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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

English - العربية
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مذكرة المتدرب
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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Introduction to the program


Human resources are the real capital to invest in, because it is an investment in people who are the most precious and precious resources. These resources must therefore be managed in such a way as to ensure that their contribution to the service of organizations is maximized and that their objectives are adequately and effectively achieved. With the growing role of human resources management due to the demands of the times, including globalization, competition, economic openness and intensive use of technology, many recent trends have emerged in the field of human resources management, one of the most important of which is strategic management of human resources, which focuses on achieving compatibility and harmony between different human resources management policies and practices on the one hand, and the vision, philosophy and objectives of strategic organizations on the other. Strategic Human Resources Management seeks to increase the competitiveness of organizations by developing human resources management practices (Wei,2006). In many organizations, management has adopted the principle of human concern as one of the powerful influences that give a particularly competitive advantage as the 21st century, which focuses on the knowledge economy, considers the productivity of human or intellectual capital to be the main test of the survival, development and success of any organization, and the basis of any successful economy in the world. Individuals with knowledge, intelligence and skills that fit the demands of the present century have become the driving force behind these organizations.

There are many features that characterize strategic management of human resources, One of those features is the proper identification of staff training needs, linked to the description of their functions, and evaluate performance using methods that measure the actual performance of the employee, And increase staff participation, Motivating employees based on their performance (Daley and Vasu,2002). In order to implement strategic management of human resources, and provide the requirements for its success, Many approaches and methods have emerged, Among them is the DACUM methodology. This methodology has been developed since the 1960s to design education and training curricula and programs to be consistent with the requirements of the labour market. Given the success of that methodology, Its application has expanded in many countries, Its applications have shown positive results that have contributed to their spread, adoption, Continue and expand their application so far. The relationship between training and human resources development is one of the issues that has been made very wrong by the book of administrative, economic and social development. Analysis of this relationship based on the analytical tools of human thought has been linked to many variables related to human roI, realized development rates and distributive justice for the fruits of that development. It has also been linked to the intellectual return of providing the ability to develop management, research and development rules, etc.

Training is one of the main links for workforce planning models and the development of their performance, This training is also an essential component of the Human Development Index (HDI), which is calculated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of the Group of Developing Countries in its annual Human Development Report.

Although there are many topics associated with the analysis of this relationship as we have pointed out, it has not gone on to analyze the relationship between the functional duties of the professions and the knowledge, skill and value content of the professions. Training has also not been included as a basis in the relationship between the human resource’s rehabilitation process and the efficiency or productivity of those human resources.

Developed countries in East Asia have realized this fact. Each has directly linked development policies to its staff and training programmes. For example, the South Korean Economic Planning Council or vocational training council in Hong Kong, where a mechanism known as DACUM has been adopted.

The Dekam system is an effective mechanism for the preparation and design of the integrated management system from the preparation of the organizational structure of the institution based on its mission and objectives through job characterization, identification of training needs and design of these programs for its employees to the evaluation of the level of services provided to its customers.

This training program was planned to be a training bag that seeks to provide participants with effective management tools that contribute to the success of the administrative and training leadership in applying dacum methodology in their organizations, This training programme is the result of years of work in the field of training and management consultancy in which we have tried to track the course of effective management tools capable of effective and efficient management change.

Our focus in this training program is not on the amount of information and knowledge, but on gaining expertise and skills through workshops and the actual application of all modern skills related to the professional and professional application of dacum methodology. This program is designed to combine fun and useful, You find the benefit of the information and the pleasure in the application.

The following is a description of a training program specialized in training human development workers, planning, training and development on this mechanism, We first provide a profile of the DACUM decam mechanism to introduce it and the philosophy from which it originates, the starting points on which it is based, its components and the requirements for its application. We then provide a description of the basic training bag that prepares the organization to implement this mechanism.

First: Introduction to dacum methodology and the mechanism of its use to promote training policies in organizations.

First: What is dicam?


Dacum is a compilation of phrase components: Design A Curriculum or Devoloping A Curriculum It means: Design or development of the curriculum.

It indicates that it can be used in the construction and design of training programs with their various components.

There are no significant differences in the definition of decam methodology. It means developing or designing curricula, It is also a mechanism for job analysis to identify the job and draw the required curriculum so that it can be taught to students/trainees where it can be developed according to the market need and developments. It is a method of evaluating the curriculum, the trainee and the trainer, This is by drawing performance indicators for this purpose from the outset. It represents a single map and a realistic and brief picture of the duties, skills, knowledge, qualities and functional values that the staff member is required to possess to perform the job as required.

It can be said that the first to use this methodology were Canadians in late 1960 by the Technical College, which noted that its graduates do not find jobs because they do not have the experience and competence needed by the labor market, So the college studied the market requirements for jobs, Analysis of these functions to identify information, skills, abilities and training content. Over the years this process has been constantly evolving, until it became a methodology or mechanism for job analysis, Even writing, designing, developing and evaluating curricula.

Therefore, in this methodology we aim primarily to train and qualify the administrative leaders in general in the organization and training in particular on a legalized scientific methodology that helps to codify the training of Adari and raise the level of quality.

Through this methodology and qualified training programs, we aim to prepare a distinguished team capable of providing a structure for commercial and government facilities according to the following: – Functional description. – Functional replacement. – Career path. Security and safety

According to the following requirements: – Determining training requirements (by examining the gap between the job and the employee and the aspirations of competition). Determining development requirements. Identify benefits and benefits. Identifying and evaluating job indicators. Identify job merits at the level of positions. Determining merits at the staff level. Determining functional powers. Identify internal strengths and weaknesses and the reasons why opportunities turn into risks (at the staff and organizational level).

Second: the philosophy of the methodology of dikham.

The philosophy of Dicam is that workers in different jobs are the most capable people to carry out their jobs accurately, The precise definition of the post should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it, These tasks require specific knowledge, skills, behaviors and trends and are identified through the so-called Dacum Workshop, in which participants are seen as experts in the target job or profession.

The dicam methodology believes that the occupants of a job, They are its real experts, They are better able to describe and define their function than anyone else. It also believes that any function can be described effectively, detailed and accurately, Instead of duties, tasks and steps performed by employees. Each post has a set of duties, tasks, skills and requirements that are precisely determined only by the person in charge. He therefore adopted the philosophy of decam on the fact that it was the experienced staff member who described his or her job in conjunction with a group of labour counterparts from the same job.

That is why we can summarize the philosophy of dicam based on: • Workers in different jobs are better able to describe their tasks accurately. The exact definition of the job should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it. • All tasks require specific information, knowledge, skills, tools, values and behaviors to accomplish.

Thus, the decam method is represented by six basic contents:

First: It is a scientific method that takes objective mechanisms in all and analyzes the data and information needed to study and analyze the subject in question.

Second: Depends on the creation of an artistic research environment through which a very accurate map and details of the subject under study are drawn.

Third: Through this method data and experiences are collected from the parties concerned, Through the so-called Porsche Decam DACUM WORKSHOPS, Participants are viewed as experts on the subject under study.

Fourth: The compilation, exchange and scrutiny of these experiences are based on the collective discussion and brain storming of the relevant parties.

Fifth: The decam method does not cancel other methods used in collecting information such as objective scientific questionnaires, Personal Interviews and Observation Observation, It employs them to support aggregated data.

6th: Accordingly, The integrated image of the subject under study is designed and built through careful analysis of data and information.

Third: Muslim women of Dikham:

The decam method is based on the following three assumptions:

• That the persons and parties involved are experts in the subject under study, With different degree and quality of their experiences and experiences.

• Data and information required for the subject under study are extracted in the decam workshops.

Each institution has values, concepts and trends that are precisely determined only by the relevant parties under consideration, They can be identified through these workshops.

Fourth: Mechanisms for using dacum methodology in the design and development of an integrated management system for the organization:

The construction of the administrative system is integrated through the preparation and design of its seven elements, Using the dicam method, Institutions vary in the extent to which these elements are provided within their existing construction. Accordingly … These elements can be taken integrated, Or some of them can be chosen, This is according to the stage and requirements of the organization under development. We will list the seven elements related to job characterization, training and rehabilitation, which the Dekham methodology contributes to its continuous development.

These seven elements are:


1- Preparing the organizational structure of organizational structure: So that the decam method is used in the design of a new organizational structure for a newly created institution, Or the organizational structure of a work unit or sector within the institution. Decam can also be used to develop existing regulatory structures.

