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Benefits of training games for trainers

1- The senses of the participants are addressed, i.e. each game has characteristics of communication with the trainee, including audio, visual and kinetic ones.

2- Instilling positive behavior, and change directions for participants, And the positive impact on the learner.

3- To make the participants enjoy, And it breaks down boredom when you use it well.

4- Attracting and renewing attention.

Strengthening relations between members of the group.

6- Helps us discover leaders by supervising the group.

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Things to consider before using training games for trainers:

1 Training games for trainers must be linked to the objectives of the educational and training subject.

2 There are training games for trainers aimed at instilling one idea, There are multiple games.

3 training games for trainers have an effective effect in instilling appropriate concepts if they are used well.

4 Explain to learners and trainees the idea and purpose of training games for trainers.

5 Try to be creative and innovative in your games, exercises and activities from time to time.

6 – Do not overuse training games for trainers, The trainee came to hear from you and benefit, Not to play and have fun.

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العاب تدريبية للمدربين ppt

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Barrier breaking games (training games for trainers)

8 creative ideas to break the deadlock in training games for trainers and ways to apply them: –

1. Two Lies and Truth (Training Games for Trainers)

Ask the trainees to write three interesting things about themselves, As: I love ice skating, And I have a pair of parrots, I met with actor Tom Cruise. One of the terms must be correct and two are wrong. Each trainee writes 3 things about himself, He comments on what others write and classifies sentences that are likely to be correct and which ones are likely to be wrong. The person with the most interactive debates can win the game, Or the person who makes the most mistakes by evaluating his statements is the winner. (The game can be applied with three facts and one lie.) If the number of trainees is too large, You can divide them into groups according to the initials of their name or anything else.

2. Childhood Dreams (Training Games for Trainers)

Ask the trainees to write down what they want to do or do when they grow up, And how does this relate to their current aspirations, Then ask them to comment on the most beautiful publications.

3. Computer in critical condition (training games for trainers)

Ask participants a question to share the embarrassing situations that occurred to them while using your computer or phone. Start by mentioning a situation that happened to you, Like responding to the wrong person via email. This will spread the atmosphere of fun before embarking on a completely new way of learning and thinking, They use technology instead of pen and paper.

4. Write a story (training games for trainers)

Ask the trainees to write a story together, By making each trainee write 3 consecutive words before another intern comes and writes 3 more words after the first words, Thus, until the participants stop or run out of time to give them (it may be a day or two), You can start the story or let one of the participants start. It is best to eventually group the story in the form of text or audio recording and share it with the trainees.

5. Common Points (Training Games for Trainers)

Ask each trainee to find another trainee who agrees with him on a number of things, Then he writes the name of the person he found and the common points between them, He does not have to have prior knowledge of this person. This game will allow you to form relationships and share experiences between trainees. Add a comment if you reached a beautiful and effective dead end or if you implemented one of the previous ideas, We look forward to telling you your experience.

6. Dating cards (training games for trainers)

You must have the image upload feature through the discussion field in order to implement this idea. To carry it out, Ask trainees to design cards to express themselves using the design of playing cards or cartoon characters. After the design of the card, Each trainee must post a picture of the card he designed. You can ask them to make a card about a certain aspect of their lives, Like their preferred way of communicating and communicating socially or their preferred way of learning.

7. Photos of books (training games for trainers)

Ask the trainees to upload a picture of the books they read recently or read now, In addition to the benefit of sharing book titles. This method is a form of expression of the trainee’s personality, The book reflects some of his interests and ideas. If the e-learning platform does not provide the property of uploading images through the discussion field, The trainee can write down the names of books and see them.

8. Ask questions which one would you prefer more? (Training games for trainers)

  • Ask the trainees a question about the type you prefer, As:
  • Which one do you prefer more, To be the captain of a plane or the captain of a ship? Which would you rather be the most famous or the smartest? Which would you rather be able to hear all the conversations or be able to recover everything you say?
  • Which is easier for you, Give up your computer or give up your pet?
  • Which would you rather be invisible or be able to read the minds of others?

