors of educational projects, All those involved in the process of educational supervision as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is designed directly to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and benefit from the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out educational supervision processes effectively and efficiently.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role in schools, complexes, organizations, the Department of Education and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his work to carry out the process of educational supervision, management and implementation of supervisory tasks.
We strongly advise anyone who wants to establish or manage an educational project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology to attend this training program where it will help him in the ability to build an educational supervisory system according to a general methodology and practical experiences that will help God willing in his success in leading his education project or managing his organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which these goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and each researcher for development and institutional success in the environment of educational management.
Objectives of the training program

Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants in the training program have achieved the following learning results:

Develop the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for educational supervisors working in the field of educational supervision in charge of planning, follow-up, evaluation and guidance of the educational process by introducing them to the basic concepts of the process of effective educational supervision, types, patterns and methods, and strengthening their positive attitudes towards the process of educational supervision and its importance in the success of the educational process and strengthening their administrative and supervisory skills in the field of education and managing them to the importance of human relations in understanding behavioral patterns, understanding psychology and motivating workers.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

At the end of this course, every trainee, God willing, will be able to:

1. Defines the concept of educational supervision and enumerates its foundations and principles.

2. Distinguishes between what is true and incorrect of concepts, objectives and tasks related to working in the field of educational supervision.

3. Enumerates and describes the principles of educational supervision correctly.

4. Distinguishes between the types of educational supervision according to a legalized scientific methodology.

5. Explains the relationship of educational supervision to the educational department and its importance in activating it.

6. Enumerates supervisory patterns, shows the concept of each supervisory pattern and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

7. Determines the appropriate supervisory pattern of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

8. Enumerates supervisory methods, outlines the concept of each supervisory method and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

9. Determines the appropriate supervisory method of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

10. Scientifically and systematically choose a method of appropriate educational supervision for the school and educational community that works within and coexists with it.

11. Identifies the work, roles and functions of the educational supervisor, explains his work, defines his powers, and demonstrates the competences and skills of the educational supervisor that enables him to carry out his work efficiently and effectively, the mechanisms of self-evaluation and the procedures for the self-development of the educational supervisor.

12. Analyzes the relationship of the educational supervisor with his employees in the same field.

13. Assesses the supervisory role of the headmaster and describes ways to strengthen it.

14. Describes the relationship of educational supervision to the calendar.

15. The accounting application is employed in the development of education, learning processes and professional development of employees and the educational organization.

16. Creates creative solutions, positive initiatives and educational projects according to a legalized scientific methodology that contributes to reducing the difficulties and challenges of educational supervision in the 21st century.

17. Improves and develops the reality of supervisory practices in its surroundings according to a scientific methodology and contributes to building and developing the future of effective educational supervision.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The knowledge units mean a description of the results and outputs of learning, which represents an account of theoretical and skilled knowledge information and learning objectives and activities that should be understood and understood by the trainer and focused on providing them to participants during the training program according to the strategies of active learning and then testing the participants and determining the level of knowledge of the participant in these units and the trainee passing the cognitive units test by at least 70% is a prerequisite for passing the training program. The following is a presentation of these cognitive units:

We expect, God willing, that at the end of this training program, participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:

First Training Unit: Philosophy of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of supervision.

* The concept of education.

* The concept of educational supervision.

* The objectives of educational supervision.

The importance of educational supervision and the need for it.

Principles of educational supervision.

The development of educational supervision.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to learning theories and its role in activating methodological learning practices.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision with the science of management in general and educational management in particular.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to psychology in general and educational psychology in particular.

* The importance of educational supervision processes in activating the educational work system.

* Characteristics of educational supervision.

* Educational supervision functions.

Training Unit II: Patterns of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of educational supervision patterns.

* The importance of educational supervision patterns in activating the educational supervisory process.

* Educational supervision patterns and their implementation and activation:

O.A. Inspection supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Democratic oversight:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Scientific supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Creative supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

E . Corrective supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Preventive supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Building supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Clinical supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

* The elements and criteria for determining the success and effectiveness of the supervisory pattern chosen for the educational position or not.

Third training unit: methods of educational supervision
This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

Introduction to educational supervision methods.