2. Job Description : So that the dicam method is used in preparing an integrated job description for a certain number or for all functions within the organizational structure of the institution, or guarantee a specific work unit within the organization This characterization includes: The job title – the appropriate job code – the position of the job within the organizational structure – administrative dependency – the entities supervised by the incumbent – duties – and the tasks branching out of tasks, Steps procedures for doing duties, Attitudes and Values trends and values in addition to the qualifications and expertise required of the incumbent.

Policies and Procedures: And the decam is used to get to know the administrative and regulatory policies and rules of the institution, As well as the procedures expected to be adhered to within the different work units, This is in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the organization.

4. Performance Evaluation performance evaluation system preparation and design: And this is the third element of the system, It is complemented by the design of an integrated system to evaluate the performance of employees in all their administrative and technical functions, and their operational and supervisory career levels, which is built on functional characterization, According to the management philosophy that the institution wishes to adopt (management with objectives – management with results – management by achievements).

5. Identify training needs: This fourth element, which is of great importance to institutions, comes Due to the many variables and developments surrounding this element, Therefore, the decam method is considered one of the advanced methods in determining the quality and level of training programs required for employees, Whether these programs are qualified for new employees, or development for those who continue their work and jobs And the style of dicam achieves the correlation between functional characterization, The requirements of these functions are training and development programmes.

Training Programs Design: And the decam method is considered one of the effective methods in designing training programs of different types to define the objectives of these programmes of knowledge, skills and values to be achieved, As well as training and evaluation methods for these programs.

7. Service Evaluation : And it is the last element of the integrated management system that makes the institution know exactly how well it is going, And to make sure that its goals are achieved according to the plans and programs implemented The decam method is used in evaluating the services provided, Whether by the level of these services in accordance with the applicable standards, Or from the point of view of the satisfaction of customers and customers about these services in accordance with the applicable standards, or from the point of view of how satisfied customers and customers are with these services This is important to link them to the company’s plans and budgets.

Fifth: The operational stages that the organization’s staff will be trained to implement to implement the DACUM Center methodology.

Al-Dekam is not just a workshop whose mission is to determine the specifications of the profession and end with the end of the workshop, but is an ongoing method of work that represents the workshop as the beginning of it.

Through this workshop, we seek to help the organization’s Department of Training, Development and Human Resources Development establish the so-called DACUM Center.

A focused action plan of this kind can be organized in five episodes, which can be called “The Five T”, design Development execution Calendar:

And half below. These five stages:

Analysis analysis: This is a stage during which the collection of facts about the problems faced by employers or those responsible for the training and rehabilitation of employees is initiated. From this stage, the center’s work can begin on the following: First: A committee of employees is already formed in a particular work and holds several sessions within two or three days led by a facilitator, an assistant and a registrar, Members of the Committee usually do not exceed (15-20) persons. Secondly: The Committee analyzes the job or work, which is called the “Decam Map”, describing the work through its main duties, sub-functions and steps in the performance of these tasks: (Duties Tasks Steps) Thirdly: The analysis conducted by the Dekam Committee is investigated by a committee of experts in the profession or course course, and the relative importance of the task is verified in the tasks and arranged and determined how difficult it is. When developing training content, the focus is usually on the so-called entry level tasks, which mean preparing the individual to the level that allows him to enter the labour market without the need for rehabilitation or training.

Design: The design represents the second phase of the center’s work, where the information collected from the analysis is used to develop the skills and trends that individuals need to be trained in so that they can be observed and measured. Measures are developed for each performance or task and thus performance specifications are developed and training is directed in the right direction. This phase also involves grouping similar works, knowledge and skills into groups and setting appropriate behavioural objectives. These objectives help determine how the employee performs the task required of him, which enables the development of tests and standards to ensure that the competencies have been absorbed, All of this represents the basis on which the training program will be built in the third phase.

Development Developing: And it is the third stage in the work of the center, And focused on developing the scientific content of the training program that was designed, This phase of the center’s work could include assigning a special team.

Implementation: And this is the fourth stage in the work of the center, It goes on to put training/educational programmes into practice. Trainers are selected and trained with the required tasks, the necessary equipment and services are prepared and the trainees to be trained are prepared.

– Evaluation calendar: The calendar represents the last stage in the work of the center, It aims to ensure that the training pays off and prepares competent workers. Also make sure that the training is going in the way of the decree. The evaluation of the trainer and the trainee is also carried out together. The calendar at this stage achieves two objectives: The first is to verify that the trainees have achieved the required training objectives and the second: Is to discover the weaknesses of the trainee and increase his training on them. It can be a calendar tool to observe different directories such as on-site performance and the practical practice of trainees. Hence, the calendar is based on the three parties: Performance calendar, identifying problems or shortcomings, and correct the course. Information arising from the implementation and implementation of feed back enables adaptation to changing or unexpected working conditions.

Thus, it turns out that there are many tasks that require cadres with different competencies and various executive and mental work, This makes it necessary to collect them in an orderly framework as a unit or integrated center.

It is clear that this action plan should be carried out within the framework of an integrated plan specific to the time frame, financial cost and numbers of staff needed and then an executive plan to complete specific work such as the development of a certain number of programs, workshops or otherwise.

The following are the data of this training program.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

Developing the knowledge, skills and trends of the participants from the senior management leadership and the human development departments in the field of applying dacum methodology in the development of the human resources business of the organization, including the development of their ability to carry out analysis analysis, design design, development development, implementation implementation and evaluation evaluation for all human resources development work in the organization, As an integrated entry point for the organized and planned administrative process and as an entry point for developing the overall performance of organizations with the addition of new knowledge and skills to participants in this field by linking concepts to practical application in the administrative field in their organizations efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the levels and experiences of the participants in the programs.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

1. Training and qualification of participants from the use of DACUM decam methodology in all human resources practices and training centers and departments. 2. Training and qualification of participants to be able to design an integrated administrative system for human resources departments and personnel affairs using dacum methodology. 3. Training and qualifying participants to analyze the existing management systems in their organizations and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work to develop and improve them. 4. Training and rehabilitation of the main team to apply the methodology of decam and includes the training of both (coordinator of the day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the expert committee consultant committee of the organization so that the employees can apply the methodology of dikam professionally and professionally. 5. Training and qualification of participants in basic skills to lead the basic training workshops and workshops of dacum session leaders with high professionalism and professionalism. 6. Contribute to the organization’s preparation for the establishment of the DACUM Center attached to the Training Department to be a center for spreading the culture of decam and applying its scientific methodology. 7. Contribute to the dissemination of the culture of applying dacum methodology in improving the management work of the organization.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The first training module: introduction to dacum methodology♫ What is DACUM dicum? (Dacum definition, origin and uses). ▸ Characteristics and objectives of dicam. ▸ The basic dimensions of dacum methodology and its components. The ingredients and pillars of the success of the dikham. The difference between the decam strategy and the rest of the strategies. • Muslim women of Dikham. ▸ (job description and training needs identification) using decam ▸ Modern applications of dacum approach. ▸ DACUM uses: (Job analysis, job description, training needs analysis, job performance evaluation, evaluation of the level of services provided, preparation and review of organizational structures, identification of merits and key performance indicators). Roles, tasks, qualification and preparation of DACUM decam leaders: (Coordinator of the Day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the Consultant Committee of Experts. Basic skills for dikham leaders. (Presentation and presentation skills, Strategic planning skills, Brainstorming management skills, Session leadership skills and training workshops, Thinking skills. The impact of DACUM application on human resources management.

The second training unit: administrative organization in accordance with the dacum methodology. A presentation of the basic concepts of administrative organization and its various components. Basic concepts and methods for the preparation of organizational structures and applications. Steps to prepare the organizational structure. What does decam have to do with functional merits? Job design. (The concept of job design, Function characteristics, Duties Responsibilities The circumstances surrounding the work. Job evaluation. (Evaluating and arranging jobs and preparing the salary scale, What is meant by the job evaluation process, Stages of the job evaluation process, Principles of job evaluation, Presentation of some of the customary terms that affect the job evaluation process, Factors affecting the job evaluation process, Job evaluation and the individual in the job, the evaluation process by comparing the functions with each other, The relationship between salary and wage determination and an evaluation process The most important ways to evaluate jobs, Type 1: Descriptive methods (non-quantity), Type 2: Total modern methods (quantity).

The third training module: analysis and characterization of functions according to the methodology of DACUM . ▸ Basic concepts and applications for job analysis and description ▸ Basic equipment Curriculum and patterns of job analysis process job description preparation Job descriptions and different approaches: Traditional curriculum – Hey curriculum – DACUM curriculum – general presentation: What is the best way to use it? DACUM approach, job description, training needs: concepts, key stages and applications Different methods and methods of gathering information in work analysis (job analysis).

