Your bagthe best Arab in the development of training content
Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world

How to order a training bag

Your bag foundation to prepare and design training bags to design training bags in a professional manner, We offer a variety of solutions in the field of bag preparation to achieve great development and success for your training course

We offer you training bags in all departments:

  • Family bags
  • Educational bags
  • Suitcases
  • Administrative bags
  • Educational bags
  • Professional bags
  • Social bags
  • Technology bags
طريقة طلب حقيبة تدريبية

Contents of the bag

  1. Coach’s Guide
  2. Trainee Note
  3. Presentation copy
  4. Activities
  5. Profile
  6. Videos
دليل تصميم الحقائب التدريبية
طريقة طلب حقيبة تدريبية

How to order a training bag

1. Choose the training bags section

2- Choose the bag you want

3- Download a profile

4- After you choose the bag or the range of bags you want, you can get it in two ways

First: Contact us directly with WhatsApp or other contact information in our Contact Us section

Secondly: Fill out the application form to buy a professional training bag ready in the ready-made bags section and send it to us.

5- You will be contacted directly and all information required to transfer the financial fees (for all Arab countries) will be provided.

6- Once the fees are transferred, The requested bag link and all files and attachments will be sent to the customer’s email.

حمل نموذج مجاني

Carry a training bag for free

Basic items for the bag

  1. Clarify the contents, objectives , conditions, duration and targeted functions of the program.
  2. Clarification of training units for each topic, time, objectives and topics.
  3. Clarify the roles involved in training (trainer and trainee).
  4. It is used as a general guide for managing training sessions.
  5. Provides basic scientific materials and tools for practical application.
  6. Provides tools to measure skills and knowledge acquisition.

Quality standards for the training bag

  • Convenience: It means the extent to which the training bag is based on vision and foundations, Their compatibility with the education and training policy.
  • Regularity: It means the extent of the commitment to build the training bag in the light of the required institutional standards and procedures.
  • Flexibility: It means the extent to which the training bag can be implemented according to the circumstances and possibilities available.
  • Accuracy means how clear and blurry the training bag is.
  • Honesty: It means the credibility and freedom of the content of the training bag in information and data
  • Inclusiveness: The extent to which the training bag contains goals and objectives.
  • Scalability: The extent to which the training bag can be developed in the future according to the variables.
  • Keeping up: It means how compatible the training bag is with the characteristics of the variables developed.
  • Coming through: It is intended to meet the expectations of the beneficiaries.
  • Compatibility: It means the extent to which the training bag is consistent and coherent.
  • Integration: It means the extent to which the training bag is committed to integrating educational expertise into its content.
دورتك قريبة

You can easily order a training bag from your bag foundation!

The foundation allows you to design and implement training bags according to the axes and number of days required as well as the target category as well as the possibility of developing and restructuring training bags, The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific bag. Sack. The curriculum is professional and re-take out the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!

All training bags provided by your bag organization are integrated, Since all parts of the bag needed by the trainer during the training session include “activities, And the video, And the trainee’s guide, And the trainee’s note, And the profile, And the presentation copy as well as the help files.”

You can buy training bags from your bag foundation as you wish!

Custom-made training bags

Design and implementation of a training bag according to the axes, number of days required and target group

Training bags available and ready for delivery

A range of ready-made training bags equipped for immediate delivery and immediate delivery! After adding the trainer's information to it

Development and restructuring of training bags

The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific curriculum professionally and re-taking the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive style! Makes your training session great!

مؤسسة حقيبتك

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى