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تحديث سنة 2024

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

English - العربية
محاضرات تفاعلية

مميزات الحقيبة

مذكرة المتدرب
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نسخة العرض
الملف التعريفي

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Introduction to the program

There is no doubt that conscious and good management is the only guarantee of its success, Nowadays, many small, informed administrations have overcome the great in their management and their eagerness for continuous development and improvement.
As long as we use modern technology, we have to complete our work by measuring modern performance, Measuring performance in modern departments is an integral part of administrative and technical success by measuring performance indicators and recognizing the success of achieving the goals set. That is why we propose to apply performance indicators to ensure the success we seek.
Measuring performance or evaluating performance
This function (performance measurement: It includes four measurement construction, evaluation, evaluation and improvement, which are considered to be one of the most important functions of human resources management, and the system used to measure performance for a not long time (performance evaluation: It only includes issuing a value for the level of performance) of the worst systems followed where it relied on confidential reports prepared by the direct president, which is often not a real performance assessment on the one hand and on the other hand the evaluation is done by one person and not by a working group and most importantly that the evaluator is far from the objectives of the strategic establishment.
And away from the performance problems and how to avoid them or mitigate them, but the evaluation is based on one topic which is whether this factor performs its work or does not it do it and will it spend a bonus or not, This talk we have already seen in establishments and institutions, although it is still followed in some institutions.
Evaluation in the modern sense aims to change for the better:
The human element is indispensable and it is undoubtedly inevitable to exist at any stage, whether it is manual, mechanical or computerized, These rapid and successive developments in the world of communications and information technology have enhanced the importance of human resources, Many experiences have confirmed that the success of the foundation’s mission is in the hands of workers, Achieving goals depends on the performance of the workers, The success of change efforts depends on the successful change in the behaviour and thinking of human resources.
The performance in the modern concept is the answer to the following questions:
Last year, what did we want to be?
How are we doing this year?
What do we want to be next year?
This is the assessment in the modern sense.
Meaning of performance:
Changing the meaning of performance in administrative environments seeking continuous improvement (kaizen) becomes inevitable in terms of its content, development and measurement, Annual adequacy report forms that are packed with incumbent requirements or specifications such as packages, good-looking, practical experience and other efficiency measurement criteria will probably need completely different other criteria.
Some have even put forward, that performance evaluation can become absolutely unnecessary amid this rapid movement and flexibility, In this case, it is possible to be content with the variables of its governing performance, the most important of which, for example, quantity, Accuracy, speed, response, Continuous development in the work.
The importance of measuring performance :
The importance of human resources to the success of an organization in reaching its goals is growing day by day, High-performance institutions are institutions with a committed and highly trained workforce and this is the key to competition for any organization seeking excellence and survival.
Performance Index Concept
The Key Performance Indicators or KPI is a contributing factor in the amount of progress made towards management objectives.
These are predetermined measures by the administration of what you want to measure (financial, administrative, technical, … Etc. are used to help ensure that the administration has succeeded in achieving its objectives and making the necessary progress.
The following points can be presented to illustrate the concept of key performance indicators:
Basic performance indicators are data based on the fundamental characteristics of the organization’s activity, which stands as a criterion for measuring other relevant data.
Performance indicators are a combination of reports, calculations and charts and may include sales figures, production processes or information about staff, customs and inclinations, or real-time information about the supply line.
Performance indicators: are interrelated ratios that are useful in measuring key activities and results in the organization, Financial reports indicate what has been achieved on the ground, While performance indicators include activities and performance as well as financial and other data on the state of the market, They are all regular together in specific links and relationships, Which gives a clear picture of the course of action, It refers to variables and helps control their effects.
The importance of performance indicators
Performance indicators are an effective tool to verify the extent to which the goals are achieved, and one of the techniques to measure the success of the performance of departments used with quality programs and organizational development of modern departments, through which the ability of management to achieve its specific objectives is recognized through its strategy, and performance indicators are measured and determined based on criteria determined by the nature of the tasks and activities of multiple departments (equipment, technology, buildings, management, supervisory, …. Measuring these indicators also uses several technical, administrative and technical methods to identify these indicators in measuring performance and the work of these departments.
Today’s key performance indicators in modern departments are valuable indicators for teams, managers and leadership officials to rapidly assess progress towards targets that can be measured using SharePoint’s key performance indicators.
There is a lot of controversy at present about the actual value of performance indicators, Companies complain of waste due to the volume of papers and documents piled up each month for reporting, But executives defend this situation because these reports contribute to their decision-making process, it helps them discuss their views and helps identify the organization’s resources, Most importantly, it gives them confidence in the quality and level of decisions they make.
