Training bag: Skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance their practices
Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
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Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب ،تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة ،والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامع من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية،ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات ،ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
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Training bag: Skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance their practices
Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
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Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
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Introduction to the program
Educators in our country often addressed the topic (uniqueness of education), the concept of promoting active learning, and the principle (that the student is the focus of scientific instruction) in their theoretical dialogues and discussions, This interest has rarely turned into a realistic practice.
The educational system in our country does not work much on the individuality of the learner But it is busy with learners as a class bloc in most cases, which is differentiated only by differentiation of an arbitral nature, meaning that he throws value judgments on the educated and divides them into smart and stupid and to the superior and weak And between them.
And this distinction in the jewel is a dedication to the mass as well, And he started to be a classification phenomenon. He does not take every learner as an integrated personality individually, and that every learner in the class group has characteristics and characteristics Therefore, the methods and forms of education are often based on going to the educated group in the same way and without establishing a great weight on how they receive and interact with these methods and forms.
In light of that, This training bag (skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance its practices) is a serious attempt to enter into the essence of active learning, and address it in its theoretical and applied way Based on our experiences in the field of training and education, this training bag has been produced.
This training bag is a vision that puts the learner and his nature at the heart of educational science, The learner’s abilities, knowledge, experience and skills are seen as the basis from which the strategies, means and methods chosen by the teacher in the teaching process and the trainer in the training process, It includes strategies, means and methods chosen or interacted with by the learner! Perhaps understanding this is necessary for education to become an effective process through which the learner achieves the maximum possible presence within the group of learners!
So activating the teacher’s view of his students and realizing their differences and the diversity of their inclinations and trends and their absenteeism will give him an opportunity to deal with them in all the dimensions that make up the human personality, Both at the level of the senses and the position of the bodies to the environmental, social and cultural conditions surrounding them, It will also take into account their psyches and feelings and change their whims and moods. He knows them really, And this knowledge is not a complete knowledge, It is knowledge that is realized in a new way every day And in this which enables him to switch the most effective methods, It will also lead to the employment of strategies and other methods that need to be developed by learners through new experience.
But the teacher’s awareness of the specifics and the difference of his students in what is more effective and influential, not only pushes him to choose the appropriate patterns that he recognized when his students, It pushes him too, In parallel, to deepen the other patterns they have, because forms of interaction and receiving should not be limited to one form So it pushes the learner to activate himself in one of them and neglect others If the teacher thinks that a student is good at learning by employing a sense of listening for example The teacher has to feed it but he will certainly work to develop other forms he has, Such as learning by employing a sense of sight through visual activities …
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge perception of learning and its patterns, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond it to practical experiences from actual practices from our training and educational expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the classroom. And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other than what we produce in success skills, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive educational climates that lead to a shift in the educational process as a whole, And what is happening in the classroom in particular in its social context in all its dimensions.
We have focused on success skills to be a fun and useful course and that is why in a real training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Objectives of the training program
First: The overall objective of the training program :
Training and qualification of teachers, trainers and leaders of educational and educational work to use the strategies and philosophies of active learning in accordance with a codified scientific methodology aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and experiences that help them to transfer the focus of the learning and education processes to the learner by enriching his own experiences and facilitating his acquisition of higher mental skills and strengthening active learning practices in the classroom and beyond in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the highest rates of productivity in the field of education.
Second: The detailed objectives of the training program :
At the end of this course, each trainee will be able to:
1. To give a clear definition of the concept of active learning.
2. To determine the benefits of active learning.
3. Enumerate the differences between traditional education and active learning.
4. To describe the roles of the teacher in active learning.
5. To describe the roles of the learner in active learning.
6. Mention the most important conditions to be met to ensure the design of an active learning activity.
7. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to active learning.