* The concept of educational supervision methods.

* The concept of the educational position and its role in determining the supervisor’s options for the appropriate educational supervisory method of the situation.

* The basic elements of the success of the educational supervisor in choosing the appropriate educational supervisory method for the educational situation.

* Classification of methods of educational supervision:

First : Methods of individual visits :

* A. Direct individual visits, including:

Its concept.

Types of direct individual visits:

o 1. Visit the school .

Its concept.

• Its goal.

What should be taken into account in the relationship between the educational supervisor and the headmaster of the school.

o 2. Classroom visits to the teacher :

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Conditions for the success of the safavid visit.

• The most important criticisms directed at the method of supervisory class visit.

• Types of class visits:

1. The planned (scheduled ) agreed visit, They include:

A. Personal visits (orientation):

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

2. Visit follow-up and calendar :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

3. Surprise visit :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

4. The planned visit (scheduled ) based on consultation between the teacher and the supervisor.

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

5. The requested visit (based on the invitation).

Its concept.

• The duties of the headmaster and educational supervisor to make the invitation-based visit a success.

• The pros of the supervisory visit based on the invitation.

• The duration of the class visit.

• Class visit procedures:

A. Before the visit.

B . During the visit (inside the classroom).

A. After the visit.

• The specifics of dealing with the new teacher.

o 3. Individual supervisory deliberations (individual meeting):

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Its types.

• Its procedures.

• The foundations of its success.

o 4. Exchange of visits between teachers .

Its concept.

• Objectives of exchange of visits.



ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي
تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
دليل المدرب
نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Introduction to the program


Educational supervision is a conscious, ongoing, constructive and planned process, aims to help and encourage the individual to know himself and understand himself and develop his potential intelligently, In the past, educational supervision existed and was practiced without taking this name or scientific framework and without being covered by an organized programme, But it has evolved and now has its foundations, theories, methods, fields, programs and skills, It is now being carried out by scientific and technical specialists and there is an urgent need for educational supervision in our schools, in our families, in our educational institutions and in our society in general.

Our educational institutions need educational supervision, Each teacher during his successive stages of education goes through normal problems and critical periods in which he or she needs constant evaluation in order to continuously upgrade performance. There has been significant scientific and technological progress, There has been a development in education and its approaches, There has been an increase in the number of pupils in schools. There have been changes in work and occupation. We now live in an era called the era of new developments. All this confirms that there is an urgent need for effective educational supervision based on the latest theories on the one hand, and on practical experiences and practical workshops for the most prominent skills of educational supervision on the other.

Today we are witnessing a great difference in the concept of educational supervision and the development of a great development, it has become to look at it and judge it with success or failure due to the good supervisor or bad.

The creative educational supervisor required by the educational process and we want to be present in our schools is the supervisor who is a participatory leader who surrounds himself with teachers who work with him and does not work for him, reads the personality of teachers and his staff, involves them in drawing and implementing the school plan, encourages creative teachers who want to learn, develop and continuous professional growth, and plans to prepare them as an effective team qualified with training, good preparation and delegation. Therefore, it encourages its employees to present new ideas that bring creativity and creative innovation, so that each teacher is asked to provide innovative ideas for a particular problem or develop a specific vision to achieve a specific goal in one of the areas and aspects of school educational work in each school year, so that these solutions carry in their secrets the meanings of excellence, novelty and innovation.

Who is the effective educational supervisor? :

An effective educational supervisor is an educational leader who, with his administrative and educational skills, can employ teachers, school principals, students, parents and even the community to achieve what the educational process aspires to.

Who’s the target of this training bag?

This training portfolio aims to train : educational supervisors, social supervisors, school teachers and various educational institutions, school principals, their agents, assistants and graduate students in the faculties of education – department of educational management, educators and interested people.

The advantages of this training bag:


1. Combining the trends of modern educational supervision with Islamic rooting.

2. Focus on giving participants the most important practical skills that the educational supervisor should have in order for the educational supervisor to deepen his achievements.

3. Relying on the results of supervisory expertise and field studies from schools and various educational institutions in the world.