Performance indicators:
– An indispensable part of standard measurement.
– A way to help businessmen define their professional reality
– A way like me to estimate the effectiveness of the work and the sufficient capabilities of the institution.
A means of identifying opportunities of strategic importance to the organization.
-“Everything that is actually measured, It is therefore developed,” Without measurement, there will be no correct decision or implementation.
– Performance indicators play other roles, which we can consider as a direct means of comparing performance (benchmarking reference comparison) or as the dictionary of administrative terms calls reference comparative measurement), Whether it’s comparing similar organizations or comparing current performance to the previous one in the organization itself.
The Golden Rule of Management Science
The evaluation process is one of the five main administrative processes known as management functions, This highlights the importance of the evaluation and evaluation process, as it gives us the means to predict and measure the effectiveness of the administrative process and the extent to which the objectives of the project or organization are achieved.
An important rule in performance measurement says:
“What we can measure we can modify. And develop it and control it.”
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we always echo the golden rule in management science developed by coach Dr. Mohammed Al Ameri (trainer, management and educational consultant) on the process of measuring organized performance, which says:
(All that has no scale cannot be measured, And it can’t be controlled, Or adjust its quality Nor predict a risk, Nor the ability to improve and develop it! ) .
And here lies the usefulness of measurement, This golden rule clearly illustrates the importance of measurement and evaluation in the administrative process.
Benefits of key performance indicators:
A- Speed:
Performance indicators focus on key topics and provide the organization with a clear idea of costs, quality and performance in the supply line in a limited period of time.
B- Ease of use:
Since performance indicators require a specific amount of data, Finding and monitoring indicators will be done at a low cost.
C. Focus on basic procedures:
Performance indicators emphasize actions of a vital nature that form the basis for them.
D- Multidimensional performance :
Performance indicators cover multiple performance dimensions so that they can conduct approaches across different supply lines and organizations.
E- Filling the void in performance:
Performance indicators help fill potential performance gaps in areas that affect supply line competitiveness.
Confidentiality and comparability:
expresses indicators using ratios, This is for comparability and privacy.
Performance indicators are represented by some questions and answers such as:
Is the department performing the task properly and in accordance with the objectives?
How far are the tasks going or lagging behind?
– What is the minimum that she has completed?
KPI’s performance measurement indicators usually use a number of tools and methods used in Q-Tools quality applications and tools and planning to identify a number of indicators through which performance can be measured and compared in various fields, know the current situation, plan for a better future situation, and know the progress in management to reach the desired goals.
The technology has contributed to the development of the measurement of departmental performance indicators and has been allocated programmes that measure these indicators as performance measurement indicators for each area of work, activities and products in the organization.
Types of performance indicators :
KPI performance indicators consist of a set of values that measure success in achieving management objectives and can be categorized in the following aspects:
Quantitative indicators (e.g. different digital statistics and data).
Practical indicators (dealing with existing management processes).
Directional Indicators (showing whether management is improving and progressing or vice versa).
Actionable indicators (showing management’s satisfaction with effective change control).
Departmental performance indicators are seen by modern departments as a strategy for achieving goals and results, and a strong indicator of success or regulatory failure, This is why it is considered as a medical thermometric in terms of measuring (heat, pressure and other diseases or other diagnoses) to outperform modern administrations and their success in performing their tasks as required.
Select quality indicators :
Determining performance indicators is a selection of quality indicators and is considered one of the most important performance measurements, Whether measuring productivity or measuring services, Without it the quality system becomes rigid without any improvements, There are generally two types of quality indicators:
I to adjust the quality: It relates to the standards that the organization wishes to maintain, It is formulated at the level of public administration in the organization, Using expressions similar to those used in formulating the basic requirements of the specification, or using lower level requirements related to specific characteristics, Like safety, And reliability, and the satisfaction of the beneficiaries And so on.
The second is: To improve quality, They are often limited to reducing mistakes, waste (removing non-conformity in supply, And improve the settings, … etc.), And in the development of new products with features, Distinctive recipes, Satisfies the needs of beneficiaries more effectively.
The role of quality in measuring performance indicators :
One of the advantages of the Comprehensive Quality Management Methodology (TQM) is to adopt measurement using quantitative methods such as statistics and number indicators with qualitative analysis of results.
The importance of quality lies in measuring performance to achieve effective results, One of the characteristics of measurement is the ability to recognize modification, development and change.