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يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Introduction to the program


Human resources are the real capital to invest in, because it is an investment in people who are the most precious and precious resources. These resources must therefore be managed in such a way as to ensure that their contribution to the service of organizations is maximized and that their objectives are adequately and effectively achieved. With the growing role of human resources management due to the demands of the times, including globalization, competition, economic openness and intensive use of technology, many recent trends have emerged in the field of human resources management, one of the most important of which is strategic management of human resources, which focuses on achieving compatibility and harmony between different human resources management policies and practices on the one hand, and the vision, philosophy and objectives of strategic organizations on the other. Strategic Human Resources Management seeks to increase the competitiveness of organizations by developing human resources management practices (Wei,2006). In many organizations, management has adopted the principle of human concern as one of the powerful influences that give a particularly competitive advantage as the 21st century, which focuses on the knowledge economy, considers the productivity of human or intellectual capital to be the main test of the survival, development and success of any organization, and the basis of any successful economy in the world. Individuals with knowledge, intelligence and skills that fit the demands of the present century have become the driving force behind these organizations.

There are many features that characterize strategic management of human resources, One of those features is the proper identification of staff training needs, linked to the description of their functions, and evaluate performance using methods that measure the actual performance of the employee, And increase staff participation, Motivating employees based on their performance (Daley and Vasu,2002). In order to implement strategic management of human resources, and provide the requirements for its success, Many approaches and methods have emerged, Among them is the DACUM methodology. This methodology has been developed since the 1960s to design education and training curricula and programs to be consistent with the requirements of the labour market. Given the success of that methodology, Its application has expanded in many countries, Its applications have shown positive results that have contributed to their spread, adoption, Continue and expand their application so far. The relationship between training and human resources development is one of the issues that has been made very wrong by the book of administrative, economic and social development. Analysis of this relationship based on the analytical tools of human thought has been linked to many variables related to human roI, realized development rates and distributive justice for the fruits of that development. It has also been linked to the intellectual return of providing the ability to develop management, research and development rules, etc.

Training is one of the main links for workforce planning models and the development of their performance, This training is also an essential component of the Human Development Index (HDI), which is calculated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of the Group of Developing Countries in its annual Human Development Report.

Although there are many topics associated with the analysis of this relationship as we have pointed out, it has not gone on to analyze the relationship between the functional duties of the professions and the knowledge, skill and value content of the professions. Training has also not been included as a basis in the relationship between the human resource’s rehabilitation process and the efficiency or productivity of those human resources.

Developed countries in East Asia have realized this fact. Each has directly linked development policies to its staff and training programmes. For example, the South Korean Economic Planning Council or vocational training council in Hong Kong, where a mechanism known as DACUM has been adopted.

The Dekam system is an effective mechanism for the preparation and design of the integrated management system from the preparation of the organizational structure of the institution based on its mission and objectives through job characterization, identification of training needs and design of these programs for its employees to the evaluation of the level of services provided to its customers.

This training program was planned to be a training bag that seeks to provide participants with effective management tools that contribute to the success of the administrative and training leadership in applying dacum methodology in their organizations, This training programme is the result of years of work in the field of training and management consultancy in which we have tried to track the course of effective management tools capable of effective and efficient management change.

Our focus in this training program is not on the amount of information and knowledge, but on gaining expertise and skills through workshops and the actual application of all modern skills related to the professional and professional application of dacum methodology. This program is designed to combine fun and useful, You find the benefit of the information and the pleasure in the application.

The following is a description of a training program specialized in training human development workers, planning, training and development on this mechanism, We first provide a profile of the DACUM decam mechanism to introduce it and the philosophy from which it originates, the starting points on which it is based, its components and the requirements for its application. We then provide a description of the basic training bag that prepares the organization to implement this mechanism.

First: Introduction to dacum methodology and the mechanism of its use to promote training policies in organizations.

First: What is dicam?


Dacum is a compilation of phrase components: Design A Curriculum or Devoloping A Curriculum It means: Design or development of the curriculum.

It indicates that it can be used in the construction and design of training programs with their various components.

There are no significant differences in the definition of decam methodology. It means developing or designing curricula, It is also a mechanism for job analysis to identify the job and draw the required curriculum so that it can be taught to students/trainees where it can be developed according to the market need and developments. It is a method of evaluating the curriculum, the trainee and the trainer, This is by drawing performance indicators for this purpose from the outset. It represents a single map and a realistic and brief picture of the duties, skills, knowledge, qualities and functional values that the staff member is required to possess to perform the job as required.

It can be said that the first to use this methodology were Canadians in late 1960 by the Technical College, which noted that its graduates do not find jobs because they do not have the experience and competence needed by the labor market, So the college studied the market requirements for jobs, Analysis of these functions to identify information, skills, abilities and training content. Over the years this process has been constantly evolving, until it became a methodology or mechanism for job analysis, Even writing, designing, developing and evaluating curricula.

Therefore, in this methodology we aim primarily to train and qualify the administrative leaders in general in the organization and training in particular on a legalized scientific methodology that helps to codify the training of Adari and raise the level of quality.

Through this methodology and qualified training programs, we aim to prepare a distinguished team capable of providing a structure for commercial and government facilities according to the following: – Functional description. – Functional replacement. – Career path. Security and safety

According to the following requirements: – Determining training requirements (by examining the gap between the job and the employee and the aspirations of competition). Determining development requirements. Identify benefits and benefits. Identifying and evaluating job indicators. Identify job merits at the level of positions. Determining merits at the staff level. Determining functional powers. Identify internal strengths and weaknesses and the reasons why opportunities turn into risks (at the staff and organizational level).

Second: the philosophy of the methodology of dikham.

The philosophy of Dicam is that workers in different jobs are the most capable people to carry out their jobs accurately, The precise definition of the post should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it, These tasks require specific knowledge, skills, behaviors and trends and are identified through the so-called Dacum Workshop, in which participants are seen as experts in the target job or profession.

The dicam methodology believes that the occupants of a job, They are its real experts, They are better able to describe and define their function than anyone else. It also believes that any function can be described effectively, detailed and accurately, Instead of duties, tasks and steps performed by employees. Each post has a set of duties, tasks, skills and requirements that are precisely determined only by the person in charge. He therefore adopted the philosophy of decam on the fact that it was the experienced staff member who described his or her job in conjunction with a group of labour counterparts from the same job.

That is why we can summarize the philosophy of dicam based on: • Workers in different jobs are better able to describe their tasks accurately. The exact definition of the job should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it. • All tasks require specific information, knowledge, skills, tools, values and behaviors to accomplish.

Thus, the decam method is represented by six basic contents:

First: It is a scientific method that takes objective mechanisms in all and analyzes the data and information needed to study and analyze the subject in question.

Second: Depends on the creation of an artistic research environment through which a very accurate map and details of the subject under study are drawn.

Third: Through this method data and experiences are collected from the parties concerned, Through the so-called Porsche Decam DACUM WORKSHOPS, Participants are viewed as experts on the subject under study.

Fourth: The compilation, exchange and scrutiny of these experiences are based on the collective discussion and brain storming of the relevant parties.

Fifth: The decam method does not cancel other methods used in collecting information such as objective scientific questionnaires, Personal Interviews and Observation Observation, It employs them to support aggregated data.

6th: Accordingly, The integrated image of the subject under study is designed and built through careful analysis of data and information.

Third: Muslim women of Dikham:

The decam method is based on the following three assumptions:

• That the persons and parties involved are experts in the subject under study, With different degree and quality of their experiences and experiences.

• Data and information required for the subject under study are extracted in the decam workshops.

Each institution has values, concepts and trends that are precisely determined only by the relevant parties under consideration, They can be identified through these workshops.

Fourth: Mechanisms for using dacum methodology in the design and development of an integrated management system for the organization:

The construction of the administrative system is integrated through the preparation and design of its seven elements, Using the dicam method, Institutions vary in the extent to which these elements are provided within their existing construction. Accordingly … These elements can be taken integrated, Or some of them can be chosen, This is according to the stage and requirements of the organization under development. We will list the seven elements related to job characterization, training and rehabilitation, which the Dekham methodology contributes to its continuous development.

These seven elements are:


1- Preparing the organizational structure of organizational structure: So that the decam method is used in the design of a new organizational structure for a newly created institution, Or the organizational structure of a work unit or sector within the institution. Decam can also be used to develop existing regulatory structures.

2. Job Description : So that the dicam method is used in preparing an integrated job description for a certain number or for all functions within the organizational structure of the institution, or guarantee a specific work unit within the organization This characterization includes: The job title – the appropriate job code – the position of the job within the organizational structure – administrative dependency – the entities supervised by the incumbent – duties – and the tasks branching out of tasks, Steps procedures for doing duties, Attitudes and Values trends and values in addition to the qualifications and expertise required of the incumbent.