4. Use many applied workshops to study various cases in order to deepen experiences in addition to theoretical methods.

In our success skills for human development as experts in education and training, we have designed a training portfolio focused on meeting the actual needs of educational supervisors and seeking to provide them with knowledge and experience and develop their supervisory skills through effective supervisory tools supported by the experience of our trainers and consultants in the field of education and supervisory scientific and continuous improvement of the training bag by repeating the presentation of the training bag in more than arab countries, which contributed to the training bag containing a variety of supervisory experiences.

This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge vision of the skills of effective educational supervision, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.

This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success for human development look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.

We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in the skills of success for human development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.

We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.

Here we invite you to know the specifications of the training bag.

Targeted from the training program
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in the skills of effective educational supervision and its recruitment mechanisms in designing, building and managing educational supervision processes at the school level, education emirate and ministry, A basic requirement (basic course for the work of educational supervisory functions) for all educational supervisors at the school level, first teachers, educational supervisors at the level of educational management, general supervisors at the level of the Ministry of Education, directors of education education, directors of supervisory departments in the field of education, heads of departments and supervisory administrative units in the field of education, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, supervisors of public administrations, supervisors of work teams and directors of educational projects, All those involved in the process of educational supervision as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is designed directly to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and benefit from the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out educational supervision processes effectively and efficiently.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role in schools, complexes, organizations, the Department of Education and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his work to carry out the process of educational supervision, management and implementation of supervisory tasks.
We strongly advise anyone who wants to establish or manage an educational project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology to attend this training program where it will help him in the ability to build an educational supervisory system according to a general methodology and practical experiences that will help God willing in his success in leading his education project or managing his organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which these goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and each researcher for development and institutional success in the environment of educational management.
Objectives of the training program

Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants in the training program have achieved the following learning results:

Develop the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for educational supervisors working in the field of educational supervision in charge of planning, follow-up, evaluation and guidance of the educational process by introducing them to the basic concepts of the process of effective educational supervision, types, patterns and methods, and strengthening their positive attitudes towards the process of educational supervision and its importance in the success of the educational process and strengthening their administrative and supervisory skills in the field of education and managing them to the importance of human relations in understanding behavioral patterns, understanding psychology and motivating workers.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

At the end of this course, every trainee, God willing, will be able to:

1. Defines the concept of educational supervision and enumerates its foundations and principles.

2. Distinguishes between what is true and incorrect of concepts, objectives and tasks related to working in the field of educational supervision.

3. Enumerates and describes the principles of educational supervision correctly.

4. Distinguishes between the types of educational supervision according to a legalized scientific methodology.

5. Explains the relationship of educational supervision to the educational department and its importance in activating it.

6. Enumerates supervisory patterns, shows the concept of each supervisory pattern and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

7. Determines the appropriate supervisory pattern of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

8. Enumerates supervisory methods, outlines the concept of each supervisory method and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

9. Determines the appropriate supervisory method of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

10. Scientifically and systematically choose a method of appropriate educational supervision for the school and educational community that works within and coexists with it.

11. Identifies the work, roles and functions of the educational supervisor, explains his work, defines his powers, and demonstrates the competences and skills of the educational supervisor that enables him to carry out his work efficiently and effectively, the mechanisms of self-evaluation and the procedures for the self-development of the educational supervisor.

12. Analyzes the relationship of the educational supervisor with his employees in the same field.

13. Assesses the supervisory role of the headmaster and describes ways to strengthen it.

14. Describes the relationship of educational supervision to the calendar.

15. The accounting application is employed in the development of education, learning processes and professional development of employees and the educational organization.

16. Creates creative solutions, positive initiatives and educational projects according to a legalized scientific methodology that contributes to reducing the difficulties and challenges of educational supervision in the 21st century.

17. Improves and develops the reality of supervisory practices in its surroundings according to a scientific methodology and contributes to building and developing the future of effective educational supervision.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The knowledge units mean a description of the results and outputs of learning, which represents an account of theoretical and skilled knowledge information and learning objectives and activities that should be understood and understood by the trainer and focused on providing them to participants during the training program according to the strategies of active learning and then testing the participants and determining the level of knowledge of the participant in these units and the trainee passing the cognitive units test by at least 70% is a prerequisite for passing the training program. The following is a presentation of these cognitive units:

We expect, God willing, that at the end of this training program, participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:

First Training Unit: Philosophy of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of supervision.