Categories of quality performance indicators in departments:
Departmental quality performance indicators can be classified in general, In five categories:
Performance indicators for management: The organization and the surrounding community are dealing with it.
Product performance indicators: It deals with the requirements of the organization, its employees, beneficiaries, stakeholders and competitors.
Performance indicators for operations: It deals with the ability, returns, effectiveness and control of operations.
Internal performance indicators for management: It addresses the capacity, returns, effectiveness and responsiveness of management to changes, the working environment, etc.
Performance indicators for human resources: It deals with skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and the development of workers.
Are our administrations in the Arab world interested in real measurement of organizational performance?
Measurement is the key test for the success of the performance of small and large administrations,
And the measurement of the administrations is more like an examination, Through screening and diagnosis, problems that departments of all sizes, forms and types may be exposed to are treated.
Steps to develop key performance indicators:
There are five to follow: –
Step 1:
Emphasizing the results “what is measured is what is reached.” Based on this rule, We believe that performance indicators should support their desired results, for example, Improving customer service, Customer relationship development, Reducing the cost of production, Raising morale and the level of solidarity of the team.
Step 2:
Building goals: The first step is to build specific goals. The comprehensiveness of these objectives is chosen through their achievability.
Step 3:
Develop and test performance indicators: Goals can be measured by:
– When dealing with performance indicators as results, It is easy for managers to determine the causes of unsatisfactory results.
Balancing indicators of progress with indicators of decline in performance.
Measuring the components of each target as a specific installation.
Adjust performance indicators to suit existing information management strategy.
Identify areas of progress for the development of the most appropriate performance indicators.
The results of this process can be selected by performing a “missing and surplus” analysis.
This leads us to the fact that when performance indicators are built, Management must rule whether there are weaknesses or exaggerations in adopted measurements.
The fourth step:
Liability framework: This stage is about determining liability for each indicator individually. And also, Caution must be exercised in practice, Especially when the results stem from joint efforts and internal cooperation of the team.
Fifth step:
Launch of the operation: The launch of the PIS system includes four main stages:
Performance indicators as targets: At first, We should look at performance indicators. As high-level targets, They should be deployed during the organizational structure to achieve clear communication about events. This allows the team to identify appropriate performance indicators and implement “plans” to achieve these goals. Of course, Make sure these plans are integrated with each other. Management here should be flexible in altering these plans if necessary.
Individual performance plans: Depending on the planned plans, Each employee must develop their own performance plan. To do this, He must choose the most important performance indicators from the relevant general plan. They will then be overridden at the appropriate level.
3- Develop documentation for the new system: When the PIS system is launched, A record consisting of an update system must be allocated to the next planning cycle.
Training: to help employees achieve their own performance indicators, And because they are responsible for doing so, They must be provided with appropriate training options. Whether it’s group development training.
At the level of the institution or special individual training. Training experiences includes technical and practical expertise, It also includes experiences based on behavioral performance.
* We have to point out several important considerations in the design of performance indicators growth: –
A. The organization’s strategy is what leads to its development, not performance indicators.
The organization should initially define its strategy, And its interim and main objectives, After this, they can select their own high-level performance indicators.
Performance indicators measure the key components of organizational success in the organization:
Each indicator should be entrusted with monitoring a goal to measure its progress, Performance indicators should always be linked to strategic, phased and procedural behavioral objectives (tasks), Because they are essentially linked to mechanisms for working to reach these goals. And as such, A full network of processes should be built in conjunction with performance indicators.
C- Adoption of performance indicators and measurements:
Core activities at the leadership level of the organization must be relevant to activities at the lower levels, As well as tasks at the individual level, Measurement must be done from the perspective of a balanced card.
Oversight, report and review:
These methods ensure the comprehensiveness of the measurement process and ensure that the development will take place at all levels, They also constantly recalibrate performance indicators and ensure that work on strategic and phased objectives is moving in the right direction.
Al Najah Human Development Skills Foundation’s efforts to develop the training portfolio
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge visualization of performance indicator building skills, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond providing practical applications on how to apply performance measurements in organizations from workshops containing practical experiences from actual practices from our training and management expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the training room.
And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other products we produce in the Foundation of Success Skills for Human Development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive training climates so that active learning and practical applications taking place in the training room and outside the training program are the main focus and the actors in it with motivation and high desire that, when they are treated to their organizational environment, will transform the way they practice their work and contribute actively to the administrative process, contributing to the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the participants and contributing to raising the efficiency of the organization’s productivity and achieving its objectives from the training process in accordance with the training process. Indicators measuring the scientific and codified impact of training.