Policies and Procedures: And the decam is used to get to know the administrative and regulatory policies and rules of the institution, As well as the procedures expected to be adhered to within the different work units, This is in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the organization.

4. Performance Evaluation performance evaluation system preparation and design: And this is the third element of the system, It is complemented by the design of an integrated system to evaluate the performance of employees in all their administrative and technical functions, and their operational and supervisory career levels, which is built on functional characterization, According to the management philosophy that the institution wishes to adopt (management with objectives – management with results – management by achievements).

5. Identify training needs: This fourth element, which is of great importance to institutions, comes Due to the many variables and developments surrounding this element, Therefore, the decam method is considered one of the advanced methods in determining the quality and level of training programs required for employees, Whether these programs are qualified for new employees, or development for those who continue their work and jobs And the style of dicam achieves the correlation between functional characterization, The requirements of these functions are training and development programmes.

Training Programs Design: And the decam method is considered one of the effective methods in designing training programs of different types to define the objectives of these programmes of knowledge, skills and values to be achieved, As well as training and evaluation methods for these programs.

7. Service Evaluation : And it is the last element of the integrated management system that makes the institution know exactly how well it is going, And to make sure that its goals are achieved according to the plans and programs implemented The decam method is used in evaluating the services provided, Whether by the level of these services in accordance with the applicable standards, Or from the point of view of the satisfaction of customers and customers about these services in accordance with the applicable standards, or from the point of view of how satisfied customers and customers are with these services This is important to link them to the company’s plans and budgets.

Fifth: The operational stages that the organization’s staff will be trained to implement to implement the DACUM Center methodology.

Al-Dekam is not just a workshop whose mission is to determine the specifications of the profession and end with the end of the workshop, but is an ongoing method of work that represents the workshop as the beginning of it.

Through this workshop, we seek to help the organization’s Department of Training, Development and Human Resources Development establish the so-called DACUM Center.

A focused action plan of this kind can be organized in five episodes, which can be called “The Five T”, design Development execution Calendar:

And half below. These five stages:

Analysis analysis: This is a stage during which the collection of facts about the problems faced by employers or those responsible for the training and rehabilitation of employees is initiated. From this stage, the center’s work can begin on the following: First: A committee of employees is already formed in a particular work and holds several sessions within two or three days led by a facilitator, an assistant and a registrar, Members of the Committee usually do not exceed (15-20) persons. Secondly: The Committee analyzes the job or work, which is called the “Decam Map”, describing the work through its main duties, sub-functions and steps in the performance of these tasks: (Duties Tasks Steps) Thirdly: The analysis conducted by the Dekam Committee is investigated by a committee of experts in the profession or course course, and the relative importance of the task is verified in the tasks and arranged and determined how difficult it is. When developing training content, the focus is usually on the so-called entry level tasks, which mean preparing the individual to the level that allows him to enter the labour market without the need for rehabilitation or training.

Design: The design represents the second phase of the center’s work, where the information collected from the analysis is used to develop the skills and trends that individuals need to be trained in so that they can be observed and measured. Measures are developed for each performance or task and thus performance specifications are developed and training is directed in the right direction. This phase also involves grouping similar works, knowledge and skills into groups and setting appropriate behavioural objectives. These objectives help determine how the employee performs the task required of him, which enables the development of tests and standards to ensure that the competencies have been absorbed, All of this represents the basis on which the training program will be built in the third phase.

Development Developing: And it is the third stage in the work of the center, And focused on developing the scientific content of the training program that was designed, This phase of the center’s work could include assigning a special team.

Implementation: And this is the fourth stage in the work of the center, It goes on to put training/educational programmes into practice. Trainers are selected and trained with the required tasks, the necessary equipment and services are prepared and the trainees to be trained are prepared.

– Evaluation calendar: The calendar represents the last stage in the work of the center, It aims to ensure that the training pays off and prepares competent workers. Also make sure that the training is going in the way of the decree. The evaluation of the trainer and the trainee is also carried out together. The calendar at this stage achieves two objectives: The first is to verify that the trainees have achieved the required training objectives and the second: Is to discover the weaknesses of the trainee and increase his training on them. It can be a calendar tool to observe different directories such as on-site performance and the practical practice of trainees. Hence, the calendar is based on the three parties: Performance calendar, identifying problems or shortcomings, and correct the course. Information arising from the implementation and implementation of feed back enables adaptation to changing or unexpected working conditions.

Thus, it turns out that there are many tasks that require cadres with different competencies and various executive and mental work, This makes it necessary to collect them in an orderly framework as a unit or integrated center.

It is clear that this action plan should be carried out within the framework of an integrated plan specific to the time frame, financial cost and numbers of staff needed and then an executive plan to complete specific work such as the development of a certain number of programs, workshops or otherwise.

The following are the data of this training program.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

Developing the knowledge, skills and trends of the participants from the senior management leadership and the human development departments in the field of applying dacum methodology in the development of the human resources business of the organization, including the development of their ability to carry out analysis analysis, design design, development development, implementation implementation and evaluation evaluation for all human resources development work in the organization, As an integrated entry point for the organized and planned administrative process and as an entry point for developing the overall performance of organizations with the addition of new knowledge and skills to participants in this field by linking concepts to practical application in the administrative field in their organizations efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the levels and experiences of the participants in the programs.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

1. Training and qualification of participants from the use of DACUM decam methodology in all human resources practices and training centers and departments. 2. Training and qualification of participants to be able to design an integrated administrative system for human resources departments and personnel affairs using dacum methodology. 3. Training and qualifying participants to analyze the existing management systems in their organizations and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work to develop and improve them. 4. Training and rehabilitation of the main team to apply the methodology of decam and includes the training of both (coordinator of the day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the expert committee consultant committee of the organization so that the employees can apply the methodology of dikam professionally and professionally. 5. Training and qualification of participants in basic skills to lead the basic training workshops and workshops of dacum session leaders with high professionalism and professionalism. 6. Contribute to the organization’s preparation for the establishment of the DACUM Center attached to the Training Department to be a center for spreading the culture of decam and applying its scientific methodology. 7. Contribute to the dissemination of the culture of applying dacum methodology in improving the management work of the organization.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The first training module: introduction to dacum methodology♫ What is DACUM dicum? (Dacum definition, origin and uses). ▸ Characteristics and objectives of dicam. ▸ The basic dimensions of dacum methodology and its components. The ingredients and pillars of the success of the dikham. The difference between the decam strategy and the rest of the strategies. • Muslim women of Dikham. ▸ (job description and training needs identification) using decam ▸ Modern applications of dacum approach. ▸ DACUM uses: (Job analysis, job description, training needs analysis, job performance evaluation, evaluation of the level of services provided, preparation and review of organizational structures, identification of merits and key performance indicators). Roles, tasks, qualification and preparation of DACUM decam leaders: (Coordinator of the Day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the Consultant Committee of Experts. Basic skills for dikham leaders. (Presentation and presentation skills, Strategic planning skills, Brainstorming management skills, Session leadership skills and training workshops, Thinking skills. The impact of DACUM application on human resources management.

The second training unit: administrative organization in accordance with the dacum methodology. A presentation of the basic concepts of administrative organization and its various components. Basic concepts and methods for the preparation of organizational structures and applications. Steps to prepare the organizational structure. What does decam have to do with functional merits? Job design. (The concept of job design, Function characteristics, Duties Responsibilities The circumstances surrounding the work. Job evaluation. (Evaluating and arranging jobs and preparing the salary scale, What is meant by the job evaluation process, Stages of the job evaluation process, Principles of job evaluation, Presentation of some of the customary terms that affect the job evaluation process, Factors affecting the job evaluation process, Job evaluation and the individual in the job, the evaluation process by comparing the functions with each other, The relationship between salary and wage determination and an evaluation process The most important ways to evaluate jobs, Type 1: Descriptive methods (non-quantity), Type 2: Total modern methods (quantity).

The third training module: analysis and characterization of functions according to the methodology of DACUM . ▸ Basic concepts and applications for job analysis and description ▸ Basic equipment Curriculum and patterns of job analysis process job description preparation Job descriptions and different approaches: Traditional curriculum – Hey curriculum – DACUM curriculum – general presentation: What is the best way to use it? DACUM approach, job description, training needs: concepts, key stages and applications Different methods and methods of gathering information in work analysis (job analysis).