* The concept of education.

* The concept of educational supervision.

* The objectives of educational supervision.

The importance of educational supervision and the need for it.

Principles of educational supervision.

The development of educational supervision.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to learning theories and its role in activating methodological learning practices.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision with the science of management in general and educational management in particular.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to psychology in general and educational psychology in particular.

* The importance of educational supervision processes in activating the educational work system.

* Characteristics of educational supervision.

* Educational supervision functions.

Training Unit II: Patterns of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of educational supervision patterns.

* The importance of educational supervision patterns in activating the educational supervisory process.

* Educational supervision patterns and their implementation and activation:

O.A. Inspection supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Democratic oversight:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Scientific supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Creative supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

E . Corrective supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Preventive supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Building supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Clinical supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

* The elements and criteria for determining the success and effectiveness of the supervisory pattern chosen for the educational position or not.

Third training unit: methods of educational supervision
This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

Introduction to educational supervision methods.

* The concept of educational supervision methods.

* The concept of the educational position and its role in determining the supervisor’s options for the appropriate educational supervisory method of the situation.

* The basic elements of the success of the educational supervisor in choosing the appropriate educational supervisory method for the educational situation.

* Classification of methods of educational supervision:

First : Methods of individual visits :

* A. Direct individual visits, including:

Its concept.

Types of direct individual visits:

o 1. Visit the school .

Its concept.

• Its goal.

What should be taken into account in the relationship between the educational supervisor and the headmaster of the school.

o 2. Classroom visits to the teacher :

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Conditions for the success of the safavid visit.

• The most important criticisms directed at the method of supervisory class visit.

• Types of class visits:

1. The planned (scheduled ) agreed visit, They include:

A. Personal visits (orientation):

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

2. Visit follow-up and calendar :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

3. Surprise visit :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

4. The planned visit (scheduled ) based on consultation between the teacher and the supervisor.

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

5. The requested visit (based on the invitation).

Its concept.

• The duties of the headmaster and educational supervisor to make the invitation-based visit a success.

• The pros of the supervisory visit based on the invitation.

• The duration of the class visit.

• Class visit procedures:

A. Before the visit.

B . During the visit (inside the classroom).

A. After the visit.

• The specifics of dealing with the new teacher.

o 3. Individual supervisory deliberations (individual meeting):

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Its types.

• Its procedures.

• The foundations of its success.

o 4. Exchange of visits between teachers .

Its concept.

• Objectives of exchange of visits.



ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: Effective educational supervision skills

Introduction to the program


Educational supervision is a conscious, ongoing, constructive and planned process, aims to help and encourage the individual to know himself and understand himself and develop his potential intelligently, In the past, educational supervision existed and was practiced without taking this name or scientific framework and without being covered by an organized programme, But it has evolved and now has its foundations, theories, methods, fields, programs and skills, It is now being carried out by scientific and technical specialists and there is an urgent need for educational supervision in our schools, in our families, in our educational institutions and in our society in general.

Our educational institutions need educational supervision, Each teacher during his successive stages of education goes through normal problems and critical periods in which he or she needs constant evaluation in order to continuously upgrade performance. There has been significant scientific and technological progress, There has been a development in education and its approaches, There has been an increase in the number of pupils in schools. There have been changes in work and occupation. We now live in an era called the era of new developments. All this confirms that there is an urgent need for effective educational supervision based on the latest theories on the one hand, and on practical experiences and practical workshops for the most prominent skills of educational supervision on the other.

Today we are witnessing a great difference in the concept of educational supervision and the development of a great development, it has become to look at it and judge it with success or failure due to the good supervisor or bad.

The creative educational supervisor required by the educational process and we want to be present in our schools is the supervisor who is a participatory leader who surrounds himself with teachers who work with him and does not work for him, reads the personality of teachers and his staff, involves them in drawing and implementing the school plan, encourages creative teachers who want to learn, develop and continuous professional growth, and plans to prepare them as an effective team qualified with training, good preparation and delegation. Therefore, it encourages its employees to present new ideas that bring creativity and creative innovation, so that each teacher is asked to provide innovative ideas for a particular problem or develop a specific vision to achieve a specific goal in one of the areas and aspects of school educational work in each school year, so that these solutions carry in their secrets the meanings of excellence, novelty and innovation.