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we have focused on this training bag and the tribi program in general being a fun and useful course, which is why it is a truly active training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in KPI’s performance indicator building skills and recruitment mechanisms in institutional performance measurements, A basic requirement (basic course for job workers) for all general managers, chief executives, senior executives, department managers and department heads with administrative, supervisory and executive responsibilities, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, general supervisors, team supervisors and project managers, and to human resources chief executives and senior executives who contribute to the human resources function, Human resources managers, workforce planning managers, training and career development managers, benefits and compensation managers, vice presidents of human resources, human resources specialists and analysts, interested employees in human resources departments who are instrumental in the development of human resources management and all planning workers involved in the process of strategic planning and performance measurement indicators as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is directly designed to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out regulatory performance measurements.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his or her work to perform the process of measuring performance or planning projects and tasks.
We strongly advise all that wants to manage a project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology in the presence of this training program where it will help him in the ability to build a performance measurement system that will help God willing in his success in leading his project or management or organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which those goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and every researcher for development and institutional success.
Objectives of the training program
The overall objective of the training program
This training program is specifically designed for kpi’s performance indicator construction workers and we expect that by the end of this training program, participants will have achieved the following results ( God willing ):
Enriching and developing the knowledge and expertise of participants in the field of building and measuring performance indicators (KPI’s), And their design mechanisms and the application of measurements, evaluations, evaluations and improvements associated with the results of measurements of performance indicators (KPI’s), Through interaction, participation and exchange of experiences between participants and the trainer in a training workshop in which the trainer focuses on the application of active learning strategies that make the participant a focus of the training and educational process and involves him in applied workshops, training studies, realistic cases and focused discussions on enabling managers and interested people to develop performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of managing their organizations, components, inputs, outputs and activities, By achieving the main objectives of the training portfolio, which focuses on providing participants with modern concepts in the field of:
* KPI’s.
* Tool indicators as a tool to align enterprise strategies.
* Measuring organizational performance indicators.
* Measuring financial performance indicators.
* The foundations for the implementation of KPI’s key performance indicators.
Coaching training workshops.
Hone their skills using performance indicators (KPI’s) efficiently and effectively so that the participant, God willing, can successfully understand and apply modern measurement mechanisms in raising the productivity of his organization, project and management.
Detailed objectives of the program
By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing ):
1. Learn about strategic management processes at the level of institutions and sectors.
2. Learn about the relationship between strategic management and performance measurement indicators.
3. Introducing participants to the concept and importance of strategic planning skill, elements and dimensions and the importance of measuring performance in the planning process.
4. Learn about the concept of performance indicators (KPI’s).
5. Introduce participants to the relationship between performance indicators (KPI’s) and planning processes.
6. Participants manage the importance of performance indicators (KPI’s) in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of performance and thus the overall productivity of the individual and the organization.
7. Assess and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of practical strategic management in a similar organization or organization.
8. Enable participants to plan their regular work in accordance with performance evaluation models.
9. Enable participants to contribute to the preparation of strategic plans related to their organizations.
10. Enable participants to master the use of strategic planning tools, performance measurement sprinkler and balanced performance cards.
11. Enable participants to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan by measuring performance indicators.
12. Inform participants about the indicators used to measure performance and how they are used to evaluate individual and institutional performance.
13. Explain the key metrics and performance indicators (KPI’s).
14. Identify the role of KPI’s in measuring the effectiveness of the organization and its human resources and outputs.


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Introduction to the program

There is no doubt that conscious and good management is the only guarantee of its success, Nowadays, many small, informed administrations have overcome the great in their management and their eagerness for continuous development and improvement.
As long as we use modern technology, we have to complete our work by measuring modern performance, Measuring performance in modern departments is an integral part of administrative and technical success by measuring performance indicators and recognizing the success of achieving the goals set. That is why we propose to apply performance indicators to ensure the success we seek.
Measuring performance or evaluating performance
This function (performance measurement: It includes four measurement construction, evaluation, evaluation and improvement, which are considered to be one of the most important functions of human resources management, and the system used to measure performance for a not long time (performance evaluation: It only includes issuing a value for the level of performance) of the worst systems followed where it relied on confidential reports prepared by the direct president, which is often not a real performance assessment on the one hand and on the other hand the evaluation is done by one person and not by a working group and most importantly that the evaluator is far from the objectives of the strategic establishment.