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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

English - العربية
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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Introduction to the program


Human resources are the real capital to invest in, because it is an investment in people who are the most precious and precious resources. These resources must therefore be managed in such a way as to ensure that their contribution to the service of organizations is maximized and that their objectives are adequately and effectively achieved. With the growing role of human resources management due to the demands of the times, including globalization, competition, economic openness and intensive use of technology, many recent trends have emerged in the field of human resources management, one of the most important of which is strategic management of human resources, which focuses on achieving compatibility and harmony between different human resources management policies and practices on the one hand, and the vision, philosophy and objectives of strategic organizations on the other. Strategic Human Resources Management seeks to increase the competitiveness of organizations by developing human resources management practices (Wei,2006). In many organizations, management has adopted the principle of human concern as one of the powerful influences that give a particularly competitive advantage as the 21st century, which focuses on the knowledge economy, considers the productivity of human or intellectual capital to be the main test of the survival, development and success of any organization, and the basis of any successful economy in the world. Individuals with knowledge, intelligence and skills that fit the demands of the present century have become the driving force behind these organizations.

There are many features that characterize strategic management of human resources, One of those features is the proper identification of staff training needs, linked to the description of their functions, and evaluate performance using methods that measure the actual performance of the employee, And increase staff participation, Motivating employees based on their performance (Daley and Vasu,2002). In order to implement strategic management of human resources, and provide the requirements for its success, Many approaches and methods have emerged, Among them is the DACUM methodology. This methodology has been developed since the 1960s to design education and training curricula and programs to be consistent with the requirements of the labour market. Given the success of that methodology, Its application has expanded in many countries, Its applications have shown positive results that have contributed to their spread, adoption, Continue and expand their application so far. The relationship between training and human resources development is one of the issues that has been made very wrong by the book of administrative, economic and social development. Analysis of this relationship based on the analytical tools of human thought has been linked to many variables related to human roI, realized development rates and distributive justice for the fruits of that development. It has also been linked to the intellectual return of providing the ability to develop management, research and development rules, etc.

Training is one of the main links for workforce planning models and the development of their performance, This training is also an essential component of the Human Development Index (HDI), which is calculated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of the Group of Developing Countries in its annual Human Development Report.

Although there are many topics associated with the analysis of this relationship as we have pointed out, it has not gone on to analyze the relationship between the functional duties of the professions and the knowledge, skill and value content of the professions. Training has also not been included as a basis in the relationship between the human resource’s rehabilitation process and the efficiency or productivity of those human resources.

Developed countries in East Asia have realized this fact. Each has directly linked development policies to its staff and training programmes. For example, the South Korean Economic Planning Council or vocational training council in Hong Kong, where a mechanism known as DACUM has been adopted.

The Dekam system is an effective mechanism for the preparation and design of the integrated management system from the preparation of the organizational structure of the institution based on its mission and objectives through job characterization, identification of training needs and design of these programs for its employees to the evaluation of the level of services provided to its customers.

This training program was planned to be a training bag that seeks to provide participants with effective management tools that contribute to the success of the administrative and training leadership in applying dacum methodology in their organizations, This training programme is the result of years of work in the field of training and management consultancy in which we have tried to track the course of effective management tools capable of effective and efficient management change.

Our focus in this training program is not on the amount of information and knowledge, but on gaining expertise and skills through workshops and the actual application of all modern skills related to the professional and professional application of dacum methodology. This program is designed to combine fun and useful, You find the benefit of the information and the pleasure in the application.

The following is a description of a training program specialized in training human development workers, planning, training and development on this mechanism, We first provide a profile of the DACUM decam mechanism to introduce it and the philosophy from which it originates, the starting points on which it is based, its components and the requirements for its application. We then provide a description of the basic training bag that prepares the organization to implement this mechanism.

First: Introduction to dacum methodology and the mechanism of its use to promote training policies in organizations.

First: What is dicam?


Dacum is a compilation of phrase components: Design A Curriculum or Devoloping A Curriculum It means: Design or development of the curriculum.

It indicates that it can be used in the construction and design of training programs with their various components.

There are no significant differences in the definition of decam methodology. It means developing or designing curricula, It is also a mechanism for job analysis to identify the job and draw the required curriculum so that it can be taught to students/trainees where it can be developed according to the market need and developments. It is a method of evaluating the curriculum, the trainee and the trainer, This is by drawing performance indicators for this purpose from the outset. It represents a single map and a realistic and brief picture of the duties, skills, knowledge, qualities and functional values that the staff member is required to possess to perform the job as required.

It can be said that the first to use this methodology were Canadians in late 1960 by the Technical College, which noted that its graduates do not find jobs because they do not have the experience and competence needed by the labor market, So the college studied the market requirements for jobs, Analysis of these functions to identify information, skills, abilities and training content. Over the years this process has been constantly evolving, until it became a methodology or mechanism for job analysis, Even writing, designing, developing and evaluating curricula.

Therefore, in this methodology we aim primarily to train and qualify the administrative leaders in general in the organization and training in particular on a legalized scientific methodology that helps to codify the training of Adari and raise the level of quality.

Through this methodology and qualified training programs, we aim to prepare a distinguished team capable of providing a structure for commercial and government facilities according to the following: – Functional description. – Functional replacement. – Career path. Security and safety

According to the following requirements: – Determining training requirements (by examining the gap between the job and the employee and the aspirations of competition). Determining development requirements. Identify benefits and benefits. Identifying and evaluating job indicators. Identify job merits at the level of positions. Determining merits at the staff level. Determining functional powers. Identify internal strengths and weaknesses and the reasons why opportunities turn into risks (at the staff and organizational level).

Second: the philosophy of the methodology of dikham.

The philosophy of Dicam is that workers in different jobs are the most capable people to carry out their jobs accurately, The precise definition of the post should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it, These tasks require specific knowledge, skills, behaviors and trends and are identified through the so-called Dacum Workshop, in which participants are seen as experts in the target job or profession.

The dicam methodology believes that the occupants of a job, They are its real experts, They are better able to describe and define their function than anyone else. It also believes that any function can be described effectively, detailed and accurately, Instead of duties, tasks and steps performed by employees. Each post has a set of duties, tasks, skills and requirements that are precisely determined only by the person in charge. He therefore adopted the philosophy of decam on the fact that it was the experienced staff member who described his or her job in conjunction with a group of labour counterparts from the same job.

That is why we can summarize the philosophy of dicam based on: • Workers in different jobs are better able to describe their tasks accurately. The exact definition of the job should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it. • All tasks require specific information, knowledge, skills, tools, values and behaviors to accomplish.

Thus, the decam method is represented by six basic contents:

First: It is a scientific method that takes objective mechanisms in all and analyzes the data and information needed to study and analyze the subject in question.

Second: Depends on the creation of an artistic research environment through which a very accurate map and details of the subject under study are drawn.

Third: Through this method data and experiences are collected from the parties concerned, Through the so-called Porsche Decam DACUM WORKSHOPS, Participants are viewed as experts on the subject under study.

Fourth: The compilation, exchange and scrutiny of these experiences are based on the collective discussion and brain storming of the relevant parties.

Fifth: The decam method does not cancel other methods used in collecting information such as objective scientific questionnaires, Personal Interviews and Observation Observation, It employs them to support aggregated data.

6th: Accordingly, The integrated image of the subject under study is designed and built through careful analysis of data and information.

Third: Muslim women of Dikham:

The decam method is based on the following three assumptions:

• That the persons and parties involved are experts in the subject under study, With different degree and quality of their experiences and experiences.

• Data and information required for the subject under study are extracted in the decam workshops.

Each institution has values, concepts and trends that are precisely determined only by the relevant parties under consideration, They can be identified through these workshops.

Fourth: Mechanisms for using dacum methodology in the design and development of an integrated management system for the organization:

The construction of the administrative system is integrated through the preparation and design of its seven elements, Using the dicam method, Institutions vary in the extent to which these elements are provided within their existing construction. Accordingly … These elements can be taken integrated, Or some of them can be chosen, This is according to the stage and requirements of the organization under development. We will list the seven elements related to job characterization, training and rehabilitation, which the Dekham methodology contributes to its continuous development.

These seven elements are:


1- Preparing the organizational structure of organizational structure: So that the decam method is used in the design of a new organizational structure for a newly created institution, Or the organizational structure of a work unit or sector within the institution. Decam can also be used to develop existing regulatory structures.

2. Job Description : So that the dicam method is used in preparing an integrated job description for a certain number or for all functions within the organizational structure of the institution, or guarantee a specific work unit within the organization This characterization includes: The job title – the appropriate job code – the position of the job within the organizational structure – administrative dependency – the entities supervised by the incumbent – duties – and the tasks branching out of tasks, Steps procedures for doing duties, Attitudes and Values trends and values in addition to the qualifications and expertise required of the incumbent.