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your course great 
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
                 “We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

Dating games (training games for trainers)

Random entanglement of hands
This activity is a training game for trainers that are used to solve problems and aims to:
1. Develop mental and mental abilities through teamwork to solve
2. The speed of intuition to find immediate solutions that benefit the group
Materials: – Group effort, clock to set time
1- Stand in a circular way and darken the eyes.
2- Extend the hands forward and then move them randomly with stability in standing.
3- Random entanglement of hands.
4- Open the eyes and look at the position of the hands.
5- Trying to untie hands logically and smoothly (politically) without causing any harm to others.

This activity during training games for trainers builds and develops dynamism in training games for trainers and aims to:
Cooperation and teamwork.
1. Make collective decisions and agree on them.
2. Dialogue with others.
3. Use the appropriate method in the way of dialogue and persuasion.
Materials: – nylon bags, Some money, Hour (to set the time)
1- Explain the effectiveness briefly during training games for trainers .
2- Bring a bag.
3- Ask each individual to pay as much money as he can and put it in the bag.
4. Provoke the Team that you will take the money if they do not come up with a single decision and if they do not specify what they will do with the money.
5- Give each person one minute.
6- Identify one of the students confidentially to oppose any decision taken by the group and for a certain period only.
7. It was agreed with the student I identified for the opposition that the decision would eventually be approved.

Balloon game
This activity is one of the activities that enhances the speed of intuition of participants, Decision-making is a time of crisis and aims to:
1. Speed decision-making in case of emergency.
2. Renewing the spirit of sacrifice among groups

Materials: – Hour to set the time
1. Imagine a balloon in the air.
2- The airship contains a family comprising a husband, wife and their two sons.
3- There was a damage in the air balloon while flying in the air and two of the family must be dropped in order for the others to survive.
4- Inquire from the students which two we expect to keep and any two expect to evacuate the airship.
Discuss the results of this event with participants.

One to one.
This activity is used to improve listening and listening skills during training games for trainers and aims to:
1. Gain listening skills
2. Getting to know each other and breaking down barriers
Materials: Clock to set time
1. The group is divided into small groups of participants.
2. Each participant sits in opposite seats.
3. Each participant introduces himself, his hobbies, What he loves and what he hates…
4. Each participant speaks for himself for 2 minutes without being interrupted by his partner.
The group of participants joins the remaining groups that have finished their interview.
6- The participant talks about his colleague and gives the information that his partner has informed him of.

Expression of one member of the team
This is an activity that is used to build dynamism among the group members in a democratic manner and aims to:
1. Democratic exchange of views.
2. Create a spirit of dialogue between the group.
3. Candour and clarity.
4. Accept the opinions of others.

Materials: Paper and pen, Clock to set the time
1. The group is divided into small groups of two.
Participants identify themselves.
Each participant writes his or her or her partner’s notes.
The whole group is collected as a single group.
5- Roles are exchanged between the group so that the first participant impersonates the second and vice versa
6. A person criticizes or expresses his opinion on the character he or she is impersonating.
7- The group talks and expresses its opinion in the different personalities of the participants and talks about its weaknesses and strengths.

Distribution of roles during training games for trainers
This activity is one of the activities that develop decision-making skills and aims to:
Giving participants the opportunity to make decisions

Hour-to-hour materials to set the time
1- The group sits in a circular manner.
2- The trainer asks each individual in the group to play a certain role as captain in a ship, father, Teacher.
We ask each participant to make a decision from his or her site.
Decision makers are required to use certain decision-making skills.

Fund skill
This is an activity that gives participants the opportunity to develop their expression skills in a democratic manner and aims to:
Self-expression and public opinion
– Evaluating the course of the meeting
Materials: – cardboard, pens, gras, ordinary leaves, clock to set the time
Event details:
1. The team manufactures a cardboard box or any material of their choice.
2- The trainer distributes stories of paper and pens to the participants.
3- Each participant writes his opinion on the elements of training on paper clippings such as trainer, events, Training materials, The venue of the meeting…
Participants fold their paper clippings and place them in the box
5- The box is passed on to the participants and each participant selects a paper.
Each participant reads the paper he has selected from the Fund.
The group discusses the topics and opinions put forward by the participants on paper.