And away from the performance problems and how to avoid them or mitigate them, but the evaluation is based on one topic which is whether this factor performs its work or does not it do it and will it spend a bonus or not, This talk we have already seen in establishments and institutions, although it is still followed in some institutions.
Evaluation in the modern sense aims to change for the better:
The human element is indispensable and it is undoubtedly inevitable to exist at any stage, whether it is manual, mechanical or computerized, These rapid and successive developments in the world of communications and information technology have enhanced the importance of human resources, Many experiences have confirmed that the success of the foundation’s mission is in the hands of workers, Achieving goals depends on the performance of the workers, The success of change efforts depends on the successful change in the behaviour and thinking of human resources.
The performance in the modern concept is the answer to the following questions:
Last year, what did we want to be?
How are we doing this year?
What do we want to be next year?
This is the assessment in the modern sense.
Meaning of performance:
Changing the meaning of performance in administrative environments seeking continuous improvement (kaizen) becomes inevitable in terms of its content, development and measurement, Annual adequacy report forms that are packed with incumbent requirements or specifications such as packages, good-looking, practical experience and other efficiency measurement criteria will probably need completely different other criteria.
Some have even put forward, that performance evaluation can become absolutely unnecessary amid this rapid movement and flexibility, In this case, it is possible to be content with the variables of its governing performance, the most important of which, for example, quantity, Accuracy, speed, response, Continuous development in the work.
The importance of measuring performance :
The importance of human resources to the success of an organization in reaching its goals is growing day by day, High-performance institutions are institutions with a committed and highly trained workforce and this is the key to competition for any organization seeking excellence and survival.
Performance Index Concept
The Key Performance Indicators or KPI is a contributing factor in the amount of progress made towards management objectives.
These are predetermined measures by the administration of what you want to measure (financial, administrative, technical, … Etc. are used to help ensure that the administration has succeeded in achieving its objectives and making the necessary progress.
The following points can be presented to illustrate the concept of key performance indicators:
Basic performance indicators are data based on the fundamental characteristics of the organization’s activity, which stands as a criterion for measuring other relevant data.
Performance indicators are a combination of reports, calculations and charts and may include sales figures, production processes or information about staff, customs and inclinations, or real-time information about the supply line.
Performance indicators: are interrelated ratios that are useful in measuring key activities and results in the organization, Financial reports indicate what has been achieved on the ground, While performance indicators include activities and performance as well as financial and other data on the state of the market, They are all regular together in specific links and relationships, Which gives a clear picture of the course of action, It refers to variables and helps control their effects.
The importance of performance indicators
Performance indicators are an effective tool to verify the extent to which the goals are achieved, and one of the techniques to measure the success of the performance of departments used with quality programs and organizational development of modern departments, through which the ability of management to achieve its specific objectives is recognized through its strategy, and performance indicators are measured and determined based on criteria determined by the nature of the tasks and activities of multiple departments (equipment, technology, buildings, management, supervisory, …. Measuring these indicators also uses several technical, administrative and technical methods to identify these indicators in measuring performance and the work of these departments.
Today’s key performance indicators in modern departments are valuable indicators for teams, managers and leadership officials to rapidly assess progress towards targets that can be measured using SharePoint’s key performance indicators.
There is a lot of controversy at present about the actual value of performance indicators, Companies complain of waste due to the volume of papers and documents piled up each month for reporting, But executives defend this situation because these reports contribute to their decision-making process, it helps them discuss their views and helps identify the organization’s resources, Most importantly, it gives them confidence in the quality and level of decisions they make.
Performance indicators:
– An indispensable part of standard measurement.
– A way to help businessmen define their professional reality
– A way like me to estimate the effectiveness of the work and the sufficient capabilities of the institution.
A means of identifying opportunities of strategic importance to the organization.
-“Everything that is actually measured, It is therefore developed,” Without measurement, there will be no correct decision or implementation.
– Performance indicators play other roles, which we can consider as a direct means of comparing performance (benchmarking reference comparison) or as the dictionary of administrative terms calls reference comparative measurement), Whether it’s comparing similar organizations or comparing current performance to the previous one in the organization itself.
The Golden Rule of Management Science
The evaluation process is one of the five main administrative processes known as management functions, This highlights the importance of the evaluation and evaluation process, as it gives us the means to predict and measure the effectiveness of the administrative process and the extent to which the objectives of the project or organization are achieved.
An important rule in performance measurement says:
“What we can measure we can modify. And develop it and control it.”
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we always echo the golden rule in management science developed by coach Dr. Mohammed Al Ameri (trainer, management and educational consultant) on the process of measuring organized performance, which says:
(All that has no scale cannot be measured, And it can’t be controlled, Or adjust its quality Nor predict a risk, Nor the ability to improve and develop it! ) .
And here lies the usefulness of measurement, This golden rule clearly illustrates the importance of measurement and evaluation in the administrative process.
Benefits of key performance indicators:
A- Speed:
Performance indicators focus on key topics and provide the organization with a clear idea of costs, quality and performance in the supply line in a limited period of time.
B- Ease of use:
Since performance indicators require a specific amount of data, Finding and monitoring indicators will be done at a low cost.
C. Focus on basic procedures:
Performance indicators emphasize actions of a vital nature that form the basis for them.
D- Multidimensional performance :
Performance indicators cover multiple performance dimensions so that they can conduct approaches across different supply lines and organizations.
E- Filling the void in performance:
Performance indicators help fill potential performance gaps in areas that affect supply line competitiveness.
Confidentiality and comparability:
expresses indicators using ratios, This is for comparability and privacy.
Performance indicators are represented by some questions and answers such as:
Is the department performing the task properly and in accordance with the objectives?
How far are the tasks going or lagging behind?
– What is the minimum that she has completed?
KPI’s performance measurement indicators usually use a number of tools and methods used in Q-Tools quality applications and tools and planning to identify a number of indicators through which performance can be measured and compared in various fields, know the current situation, plan for a better future situation, and know the progress in management to reach the desired goals.
The technology has contributed to the development of the measurement of departmental performance indicators and has been allocated programmes that measure these indicators as performance measurement indicators for each area of work, activities and products in the organization.
Types of performance indicators :
KPI performance indicators consist of a set of values that measure success in achieving management objectives and can be categorized in the following aspects:
Quantitative indicators (e.g. different digital statistics and data).
Practical indicators (dealing with existing management processes).
Directional Indicators (showing whether management is improving and progressing or vice versa).
Actionable indicators (showing management’s satisfaction with effective change control).
Departmental performance indicators are seen by modern departments as a strategy for achieving goals and results, and a strong indicator of success or regulatory failure, This is why it is considered as a medical thermometric in terms of measuring (heat, pressure and other diseases or other diagnoses) to outperform modern administrations and their success in performing their tasks as required.
Select quality indicators :
Determining performance indicators is a selection of quality indicators and is considered one of the most important performance measurements, Whether measuring productivity or measuring services, Without it the quality system becomes rigid without any improvements, There are generally two types of quality indicators:
I to adjust the quality: It relates to the standards that the organization wishes to maintain, It is formulated at the level of public administration in the organization, Using expressions similar to those used in formulating the basic requirements of the specification, or using lower level requirements related to specific characteristics, Like safety, And reliability, and the satisfaction of the beneficiaries And so on.
The second is: To improve quality, They are often limited to reducing mistakes, waste (removing non-conformity in supply, And improve the settings, … etc.), And in the development of new products with features, Distinctive recipes, Satisfies the needs of beneficiaries more effectively.
The role of quality in measuring performance indicators :
One of the advantages of the Comprehensive Quality Management Methodology (TQM) is to adopt measurement using quantitative methods such as statistics and number indicators with qualitative analysis of results.
The importance of quality lies in measuring performance to achieve effective results, One of the characteristics of measurement is the ability to recognize modification, development and change.
Categories of quality performance indicators in departments:
Departmental quality performance indicators can be classified in general, In five categories:
Performance indicators for management: The organization and the surrounding community are dealing with it.
Product performance indicators: It deals with the requirements of the organization, its employees, beneficiaries, stakeholders and competitors.
Performance indicators for operations: It deals with the ability, returns, effectiveness and control of operations.
Internal performance indicators for management: It addresses the capacity, returns, effectiveness and responsiveness of management to changes, the working environment, etc.
Performance indicators for human resources: It deals with skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and the development of workers.
Are our administrations in the Arab world interested in real measurement of organizational performance?
Measurement is the key test for the success of the performance of small and large administrations,
And the measurement of the administrations is more like an examination, Through screening and diagnosis, problems that departments of all sizes, forms and types may be exposed to are treated.
Steps to develop key performance indicators:
There are five to follow: –
Step 1:
Emphasizing the results “what is measured is what is reached.” Based on this rule, We believe that performance indicators should support their desired results, for example, Improving customer service, Customer relationship development, Reducing the cost of production, Raising morale and the level of solidarity of the team.