Policies and Procedures: And the decam is used to get to know the administrative and regulatory policies and rules of the institution, As well as the procedures expected to be adhered to within the different work units, This is in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the organization.

4. Performance Evaluation performance evaluation system preparation and design: And this is the third element of the system, It is complemented by the design of an integrated system to evaluate the performance of employees in all their administrative and technical functions, and their operational and supervisory career levels, which is built on functional characterization, According to the management philosophy that the institution wishes to adopt (management with objectives – management with results – management by achievements).

5. Identify training needs: This fourth element, which is of great importance to institutions, comes Due to the many variables and developments surrounding this element, Therefore, the decam method is considered one of the advanced methods in determining the quality and level of training programs required for employees, Whether these programs are qualified for new employees, or development for those who continue their work and jobs And the style of dicam achieves the correlation between functional characterization, The requirements of these functions are training and development programmes.

Training Programs Design: And the decam method is considered one of the effective methods in designing training programs of different types to define the objectives of these programmes of knowledge, skills and values to be achieved, As well as training and evaluation methods for these programs.

7. Service Evaluation : And it is the last element of the integrated management system that makes the institution know exactly how well it is going, And to make sure that its goals are achieved according to the plans and programs implemented The decam method is used in evaluating the services provided, Whether by the level of these services in accordance with the applicable standards, Or from the point of view of the satisfaction of customers and customers about these services in accordance with the applicable standards, or from the point of view of how satisfied customers and customers are with these services This is important to link them to the company’s plans and budgets.

Fifth: The operational stages that the organization’s staff will be trained to implement to implement the DACUM Center methodology.

Al-Dekam is not just a workshop whose mission is to determine the specifications of the profession and end with the end of the workshop, but is an ongoing method of work that represents the workshop as the beginning of it.

Through this workshop, we seek to help the organization’s Department of Training, Development and Human Resources Development establish the so-called DACUM Center.

A focused action plan of this kind can be organized in five episodes, which can be called “The Five T”, design Development execution Calendar:

And half below. These five stages:

Analysis analysis: This is a stage during which the collection of facts about the problems faced by employers or those responsible for the training and rehabilitation of employees is initiated. From this stage, the center’s work can begin on the following: First: A committee of employees is already formed in a particular work and holds several sessions within two or three days led by a facilitator, an assistant and a registrar, Members of the Committee usually do not exceed (15-20) persons. Secondly: The Committee analyzes the job or work, which is called the “Decam Map”, describing the work through its main duties, sub-functions and steps in the performance of these tasks: (Duties Tasks Steps) Thirdly: The analysis conducted by the Dekam Committee is investigated by a committee of experts in the profession or course course, and the relative importance of the task is verified in the tasks and arranged and determined how difficult it is. When developing training content, the focus is usually on the so-called entry level tasks, which mean preparing the individual to the level that allows him to enter the labour market without the need for rehabilitation or training.

Design: The design represents the second phase of the center’s work, where the information collected from the analysis is used to develop the skills and trends that individuals need to be trained in so that they can be observed and measured. Measures are developed for each performance or task and thus performance specifications are developed and training is directed in the right direction. This phase also involves grouping similar works, knowledge and skills into groups and setting appropriate behavioural objectives. These objectives help determine how the employee performs the task required of him, which enables the development of tests and standards to ensure that the competencies have been absorbed, All of this represents the basis on which the training program will be built in the third phase.

Development Developing: And it is the third stage in the work of the center, And focused on developing the scientific content of the training program that was designed, This phase of the center’s work could include assigning a special team.

Implementation: And this is the fourth stage in the work of the center, It goes on to put training/educational programmes into practice. Trainers are selected and trained with the required tasks, the necessary equipment and services are prepared and the trainees to be trained are prepared.

– Evaluation calendar: The calendar represents the last stage in the work of the center, It aims to ensure that the training pays off and prepares competent workers. Also make sure that the training is going in the way of the decree. The evaluation of the trainer and the trainee is also carried out together. The calendar at this stage achieves two objectives: The first is to verify that the trainees have achieved the required training objectives and the second: Is to discover the weaknesses of the trainee and increase his training on them. It can be a calendar tool to observe different directories such as on-site performance and the practical practice of trainees. Hence, the calendar is based on the three parties: Performance calendar, identifying problems or shortcomings, and correct the course. Information arising from the implementation and implementation of feed back enables adaptation to changing or unexpected working conditions.

Thus, it turns out that there are many tasks that require cadres with different competencies and various executive and mental work, This makes it necessary to collect them in an orderly framework as a unit or integrated center.

It is clear that this action plan should be carried out within the framework of an integrated plan specific to the time frame, financial cost and numbers of staff needed and then an executive plan to complete specific work such as the development of a certain number of programs, workshops or otherwise.

The following are the data of this training program.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

Developing the knowledge, skills and trends of the participants from the senior management leadership and the human development departments in the field of applying dacum methodology in the development of the human resources business of the organization, including the development of their ability to carry out analysis analysis, design design, development development, implementation implementation and evaluation evaluation for all human resources development work in the organization, As an integrated entry point for the organized and planned administrative process and as an entry point for developing the overall performance of organizations with the addition of new knowledge and skills to participants in this field by linking concepts to practical application in the administrative field in their organizations efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the levels and experiences of the participants in the programs.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

1. Training and qualification of participants from the use of DACUM decam methodology in all human resources practices and training centers and departments. 2. Training and qualification of participants to be able to design an integrated administrative system for human resources departments and personnel affairs using dacum methodology. 3. Training and qualifying participants to analyze the existing management systems in their organizations and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work to develop and improve them. 4. Training and rehabilitation of the main team to apply the methodology of decam and includes the training of both (coordinator of the day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the expert committee consultant committee of the organization so that the employees can apply the methodology of dikam professionally and professionally. 5. Training and qualification of participants in basic skills to lead the basic training workshops and workshops of dacum session leaders with high professionalism and professionalism. 6. Contribute to the organization’s preparation for the establishment of the DACUM Center attached to the Training Department to be a center for spreading the culture of decam and applying its scientific methodology. 7. Contribute to the dissemination of the culture of applying dacum methodology in improving the management work of the organization.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The first training module: introduction to dacum methodology♫ What is DACUM dicum? (Dacum definition, origin and uses). ▸ Characteristics and objectives of dicam. ▸ The basic dimensions of dacum methodology and its components. The ingredients and pillars of the success of the dikham. The difference between the decam strategy and the rest of the strategies. • Muslim women of Dikham. ▸ (job description and training needs identification) using decam ▸ Modern applications of dacum approach. ▸ DACUM uses: (Job analysis, job description, training needs analysis, job performance evaluation, evaluation of the level of services provided, preparation and review of organizational structures, identification of merits and key performance indicators). Roles, tasks, qualification and preparation of DACUM decam leaders: (Coordinator of the Day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the Consultant Committee of Experts. Basic skills for dikham leaders. (Presentation and presentation skills, Strategic planning skills, Brainstorming management skills, Session leadership skills and training workshops, Thinking skills. The impact of DACUM application on human resources management.

The second training unit: administrative organization in accordance with the dacum methodology. A presentation of the basic concepts of administrative organization and its various components. Basic concepts and methods for the preparation of organizational structures and applications. Steps to prepare the organizational structure. What does decam have to do with functional merits? Job design. (The concept of job design, Function characteristics, Duties Responsibilities The circumstances surrounding the work. Job evaluation. (Evaluating and arranging jobs and preparing the salary scale, What is meant by the job evaluation process, Stages of the job evaluation process, Principles of job evaluation, Presentation of some of the customary terms that affect the job evaluation process, Factors affecting the job evaluation process, Job evaluation and the individual in the job, the evaluation process by comparing the functions with each other, The relationship between salary and wage determination and an evaluation process The most important ways to evaluate jobs, Type 1: Descriptive methods (non-quantity), Type 2: Total modern methods (quantity).

The third training module: analysis and characterization of functions according to the methodology of DACUM . ▸ Basic concepts and applications for job analysis and description ▸ Basic equipment Curriculum and patterns of job analysis process job description preparation Job descriptions and different approaches: Traditional curriculum – Hey curriculum – DACUM curriculum – general presentation: What is the best way to use it? DACUM approach, job description, training needs: concepts, key stages and applications Different methods and methods of gathering information in work analysis (job analysis).