Managing the discussion on concepts
This activity is an activity that gives a clear picture of participants’ definition of some of the basic concepts of popular achievement and aims to:
– My mind was ravaged by concepts.
Materials: slab Volumaster Pen, Clock to set the time
1- The group sits in a circular manner.
It is necessary to have a board or paper to write down the opinions of the participants.
3- The coach asks some questions to the participants such as: What does it think when you hear the word politics? What does it think when we hear the word “public” or “public”? What is the importance of the public…?
These opinions are recorded on the board.
The group formulates its concepts and opinions.

Who is the citizen?
This event deepens the concept of citizenship among participants by presenting some specifications for the concept of a good citizen and reversing it and aims to:
Giving participants an opportunity to express themselves.
Creating a collective communication aimed at convergence of views.
3- Deepening the spirit of citizenship by imagining the qualities of good people in society.

Materials : – Paper roll, some pens and a large white paper
1- Ask one of the participants to sit on the large white paper.
2- Ask one of the participants to draw a circular line around the person sitting on the white paper.
3- Ask the sitting person to withdraw from the game.
4- Ask each participant to write the specifications of the good citizen and put them within the circle.
5- Ask all participants to write the specifications of the invalid citizen and put them outside the circle.
6. Discuss with the group the views presented outside and within the Chamber and the values of these views.

How do I know the program?
A comprehensive view of this activity aims to build a vision of the stages of the program as the participants see it
– This activity is used to view as an introduction before viewing the stages of the program
The stages of any program, And what are the most important stages of any program

Materials: Magazines Cardboard, scissors,
1. The group sits in a circular manner.
2- The coach passes some magazines to the participants.
3. Participants are made clear that the purpose of the distribution of these magazines is to create a picture that represents the training process, group, activity, accountants and evaluaters, transformation, leadership, A nation.
4- The trainer distributes scissors and cards of cardboard.
Participants cut images that give certain connotations of the training process, And paste it on the cards.
The name of the term or verb is written on another card.
The term is defined with participants.
8- Explain how the image makes sense of the term.
9- Mix all the cards and flip the picture on her face.
10. Ask participants to find a matching pair of photos and descriptions.

This activity is an activity that enhances some of our understanding of certain concepts and aims to:
– Distribution of roles and tasks in the team
The responsibilities of all participants in the programme
Materials: magazines, scissors, glue, Cardboard, Pens
All members of the team will participate effectively.
2- Tasks are distributed to the team: Coach, team, community, self-interest, Public news, plans, problem, issue, Activity.
Some books and magazines are distributed to the team.
4. Ask the team to cut some pictures from magazines according to the task assigned to them.
5- Attach these images to cardboard with an address.
6- Discuss these cards with the team.
Land of Citizenship
This activity enhances planning and teamwork skills and aims to:
Enhancing team planning skills with minimal losses
Materials: – Any materials that can be used from the ocean
1- A number of students from 15 to 20 students use the school yard.
2. Students make a fence or wall of anything real or symbolic to prevent other students from reaching the desired target.
3- Making gates in the fence can be penetrated and that is where the risk lies.
4- Distributing roles to students so that the student is the guard of each gate and the other students try to pass the gate.
5- Reaching the area required after the confrontation by the attacking students and here is the goal is that the homeland is not only on the ground or in the citizen but with both and that each individual does not forget the right of the other and work to show the personality of the trainees and make a full evaluation (was the game just for entertainment or to convey the idea and work under it).

Benjo Popular Achievement
This activity is an activity that illustrates the core concepts of the program through teamwork and aims to:
Participation of all in giving opinion and consultation.
2- Competition to communicate an idea to groups through teamwork.

Materials : – cardboard scraps, pens, clock to set time
1- Dividing the team into groups by number (e.g. 20 people, 4 groups).
2- Write some terms on scraps of paper.
3- Distributing the papers to the team so that each team gets terms randomly.
4- The first group that knows the terms screams collectively (Bingo).
5- Give a period of time of not more than five minutes for each group to present its concept of the terms it has known to the large group.