8. Learn how to design active learning activities.
Cognitive and knowledge units of the training program
Knowledge and skill units of the program:
At the end of this training program, we expect that participants will be able to know, understand and apply the following cognitive and knowledge units:
First Training Module: Introduction to Learning, Its Theories and Patterns
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept and patterns of learning (the concept of learning, Learning conditions, pillars of learning, Learning theories, Learning patterns. 2- The difference between the concepts of education and education in terms of (concept, Focus The role of the teacher, The role of the learner, Activity Sources of knowledge, Strategies and tools, Expected results, Calendar mechanisms. 3- The difference between the concepts of traditional learning and active learning in terms of (concept, objectives, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning), and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, And the calendar.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills, experiences, trends and patterns of thinking of participants towards the processes of learning and education based on their previous training, educational, teaching and educational experiences and the reality of their actual work environment, Where the trainer will present an exercise in the workshop entitled (the processes of learning and education between reality and hope) in which he uses an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storming where he will use metaplan metaplan technology, which is the German technology that helps to brainstorm and rain ideas, It is a technical technique in training that enables us to reach the desired goals and objectives of brainstorming sessions in a record time and in a fun and creative way and this technique gives participants a great opportunity to express opinion transparently and freely according to scientific methodology and general framework for constructive brainstorming. The trainer will present participants with a problem within the educational science related to the effectiveness of educational outcomes and then ask participants to participate in ideas to analyze the reality of the learning process education between what to do and what not to do during the learning and education process and participants will be asked to write these ideas on the cards dedicated to brainstorming metaplan technology and then show them under the appropriate part of them. Then the trainer and the participants analyze the outputs of the brainstorming workshop with metaplan technology, This exercise is a tribal test of the cognitive, skilled and emotional content of the participants about the contents of the training unit through which the trainer measures the actual level of participants at the moment of the exercise and determines the zero learning point of the participants and determines the performance gap between what they know, master and believe towards the contents of the training unit and the hope that must be achieved for them and then the scientific trainer begins to display the cognitive, skilled and emotional contents of the training unit in proportion to the abilities and needs of the participants and achieves the objectives of the special training unit and program and program All training while maintaining motivation and everyone between pleasure and benefit in learning). 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and the difference between it and traditional learning, In this training workshop, the trainer will use an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and the difference between it and traditional education in terms of (concept, goals, role of teacher and instructions provided to organize learning, and the personality of the teacher and the work system inside and outside the educational room, And mechanisms for designing, using and activating educational means, And sitting and the movement of learners, And manage questions, And communication, And the speed of learning, and the expected outputs from the teaching and learning processes, and calendar) then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to identify concepts and make a comparison between the two concepts, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Training Module 2: Active Learning
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concept of active learning. 2- The philosophy of active learning. Principles of active learning. 4- The five principles of active learning. The importance of active learning. 6- The advantages of active learning. 7- The role of the teacher in active learning. 8- The role of the learner in active learning. 9- Active learning outputs. 10- Mechanisms for evaluating active learning. Active learning disabilities. 12- Tools and requirements for active learning. Strategic planning for active learning.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the concept of active learning and its philosophy and principles and its importance and advantages and the roles of the teacher and the learner and the mechanisms of strategic planning for it and the outputs expected from it, The trainer will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in advanced storm skills where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there is an urgent need to define the concept of active learning accurately so that we can manage it and activate it and then will ask participants to participate in ideas to identify concepts and activation mechanisms, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop.
Third training module: learning patterns (theory and application )
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Learning patterns (definition of learning style, Learning models, Model Den Den, assumptions of the Den Den model, organizing the Den Den and Den model and the benefit of it, The principles of the Den Den model, Elements of learning patterns, Environment patterns, One-on-one patterns, social patterns, physical patterns, Psychological patterns, characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, Diagnosis of learning patterns, Dimensions of the educational situation, Analysis of teacher and student status and physical settings of class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in light of the Den And Den model, Imagine a class according to the Den Den model that takes into account learning patterns, Evidence of the effectiveness of the model, The summary of this model. 2. Form system model for Bernice McCarthy (David Kolb, David Klopp and experimental learning, David Claw and learning patterns, Format system, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, The form system and its relation to the brain offenders, Format system and comprehensive education, Collaborative learning and format system, Multiple intelligence and pheromat system, The benefits of applying format system, The summary of this model. 3- The appropriateness of the teacher’s teaching style with the student’s learning style (appropriate methods between teaching and learning patterns, The conclusion. 4- Benjamin Bloom Disc (Definition of Bloom and His Efforts, Bloom levels, Bloom’s tablet, Designing the content of the educational unit according to the methodology of bloom disk, Learning apps on bloom tablet.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the knowledge of the crisis about learning patterns and analysing the characteristics of some learners’ patterns and some learning strategies suitable for each pattern, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to analyze the concepts of learning patterns and mechanisms for activating them. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants skills to analyze the status of teacher and student and physical settings for class, materials, educational procedures and tasks in the light of the Den Den model, And prepare a vision for a class according to the den den model that takes into account learning patterns, The trainer will hold a workshop using collaborative learning and discussion to design this model. 3- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design educational content and learning activities in accordance with the methodology of the Format system of Bernice McCarthy, Where the trainer presents the general model of the form system to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group. 4- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills of designing educational content and learning activities according to the methodology of the Benjamin Bloom tablet, Where the trainer presents the general model Benjamin Bloom disc to the participants and then holds an application workshop to design educational content according to this model, The trainer will then use the mini-teaching where each participant will be asked to offer a mini-lesson using the presentation he designed for his colleagues in the group.