Who is the effective educational supervisor? :

An effective educational supervisor is an educational leader who, with his administrative and educational skills, can employ teachers, school principals, students, parents and even the community to achieve what the educational process aspires to.

Who’s the target of this training bag?

This training portfolio aims to train : educational supervisors, social supervisors, school teachers and various educational institutions, school principals, their agents, assistants and graduate students in the faculties of education – department of educational management, educators and interested people.

The advantages of this training bag:


1. Combining the trends of modern educational supervision with Islamic rooting.

2. Focus on giving participants the most important practical skills that the educational supervisor should have in order for the educational supervisor to deepen his achievements.

3. Relying on the results of supervisory expertise and field studies from schools and various educational institutions in the world.

4. Use many applied workshops to study various cases in order to deepen experiences in addition to theoretical methods.

In our success skills for human development as experts in education and training, we have designed a training portfolio focused on meeting the actual needs of educational supervisors and seeking to provide them with knowledge and experience and develop their supervisory skills through effective supervisory tools supported by the experience of our trainers and consultants in the field of education and supervisory scientific and continuous improvement of the training bag by repeating the presentation of the training bag in more than arab countries, which contributed to the training bag containing a variety of supervisory experiences.

This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge vision of the skills of effective educational supervision, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.

This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success for human development look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.

We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in the skills of success for human development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.

We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.

Here we invite you to know the specifications of the training bag.

Targeted from the training program
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in the skills of effective educational supervision and its recruitment mechanisms in designing, building and managing educational supervision processes at the school level, education emirate and ministry, A basic requirement (basic course for the work of educational supervisory functions) for all educational supervisors at the school level, first teachers, educational supervisors at the level of educational management, general supervisors at the level of the Ministry of Education, directors of education education, directors of supervisory departments in the field of education, heads of departments and supervisory administrative units in the field of education, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, supervisors of public administrations, supervisors of work teams and directors of educational projects, All those involved in the process of educational supervision as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is designed directly to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and benefit from the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out educational supervision processes effectively and efficiently.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role in schools, complexes, organizations, the Department of Education and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his work to carry out the process of educational supervision, management and implementation of supervisory tasks.
We strongly advise anyone who wants to establish or manage an educational project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology to attend this training program where it will help him in the ability to build an educational supervisory system according to a general methodology and practical experiences that will help God willing in his success in leading his education project or managing his organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which these goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and each researcher for development and institutional success in the environment of educational management.
Objectives of the training program

Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants in the training program have achieved the following learning results:

Develop the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for educational supervisors working in the field of educational supervision in charge of planning, follow-up, evaluation and guidance of the educational process by introducing them to the basic concepts of the process of effective educational supervision, types, patterns and methods, and strengthening their positive attitudes towards the process of educational supervision and its importance in the success of the educational process and strengthening their administrative and supervisory skills in the field of education and managing them to the importance of human relations in understanding behavioral patterns, understanding psychology and motivating workers.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

At the end of this course, every trainee, God willing, will be able to:

1. Defines the concept of educational supervision and enumerates its foundations and principles.

2. Distinguishes between what is true and incorrect of concepts, objectives and tasks related to working in the field of educational supervision.

3. Enumerates and describes the principles of educational supervision correctly.

4. Distinguishes between the types of educational supervision according to a legalized scientific methodology.

5. Explains the relationship of educational supervision to the educational department and its importance in activating it.

6. Enumerates supervisory patterns, shows the concept of each supervisory pattern and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

7. Determines the appropriate supervisory pattern of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

8. Enumerates supervisory methods, outlines the concept of each supervisory method and enumerates the controls and procedures for its implementation.

9. Determines the appropriate supervisory method of the educational situation and applies it in practice efficiently and effectively.

10. Scientifically and systematically choose a method of appropriate educational supervision for the school and educational community that works within and coexists with it.