Step 2:
Building goals: The first step is to build specific goals. The comprehensiveness of these objectives is chosen through their achievability.
Step 3:
Develop and test performance indicators: Goals can be measured by:
– When dealing with performance indicators as results, It is easy for managers to determine the causes of unsatisfactory results.
Balancing indicators of progress with indicators of decline in performance.
Measuring the components of each target as a specific installation.
Adjust performance indicators to suit existing information management strategy.
Identify areas of progress for the development of the most appropriate performance indicators.
The results of this process can be selected by performing a “missing and surplus” analysis.
This leads us to the fact that when performance indicators are built, Management must rule whether there are weaknesses or exaggerations in adopted measurements.
The fourth step:
Liability framework: This stage is about determining liability for each indicator individually. And also, Caution must be exercised in practice, Especially when the results stem from joint efforts and internal cooperation of the team.
Fifth step:
Launch of the operation: The launch of the PIS system includes four main stages:
Performance indicators as targets: At first, We should look at performance indicators. As high-level targets, They should be deployed during the organizational structure to achieve clear communication about events. This allows the team to identify appropriate performance indicators and implement “plans” to achieve these goals. Of course, Make sure these plans are integrated with each other. Management here should be flexible in altering these plans if necessary.
Individual performance plans: Depending on the planned plans, Each employee must develop their own performance plan. To do this, He must choose the most important performance indicators from the relevant general plan. They will then be overridden at the appropriate level.
3- Develop documentation for the new system: When the PIS system is launched, A record consisting of an update system must be allocated to the next planning cycle.
Training: to help employees achieve their own performance indicators, And because they are responsible for doing so, They must be provided with appropriate training options. Whether it’s group development training.
At the level of the institution or special individual training. Training experiences includes technical and practical expertise, It also includes experiences based on behavioral performance.
* We have to point out several important considerations in the design of performance indicators growth: –
A. The organization’s strategy is what leads to its development, not performance indicators.
The organization should initially define its strategy, And its interim and main objectives, After this, they can select their own high-level performance indicators.
Performance indicators measure the key components of organizational success in the organization:
Each indicator should be entrusted with monitoring a goal to measure its progress, Performance indicators should always be linked to strategic, phased and procedural behavioral objectives (tasks), Because they are essentially linked to mechanisms for working to reach these goals. And as such, A full network of processes should be built in conjunction with performance indicators.
C- Adoption of performance indicators and measurements:
Core activities at the leadership level of the organization must be relevant to activities at the lower levels, As well as tasks at the individual level, Measurement must be done from the perspective of a balanced card.
Oversight, report and review:
These methods ensure the comprehensiveness of the measurement process and ensure that the development will take place at all levels, They also constantly recalibrate performance indicators and ensure that work on strategic and phased objectives is moving in the right direction.
Al Najah Human Development Skills Foundation’s efforts to develop the training portfolio
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge visualization of performance indicator building skills, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond providing practical applications on how to apply performance measurements in organizations from workshops containing practical experiences from actual practices from our training and management expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the training room.
And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other products we produce in the Foundation of Success Skills for Human Development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive training climates so that active learning and practical applications taking place in the training room and outside the training program are the main focus and the actors in it with motivation and high desire that, when they are treated to their organizational environment, will transform the way they practice their work and contribute actively to the administrative process, contributing to the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the participants and contributing to raising the efficiency of the organization’s productivity and achieving its objectives from the training process in accordance with the training process. Indicators measuring the scientific and codified impact of training.
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we have focused on this training bag and the tribi program in general being a fun and useful course, which is why it is a truly active training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in KPI’s performance indicator building skills and recruitment mechanisms in institutional performance measurements, A basic requirement (basic course for job workers) for all general managers, chief executives, senior executives, department managers and department heads with administrative, supervisory and executive responsibilities, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, general supervisors, team supervisors and project managers, and to human resources chief executives and senior executives who contribute to the human resources function, Human resources managers, workforce planning managers, training and career development managers, benefits and compensation managers, vice presidents of human resources, human resources specialists and analysts, interested employees in human resources departments who are instrumental in the development of human resources management and all planning workers involved in the process of strategic planning and performance measurement indicators as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is directly designed to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out regulatory performance measurements.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his or her work to perform the process of measuring performance or planning projects and tasks.
We strongly advise all that wants to manage a project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology in the presence of this training program where it will help him in the ability to build a performance measurement system that will help God willing in his success in leading his project or management or organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which those goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and every researcher for development and institutional success.