Training Module 4: Active Learning Strategies
First: The cognitive units included in the training unit :
The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- Collaborative learning as one of the strategies of active learning (active learning methods which include (collection teams, photo-cut style, group search method, team quiz style, team competition style, individual competitive style) and the role of the teacher in collaborative learning and the advantages of collaborative learning). Group Dynamics (Group Dynamics Dynamic Concept), Group formation steps (group life cycle), Decision-making by Group Decision Making, Politics, Politics, Decision Rules, Unanimity’s unanimity, Majority majority rule, Consensus Collective Agreement, Gathering, Sub-committees, Collaboration, Collaboration Communities Cooperative Communities, Words to remember for collaborative prompts collaborative work, Real-time Collaboration, Netiquette dealing behaviors, Rules of Conduct rules of Netiquette, Barriers to Collaboration constraints, Group Skills Skills, Characteristics of groups, Factors affecting communication between group members, Roles played by group members, Task-Oriented Roles-related roles, Social Roles, Individualistic Roles, Harmony Group Conformity, Types of Group Leadership, Leadership and Group Participation, Leadership and Decision Making, Leadership Style and Group Maturity. Project Based Learning (Strategy Overview, Project Based Learning is designed according to project based learning’s practical education strategy, Identifying a theme domain, Choose the domain, Investigative Beginning survey beginning, Simple and Essential questions, Strategies to Develop Essential Questions, Meetings with the project supervisor and the subject specialist, Presentation Development presentation setting, Experimenting with results and presentations Testing Products and Presentations, Reflections thinking, Planning Software Applications, Transfer and Application, Planning Table planning schedule, Planning Table planning schedule, Reviewing the Project Plan, Start the Commencing Research project, Project Journal project record, Project Blog record, Calendar Notes, Weekly To-Do lists, weekly business list, Points to consider, Avoid Delay Avoid Mansionion, Reasons for postponement causes of Forion, Ways to overcome the postponement Overcoming Forion. 4- Thinking tools and skills (the concept of thinking skills, brainstorm brainstorm ideas, What a brainstorming process, Brainstorming Guidelines, Other brainstorming techniques, other brainstorming techniques, Brain writing, Mind-mapping mental map, Fishbone Diagram, Playing the role of others Step into Someone Else Shoes, Dreamy Thinking Wishful Thinking, Network of connected ideas, Write a diary about taking research Notes, Note Taking Strategies, Questions to Consider. 5- Problem Solving End Decision Making (problem concept, Problem Solving concept, Types of problems, types of problems, Making decisions, Trial and Error Method, Substitution Method alternative method, ) . Questioning Skills (Questioning Skills), Types of questions types of Questions, Planning Research Search Planning, Choose a General Topic, Setting up generating essential questions. 7- The exhibition and final presentation (educational pillars as one of the strategies of active learning and the characteristics of successful educational pillars, the types of educational staff (permanent – temporary – permanent) and a model for each educational corner (mathematics corner, Arabic corner, English corner, science corner, art corner, quiet corner) and the importance of educational staff. 8- Educational gameplay and the benefits of educational gameplay and models for educational play such as (little dictionary, word game, game catching letters, game looking for us, traffic soldier, wolf and sheep, battle war, racing numbers) and how to produce educational games. 9- Brainstorming as one of the strategies of active learning and the lecture includes the definition of brainstorming and the characteristics of brainstorming and the four principles of brainstorming and the rules of the brainstorming session. 10- Discussion and current events as types of active learning strategies and types of discussion such as (indoctrination discussion, free group discussion, symposium, bilateral discussion, sambozim) and current events in terms of sources of current events, rooting out current events, teaching objectives with current events. 11- Concept maps in terms of how to build concept maps and different models of concept maps, and the importance and features of concept maps. Educational means in active learning in terms of the benefits of manufacturing educational means and models of educational means in (technical education, English, Arabic, arithmetic, social materials, science).
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A collaborative learning group workshop will be held to give participants learning skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy as an effective training strategy where participants will be divided into working groups within a practical training workshop (applied) and the focus has been on giving participants learning application skills in accordance with project-Based Learning’s practical education strategy by focusing on the practice of management tools related to planning, thinking skills, problem solving and arranging Priorities.
Training Module 5: Active Learning Calendar Strategies and Tools
Or not : Cognitive units included in the training unit: The participant in this training module will learn about the following concepts:
1- The concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and the realization of the importance of both. 2- Realistic calendar. 3- Performance-based calendar strategy. 4- Calendar strategy with pen and paper. 5- The grade calendar. 6- Observation strategy. 7- The strategy of the calendar by communication.
Second: Skilled applied workshops to achieve the objectives of the training unit :
The trainee will participate in practical and practical training workshops aimed at giving him the skills achieved for the objectives of the training unit, which are the following workshops:
1- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between the concepts of evaluation and evaluation and the difference between them and managing the importance of each, Where the coach will use in this training workshop an advanced strategy in the skills of advanced storm where he will use metaplan metabelan technology and the trainer will show the participants that there are two concepts that have a similarity and relationship, namely evaluation and evaluation, This is wrong for some practitioners of evaluation and evaluation processes for educational performance in particular and all processes that will evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes, Then participants will be asked to participate in ideas to analyze the difference between the two concepts by differentiating between the two concepts and their application procedures and tools and the appropriate conditions for each and when each is used, Participants will then be asked to write down these ideas on metaplan brainstorming cards and then place them under the right part. The trainer and the participants then analyze the outputs of the metaplan brainstorming workshop. 2- A workshop will be held in the form of collaborative learning groups aimed at giving participants the skills to design active learning calendar tools and the trainer relies on the strategy of collaborative learning and the method of discussion to engage participants in an applied training operator to design these tools and apply them in the form of games between learning groups.
ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب ،تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة ،والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.
صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.
يعد أول برنامع من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية،ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات ،ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.
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Training bag: Skills to apply active learning strategies and enhance their practices
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