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The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them

Identify training needs: is the apparent and invisible gap in the performance of the employee either in his or her skills, knowledge, information or attitudes, And you need to change or modify to suit the requirements of his current or future job, With a degree of quality and mastery to achieve the goals of the organization in which he works.

The process of identifying training needs is primarily linked to the need to address work problems through training, Bearing in mind that there are other problems that training may not address, As the organizational analysis of the organization that usually precedes the analysis of training needs may show, Accordingly, challenging training needs becomes the main tool by which areas of individual performance development and development can be identified through the training process.

Five questions to answer?

The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them 1 The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them

• Where is the training located? (Where)

• Who should be trained? (Who)

• What is the content of the training? (What)

What is the expected impact of training? (What)

When are the results of the training reflected significantly? (When)

Management positions in identifying training needs

While identifying training needs is important in any organization, Whether government or private, The administrative position on identifying needs varies from organization to organization.

• An organization with physical and human capabilities but no vision for staff training.

• We found that another organization was very clear about its future action plan, Except for human and material capabilities, Any has a clear training plan.

• There is an organization with very clear training requirements, However, senior management does not believe in training or the potential of individuals.

Organizations that do not conduct training without any specific scientific concept, She has training opportunities in digital form in her annual reports.

therefore The organization needs to understand what you expect from training before starting training in order to measure its impact after training.

Training needs to identify the reasons for resisting the process

The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them 2 The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them

• Move towards direct economic benefit.

Ignore the importance and value of training as an investment.

• Effort exceeds the reward.

• Material cost.

Personal interest.

• Monopoly of knowledge.

What positions may lead to the need to identify training needs?

Here we mention some of the positions and reasons that led to the need to identify training needs, including:

1- Preparing and preparing new entrants.

2. Transfer, promotion, appointment or loan of an employee.

3- Changing the professional path of the employee.

Regulatory changes in the organization.

Opening a new branch of the organization.

Introducing technological changes in the organization, such as introducing computers for all employees or introducing new systems.

The benefits to organization of identifying training needs

The process of identifying the training needs of organizations provides several benefits, including:

Linking the training objectives to the organization’s current and future objectives.

Identify the tasks to be performed to achieve the goal.

Determining the level of competence (skills and knowledge) required to perform the functions of the post.

Determining the content of the training.

Setting the criteria for evaluating training.

Linking needs to workforce planning and organizational strategy.

The foundations for identifying training needs.

The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them 3 The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them

Darwish explained that the process of identifying training needs is based on several foundations, the most important of which are:

Analysis of the organization’s objectives, human activities and operational capabilities required to achieve those goals.

Analysis of individuals (learning qualifications, competencies, skills, motivation, trends, productivity, absence, etc.) to determine who needs training and what.

Organizational analysis (clarity of objectives, competencies or tasks) and trends in the use of new organizational units or levels or modification of current functional competencies to determine where or in which organizational units need training and for what purpose?

• Analyze competition and intensity in the areas of quality, price and pre- or post-sale service in the target market.

Conduct a functional analysis based on the nature of the work, performance conditions and efficiency requirements.

Survey staff perceptions of their vision of training needs.

• Their superiors’ investigative perceptions of the weaknesses of their subordinates.

Analysis of performance assessment reports to identify deficiencies that represent training needs.

Analysis of staff inspection reports of strengths or weaknesses.

Analysis of complaints from the organization’s clients against its staff.

The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them 4 The 6 circumstances that cause the birth of the need to identify training needs and questions about them

Human resources planning based on the number of persons to be appointed, transferred, appointed or promoted, And the training needs of each department.

Analysis of previous training evaluation reports to determine the extent to which training needs are met.

Analysis of all aspects of equipment performance and development of new programs and capabilities required.

Analysis of indicators of absenteeism, irregularities, turnover and work-related accidents and their causes due to lack of attitudes or competence of staff, superiors or colleagues.

Analysis of actual costs and compatibility with standard cost rates.

Field observations on the performance of staff and employees and the dealings of superiors, colleagues or clients.

Individual appreciation.

Collective discussion of appreciation.

Regulatory restrictions and reports.

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