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00966 – 0567518848 available Whatsapp+Viber  


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Introduction to the program


Human resources are the real capital to invest in, because it is an investment in people who are the most precious and precious resources. These resources must therefore be managed in such a way as to ensure that their contribution to the service of organizations is maximized and that their objectives are adequately and effectively achieved. With the growing role of human resources management due to the demands of the times, including globalization, competition, economic openness and intensive use of technology, many recent trends have emerged in the field of human resources management, one of the most important of which is strategic management of human resources, which focuses on achieving compatibility and harmony between different human resources management policies and practices on the one hand, and the vision, philosophy and objectives of strategic organizations on the other. Strategic Human Resources Management seeks to increase the competitiveness of organizations by developing human resources management practices (Wei,2006). In many organizations, management has adopted the principle of human concern as one of the powerful influences that give a particularly competitive advantage as the 21st century, which focuses on the knowledge economy, considers the productivity of human or intellectual capital to be the main test of the survival, development and success of any organization, and the basis of any successful economy in the world. Individuals with knowledge, intelligence and skills that fit the demands of the present century have become the driving force behind these organizations.

There are many features that characterize strategic management of human resources, One of those features is the proper identification of staff training needs, linked to the description of their functions, and evaluate performance using methods that measure the actual performance of the employee, And increase staff participation, Motivating employees based on their performance (Daley and Vasu,2002). In order to implement strategic management of human resources, and provide the requirements for its success, Many approaches and methods have emerged, Among them is the DACUM methodology. This methodology has been developed since the 1960s to design education and training curricula and programs to be consistent with the requirements of the labour market. Given the success of that methodology, Its application has expanded in many countries, Its applications have shown positive results that have contributed to their spread, adoption, Continue and expand their application so far. The relationship between training and human resources development is one of the issues that has been made very wrong by the book of administrative, economic and social development. Analysis of this relationship based on the analytical tools of human thought has been linked to many variables related to human roI, realized development rates and distributive justice for the fruits of that development. It has also been linked to the intellectual return of providing the ability to develop management, research and development rules, etc.

Training is one of the main links for workforce planning models and the development of their performance, This training is also an essential component of the Human Development Index (HDI), which is calculated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of the Group of Developing Countries in its annual Human Development Report.

Although there are many topics associated with the analysis of this relationship as we have pointed out, it has not gone on to analyze the relationship between the functional duties of the professions and the knowledge, skill and value content of the professions. Training has also not been included as a basis in the relationship between the human resource’s rehabilitation process and the efficiency or productivity of those human resources.

Developed countries in East Asia have realized this fact. Each has directly linked development policies to its staff and training programmes. For example, the South Korean Economic Planning Council or vocational training council in Hong Kong, where a mechanism known as DACUM has been adopted.

The Dekam system is an effective mechanism for the preparation and design of the integrated management system from the preparation of the organizational structure of the institution based on its mission and objectives through job characterization, identification of training needs and design of these programs for its employees to the evaluation of the level of services provided to its customers.

This training program was planned to be a training bag that seeks to provide participants with effective management tools that contribute to the success of the administrative and training leadership in applying dacum methodology in their organizations, This training programme is the result of years of work in the field of training and management consultancy in which we have tried to track the course of effective management tools capable of effective and efficient management change.

Our focus in this training program is not on the amount of information and knowledge, but on gaining expertise and skills through workshops and the actual application of all modern skills related to the professional and professional application of dacum methodology. This program is designed to combine fun and useful, You find the benefit of the information and the pleasure in the application.

The following is a description of a training program specialized in training human development workers, planning, training and development on this mechanism, We first provide a profile of the DACUM decam mechanism to introduce it and the philosophy from which it originates, the starting points on which it is based, its components and the requirements for its application. We then provide a description of the basic training bag that prepares the organization to implement this mechanism.

First: Introduction to dacum methodology and the mechanism of its use to promote training policies in organizations.

First: What is dicam?


Dacum is a compilation of phrase components: Design A Curriculum or Devoloping A Curriculum It means: Design or development of the curriculum.

It indicates that it can be used in the construction and design of training programs with their various components.

There are no significant differences in the definition of decam methodology. It means developing or designing curricula, It is also a mechanism for job analysis to identify the job and draw the required curriculum so that it can be taught to students/trainees where it can be developed according to the market need and developments. It is a method of evaluating the curriculum, the trainee and the trainer, This is by drawing performance indicators for this purpose from the outset. It represents a single map and a realistic and brief picture of the duties, skills, knowledge, qualities and functional values that the staff member is required to possess to perform the job as required.

It can be said that the first to use this methodology were Canadians in late 1960 by the Technical College, which noted that its graduates do not find jobs because they do not have the experience and competence needed by the labor market, So the college studied the market requirements for jobs, Analysis of these functions to identify information, skills, abilities and training content. Over the years this process has been constantly evolving, until it became a methodology or mechanism for job analysis, Even writing, designing, developing and evaluating curricula.

Therefore, in this methodology we aim primarily to train and qualify the administrative leaders in general in the organization and training in particular on a legalized scientific methodology that helps to codify the training of Adari and raise the level of quality.

Through this methodology and qualified training programs, we aim to prepare a distinguished team capable of providing a structure for commercial and government facilities according to the following: – Functional description. – Functional replacement. – Career path. Security and safety

According to the following requirements: – Determining training requirements (by examining the gap between the job and the employee and the aspirations of competition). Determining development requirements. Identify benefits and benefits. Identifying and evaluating job indicators. Identify job merits at the level of positions. Determining merits at the staff level. Determining functional powers. Identify internal strengths and weaknesses and the reasons why opportunities turn into risks (at the staff and organizational level).

Second: the philosophy of the methodology of dikham.

The philosophy of Dicam is that workers in different jobs are the most capable people to carry out their jobs accurately, The precise definition of the post should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it, These tasks require specific knowledge, skills, behaviors and trends and are identified through the so-called Dacum Workshop, in which participants are seen as experts in the target job or profession.

The dicam methodology believes that the occupants of a job, They are its real experts, They are better able to describe and define their function than anyone else. It also believes that any function can be described effectively, detailed and accurately, Instead of duties, tasks and steps performed by employees. Each post has a set of duties, tasks, skills and requirements that are precisely determined only by the person in charge. He therefore adopted the philosophy of decam on the fact that it was the experienced staff member who described his or her job in conjunction with a group of labour counterparts from the same job.

That is why we can summarize the philosophy of dicam based on: • Workers in different jobs are better able to describe their tasks accurately. The exact definition of the job should include a description of the duties and tasks associated with it. • All tasks require specific information, knowledge, skills, tools, values and behaviors to accomplish.

Thus, the decam method is represented by six basic contents:

First: It is a scientific method that takes objective mechanisms in all and analyzes the data and information needed to study and analyze the subject in question.

Second: Depends on the creation of an artistic research environment through which a very accurate map and details of the subject under study are drawn.

Third: Through this method data and experiences are collected from the parties concerned, Through the so-called Porsche Decam DACUM WORKSHOPS, Participants are viewed as experts on the subject under study.

Fourth: The compilation, exchange and scrutiny of these experiences are based on the collective discussion and brain storming of the relevant parties.

Fifth: The decam method does not cancel other methods used in collecting information such as objective scientific questionnaires, Personal Interviews and Observation Observation, It employs them to support aggregated data.

6th: Accordingly, The integrated image of the subject under study is designed and built through careful analysis of data and information.

Third: Muslim women of Dikham:

The decam method is based on the following three assumptions:

• That the persons and parties involved are experts in the subject under study, With different degree and quality of their experiences and experiences.

• Data and information required for the subject under study are extracted in the decam workshops.

Each institution has values, concepts and trends that are precisely determined only by the relevant parties under consideration, They can be identified through these workshops.

Fourth: Mechanisms for using dacum methodology in the design and development of an integrated management system for the organization:

The construction of the administrative system is integrated through the preparation and design of its seven elements, Using the dicam method, Institutions vary in the extent to which these elements are provided within their existing construction. Accordingly … These elements can be taken integrated, Or some of them can be chosen, This is according to the stage and requirements of the organization under development. We will list the seven elements related to job characterization, training and rehabilitation, which the Dekham methodology contributes to its continuous development.

These seven elements are:


1- Preparing the organizational structure of organizational structure: So that the decam method is used in the design of a new organizational structure for a newly created institution, Or the organizational structure of a work unit or sector within the institution. Decam can also be used to develop existing regulatory structures.

2. Job Description : So that the dicam method is used in preparing an integrated job description for a certain number or for all functions within the organizational structure of the institution, or guarantee a specific work unit within the organization This characterization includes: The job title – the appropriate job code – the position of the job within the organizational structure – administrative dependency – the entities supervised by the incumbent – duties – and the tasks branching out of tasks, Steps procedures for doing duties, Attitudes and Values trends and values in addition to the qualifications and expertise required of the incumbent.