Without talking
This activity is an activity that develops non-verbal communication skills among participants and aims to:
– Communicating information through non-verbal contact.

Materials: leaves, pens, Clock to set the time

Event details:
The group is divided into two groups.
2- Each group writes some terms and expressions of popular achievement on cards.
3- The cards are flipped and one of the members of the first team asks the members of the second team to choose one of the inverted cards and represent them and the second team should know the significance of the representation.
4- No more than two minutes is given to each team to represent each card.
5- The team that knows the word without words calculates a point.

Effective scenarios
1- Breaking down the barriers between the group (shyness)
2- Learning on spontaneous theatrical roles.
3- Learn skills from new ones.
Explain the effectiveness of the group.
2- Divide the group into two groups against each other.
3. One person comes out of each group against each other in the middle of the two groups.
4. Each person begins a topic with the exchange of roles.
5- The time period for two people is 5 minutes.
6- Then two more come out until the whole group comes out.
The group then evaluates the event and what they have benefited from.

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Simple attention-drawing mechanics (training games for trainers)

  1. Internal mental process in training games for trainers
  2. Draws attention within training games for trainers
  3. Tell the trainees about the goals training games for the trainers
  4. Mention previous information within training games for trainers
  5. View content
  6. Provide “Learning Guide” instructions
  7. Performance Conclusion (Training Games for Trainers)
  8. Provide feedback (feedback)
  9. Performance evaluation during training games for trainers
  10. Promoting conservation and transition to work

1 Stimulants activate receptors

2 This creates a level of expected learning

3- Retrieving and activating short-term memory

Contributes to a selective understanding of the content

5- Large encoding in long-term memory

6 Provide answers to questions: To enhance it to ensure that learning occurs

Promoting and evaluating the right performance

8- Retrieving and improving content as a final assessment

9 Retrieving and generalizing the skill gained in new circumstances

1. Attract attention

To learn You must first attract the attention of trainees. An exercise program that starts with a mobile screen with sound effects or amazing music that attracts audiovisual trainees. There are many ways to attract attention, For example Start with a puzzling (thought-provoking) question or remember an interesting fact that stimulates learners’ curiosity to learn.

2. Tell the interns about the targets.

Trainees must wake up early and in every lesson educational goals, This helps in the process of internal anticipation of trainees, It helps them motivate them to complete the lesson. These objectives should form the basis for subsequent evaluation and certification as well. Learning goals are displayed as follows: “After you finish this lesson you will be able to …”.

3. I remember the previous information.

Link new information to knowledge of advanced trainees and facilitate the educational process. It is easy for trainees to encode and store the information provided to them in (long-term) memory when there are links or links between them and their personal experience or knowledge. Memory stimulation is based on asking questions about previous experiences, or their violence towards previous concepts, or their violence towards the content.

4. View content

Occurs when new content is provided to trainees. Content must be fragmented and purposefully structured to accommodate different learning patterns. Multimedia should be used if possible, Including text, photos, audio, graphics and video.

5. Provide “Learning Guide” instructions

to help trainees encode information in a long-term format, Additional instructions should be provided with more content presentation. Include the use of examples and case studies, And show the charts, And have discussions if necessary … Etc.

Performance conclusion (exercise)

The trainee is required to practice new skill or behavior. Performance inference provides an opportunity for trainees to demonstrate their understanding and suitability, At the same time, repetition increases conservation.

7. Feedback

When trainees practice new behavior, It will be important to provide immediate feedback on their performance. Exercises should be used with complete explanations to understand their purpose. Accompanying questions and instructions at this stage are called: Feedback on the news.

Performance assessment

After the completion of the learning units, Trainees should be given an opportunity for final evaluation. You must complete this assessment without the need for any additional training, observations or hints … Learner mastery is guaranteed. to get a certificate after achieving a certain score rate, It is usually acceptable 80 to 90%. for the right pathological expression.

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

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