11. Identifies the work, roles and functions of the educational supervisor, explains his work, defines his powers, and demonstrates the competences and skills of the educational supervisor that enables him to carry out his work efficiently and effectively, the mechanisms of self-evaluation and the procedures for the self-development of the educational supervisor.

12. Analyzes the relationship of the educational supervisor with his employees in the same field.

13. Assesses the supervisory role of the headmaster and describes ways to strengthen it.

14. Describes the relationship of educational supervision to the calendar.

15. The accounting application is employed in the development of education, learning processes and professional development of employees and the educational organization.

16. Creates creative solutions, positive initiatives and educational projects according to a legalized scientific methodology that contributes to reducing the difficulties and challenges of educational supervision in the 21st century.

17. Improves and develops the reality of supervisory practices in its surroundings according to a scientific methodology and contributes to building and developing the future of effective educational supervision.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The knowledge units mean a description of the results and outputs of learning, which represents an account of theoretical and skilled knowledge information and learning objectives and activities that should be understood and understood by the trainer and focused on providing them to participants during the training program according to the strategies of active learning and then testing the participants and determining the level of knowledge of the participant in these units and the trainee passing the cognitive units test by at least 70% is a prerequisite for passing the training program. The following is a presentation of these cognitive units:

We expect, God willing, that at the end of this training program, participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:

First Training Unit: Philosophy of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of supervision.

* The concept of education.

* The concept of educational supervision.

* The objectives of educational supervision.

The importance of educational supervision and the need for it.

Principles of educational supervision.

The development of educational supervision.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to learning theories and its role in activating methodological learning practices.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision with the science of management in general and educational management in particular.

* The relationship of modern educational supervision to psychology in general and educational psychology in particular.

* The importance of educational supervision processes in activating the educational work system.

* Characteristics of educational supervision.

* Educational supervision functions.

Training Unit II: Patterns of Educational Supervision

This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

* The concept of educational supervision patterns.

* The importance of educational supervision patterns in activating the educational supervisory process.

* Educational supervision patterns and their implementation and activation:

O.A. Inspection supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Democratic oversight:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Scientific supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Creative supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

E . Corrective supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Preventive supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

Building supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

O . Clinical supervision:

• Its concept.

• When is this supervisory pattern used? .

• When does this supervisory pattern not be used? .

• The measures to be taken into account to activate this supervisory pattern? .

* The elements and criteria for determining the success and effectiveness of the supervisory pattern chosen for the educational position or not.

Third training unit: methods of educational supervision
This training unit includes knowledge developments and an applied training workshop implemented in accordance with the following active education strategy :

Introduction to educational supervision methods.

* The concept of educational supervision methods.

* The concept of the educational position and its role in determining the supervisor’s options for the appropriate educational supervisory method of the situation.

* The basic elements of the success of the educational supervisor in choosing the appropriate educational supervisory method for the educational situation.

* Classification of methods of educational supervision:

First : Methods of individual visits :

* A. Direct individual visits, including:

Its concept.

Types of direct individual visits:

o 1. Visit the school .

Its concept.

• Its goal.

What should be taken into account in the relationship between the educational supervisor and the headmaster of the school.

o 2. Classroom visits to the teacher :

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Conditions for the success of the safavid visit.

• The most important criticisms directed at the method of supervisory class visit.

• Types of class visits:

1. The planned (scheduled ) agreed visit, They include:

A. Personal visits (orientation):

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

2. Visit follow-up and calendar :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

3. Surprise visit :

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

4. The planned visit (scheduled ) based on consultation between the teacher and the supervisor.

Its concept.

• The most important thing that the educational supervisor does in this visit.

5. The requested visit (based on the invitation).

Its concept.

• The duties of the headmaster and educational supervisor to make the invitation-based visit a success.

• The pros of the supervisory visit based on the invitation.

• The duration of the class visit.

• Class visit procedures:

A. Before the visit.

B . During the visit (inside the classroom).

A. After the visit.

• The specifics of dealing with the new teacher.

o 3. Individual supervisory deliberations (individual meeting):

Its concept.

• Its objectives.

• Its types.

• Its procedures.

• The foundations of its success.

o 4. Exchange of visits between teachers .

Its concept.

• Objectives of exchange of visits.



ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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