Policies and Procedures: And the decam is used to get to know the administrative and regulatory policies and rules of the institution, As well as the procedures expected to be adhered to within the different work units, This is in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the organization.

4. Performance Evaluation performance evaluation system preparation and design: And this is the third element of the system, It is complemented by the design of an integrated system to evaluate the performance of employees in all their administrative and technical functions, and their operational and supervisory career levels, which is built on functional characterization, According to the management philosophy that the institution wishes to adopt (management with objectives – management with results – management by achievements).

5. Identify training needs: This fourth element, which is of great importance to institutions, comes Due to the many variables and developments surrounding this element, Therefore, the decam method is considered one of the advanced methods in determining the quality and level of training programs required for employees, Whether these programs are qualified for new employees, or development for those who continue their work and jobs And the style of dicam achieves the correlation between functional characterization, The requirements of these functions are training and development programmes.

Training Programs Design: And the decam method is considered one of the effective methods in designing training programs of different types to define the objectives of these programmes of knowledge, skills and values to be achieved, As well as training and evaluation methods for these programs.

7. Service Evaluation : And it is the last element of the integrated management system that makes the institution know exactly how well it is going, And to make sure that its goals are achieved according to the plans and programs implemented The decam method is used in evaluating the services provided, Whether by the level of these services in accordance with the applicable standards, Or from the point of view of the satisfaction of customers and customers about these services in accordance with the applicable standards, or from the point of view of how satisfied customers and customers are with these services This is important to link them to the company’s plans and budgets.

Fifth: The operational stages that the organization’s staff will be trained to implement to implement the DACUM Center methodology.

Al-Dekam is not just a workshop whose mission is to determine the specifications of the profession and end with the end of the workshop, but is an ongoing method of work that represents the workshop as the beginning of it.

Through this workshop, we seek to help the organization’s Department of Training, Development and Human Resources Development establish the so-called DACUM Center.

A focused action plan of this kind can be organized in five episodes, which can be called “The Five T”, design Development execution Calendar:

And half below. These five stages:

Analysis analysis: This is a stage during which the collection of facts about the problems faced by employers or those responsible for the training and rehabilitation of employees is initiated. From this stage, the center’s work can begin on the following: First: A committee of employees is already formed in a particular work and holds several sessions within two or three days led by a facilitator, an assistant and a registrar, Members of the Committee usually do not exceed (15-20) persons. Secondly: The Committee analyzes the job or work, which is called the “Decam Map”, describing the work through its main duties, sub-functions and steps in the performance of these tasks: (Duties Tasks Steps) Thirdly: The analysis conducted by the Dekam Committee is investigated by a committee of experts in the profession or course course, and the relative importance of the task is verified in the tasks and arranged and determined how difficult it is. When developing training content, the focus is usually on the so-called entry level tasks, which mean preparing the individual to the level that allows him to enter the labour market without the need for rehabilitation or training.

Design: The design represents the second phase of the center’s work, where the information collected from the analysis is used to develop the skills and trends that individuals need to be trained in so that they can be observed and measured. Measures are developed for each performance or task and thus performance specifications are developed and training is directed in the right direction. This phase also involves grouping similar works, knowledge and skills into groups and setting appropriate behavioural objectives. These objectives help determine how the employee performs the task required of him, which enables the development of tests and standards to ensure that the competencies have been absorbed, All of this represents the basis on which the training program will be built in the third phase.

Development Developing: And it is the third stage in the work of the center, And focused on developing the scientific content of the training program that was designed, This phase of the center’s work could include assigning a special team.

Implementation: And this is the fourth stage in the work of the center, It goes on to put training/educational programmes into practice. Trainers are selected and trained with the required tasks, the necessary equipment and services are prepared and the trainees to be trained are prepared.

– Evaluation calendar: The calendar represents the last stage in the work of the center, It aims to ensure that the training pays off and prepares competent workers. Also make sure that the training is going in the way of the decree. The evaluation of the trainer and the trainee is also carried out together. The calendar at this stage achieves two objectives: The first is to verify that the trainees have achieved the required training objectives and the second: Is to discover the weaknesses of the trainee and increase his training on them. It can be a calendar tool to observe different directories such as on-site performance and the practical practice of trainees. Hence, the calendar is based on the three parties: Performance calendar, identifying problems or shortcomings, and correct the course. Information arising from the implementation and implementation of feed back enables adaptation to changing or unexpected working conditions.

Thus, it turns out that there are many tasks that require cadres with different competencies and various executive and mental work, This makes it necessary to collect them in an orderly framework as a unit or integrated center.

It is clear that this action plan should be carried out within the framework of an integrated plan specific to the time frame, financial cost and numbers of staff needed and then an executive plan to complete specific work such as the development of a certain number of programs, workshops or otherwise.

The following are the data of this training program.

Targeted from the training program
Objectives of the training program

First: The overall objective of the training program :

Developing the knowledge, skills and trends of the participants from the senior management leadership and the human development departments in the field of applying dacum methodology in the development of the human resources business of the organization, including the development of their ability to carry out analysis analysis, design design, development development, implementation implementation and evaluation evaluation for all human resources development work in the organization, As an integrated entry point for the organized and planned administrative process and as an entry point for developing the overall performance of organizations with the addition of new knowledge and skills to participants in this field by linking concepts to practical application in the administrative field in their organizations efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the levels and experiences of the participants in the programs.

Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :

1. Training and qualification of participants from the use of DACUM decam methodology in all human resources practices and training centers and departments. 2. Training and qualification of participants to be able to design an integrated administrative system for human resources departments and personnel affairs using dacum methodology. 3. Training and qualifying participants to analyze the existing management systems in their organizations and identify their strengths and weaknesses and work to develop and improve them. 4. Training and rehabilitation of the main team to apply the methodology of decam and includes the training of both (coordinator of the day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the expert committee consultant committee of the organization so that the employees can apply the methodology of dikam professionally and professionally. 5. Training and qualification of participants in basic skills to lead the basic training workshops and workshops of dacum session leaders with high professionalism and professionalism. 6. Contribute to the organization’s preparation for the establishment of the DACUM Center attached to the Training Department to be a center for spreading the culture of decam and applying its scientific methodology. 7. Contribute to the dissemination of the culture of applying dacum methodology in improving the management work of the organization.

Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program

The first training module: introduction to dacum methodology♫ What is DACUM dicum? (Dacum definition, origin and uses). ▸ Characteristics and objectives of dicam. ▸ The basic dimensions of dacum methodology and its components. The ingredients and pillars of the success of the dikham. The difference between the decam strategy and the rest of the strategies. • Muslim women of Dikham. ▸ (job description and training needs identification) using decam ▸ Modern applications of dacum approach. ▸ DACUM uses: (Job analysis, job description, training needs analysis, job performance evaluation, evaluation of the level of services provided, preparation and review of organizational structures, identification of merits and key performance indicators). Roles, tasks, qualification and preparation of DACUM decam leaders: (Coordinator of the Day Coordinator, DACUM Committee, and facilitator and recorder And the Consultant Committee of Experts. Basic skills for dikham leaders. (Presentation and presentation skills, Strategic planning skills, Brainstorming management skills, Session leadership skills and training workshops, Thinking skills. The impact of DACUM application on human resources management.

The second training unit: administrative organization in accordance with the dacum methodology. A presentation of the basic concepts of administrative organization and its various components. Basic concepts and methods for the preparation of organizational structures and applications. Steps to prepare the organizational structure. What does decam have to do with functional merits? Job design. (The concept of job design, Function characteristics, Duties Responsibilities The circumstances surrounding the work. Job evaluation. (Evaluating and arranging jobs and preparing the salary scale, What is meant by the job evaluation process, Stages of the job evaluation process, Principles of job evaluation, Presentation of some of the customary terms that affect the job evaluation process, Factors affecting the job evaluation process, Job evaluation and the individual in the job, the evaluation process by comparing the functions with each other, The relationship between salary and wage determination and an evaluation process The most important ways to evaluate jobs, Type 1: Descriptive methods (non-quantity), Type 2: Total modern methods (quantity).

The third training module: analysis and characterization of functions according to the methodology of DACUM . ▸ Basic concepts and applications for job analysis and description ▸ Basic equipment Curriculum and patterns of job analysis process job description preparation Job descriptions and different approaches: Traditional curriculum – Hey curriculum – DACUM curriculum – general presentation: What is the best way to use it? DACUM approach, job description, training needs: concepts, key stages and applications Different methods and methods of gathering information in work analysis (job analysis).

To order :

00966 – 0567518848 available Whatsapp+Viber  


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources

Training bag: DACUM and its applications in human resources