Objectives of the training program
The overall objective of the training program
This training program is specifically designed for kpi’s performance indicator construction workers and we expect that by the end of this training program, participants will have achieved the following results ( God willing ):
Enriching and developing the knowledge and expertise of participants in the field of building and measuring performance indicators (KPI’s), And their design mechanisms and the application of measurements, evaluations, evaluations and improvements associated with the results of measurements of performance indicators (KPI’s), Through interaction, participation and exchange of experiences between participants and the trainer in a training workshop in which the trainer focuses on the application of active learning strategies that make the participant a focus of the training and educational process and involves him in applied workshops, training studies, realistic cases and focused discussions on enabling managers and interested people to develop performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of managing their organizations, components, inputs, outputs and activities, By achieving the main objectives of the training portfolio, which focuses on providing participants with modern concepts in the field of:
* KPI’s.
* Tool indicators as a tool to align enterprise strategies.
* Measuring organizational performance indicators.
* Measuring financial performance indicators.
* The foundations for the implementation of KPI’s key performance indicators.
Coaching training workshops.
Hone their skills using performance indicators (KPI’s) efficiently and effectively so that the participant, God willing, can successfully understand and apply modern measurement mechanisms in raising the productivity of his organization, project and management.
Detailed objectives of the program
By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing ):
1. Learn about strategic management processes at the level of institutions and sectors.
2. Learn about the relationship between strategic management and performance measurement indicators.
3. Introducing participants to the concept and importance of strategic planning skill, elements and dimensions and the importance of measuring performance in the planning process.
4. Learn about the concept of performance indicators (KPI’s).
5. Introduce participants to the relationship between performance indicators (KPI’s) and planning processes.
6. Participants manage the importance of performance indicators (KPI’s) in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of performance and thus the overall productivity of the individual and the organization.
7. Assess and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of practical strategic management in a similar organization or organization.
8. Enable participants to plan their regular work in accordance with performance evaluation models.
9. Enable participants to contribute to the preparation of strategic plans related to their organizations.
10. Enable participants to master the use of strategic planning tools, performance measurement sprinkler and balanced performance cards.
11. Enable participants to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan by measuring performance indicators.
12. Inform participants about the indicators used to measure performance and how they are used to evaluate individual and institutional performance.
13. Explain the key metrics and performance indicators (KPI’s).
14. Identify the role of KPI’s in measuring the effectiveness of the organization and its human resources and outputs.


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

English - العربية
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الملف التعريفي

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Introduction to the program

There is no doubt that conscious and good management is the only guarantee of its success, Nowadays, many small, informed administrations have overcome the great in their management and their eagerness for continuous development and improvement.
As long as we use modern technology, we have to complete our work by measuring modern performance, Measuring performance in modern departments is an integral part of administrative and technical success by measuring performance indicators and recognizing the success of achieving the goals set. That is why we propose to apply performance indicators to ensure the success we seek.
Measuring performance or evaluating performance
This function (performance measurement: It includes four measurement construction, evaluation, evaluation and improvement, which are considered to be one of the most important functions of human resources management, and the system used to measure performance for a not long time (performance evaluation: It only includes issuing a value for the level of performance) of the worst systems followed where it relied on confidential reports prepared by the direct president, which is often not a real performance assessment on the one hand and on the other hand the evaluation is done by one person and not by a working group and most importantly that the evaluator is far from the objectives of the strategic establishment.
And away from the performance problems and how to avoid them or mitigate them, but the evaluation is based on one topic which is whether this factor performs its work or does not it do it and will it spend a bonus or not, This talk we have already seen in establishments and institutions, although it is still followed in some institutions.
Evaluation in the modern sense aims to change for the better:
The human element is indispensable and it is undoubtedly inevitable to exist at any stage, whether it is manual, mechanical or computerized, These rapid and successive developments in the world of communications and information technology have enhanced the importance of human resources, Many experiences have confirmed that the success of the foundation’s mission is in the hands of workers, Achieving goals depends on the performance of the workers, The success of change efforts depends on the successful change in the behaviour and thinking of human resources.
The performance in the modern concept is the answer to the following questions:
Last year, what did we want to be?
How are we doing this year?
What do we want to be next year?
This is the assessment in the modern sense.
Meaning of performance:
Changing the meaning of performance in administrative environments seeking continuous improvement (kaizen) becomes inevitable in terms of its content, development and measurement, Annual adequacy report forms that are packed with incumbent requirements or specifications such as packages, good-looking, practical experience and other efficiency measurement criteria will probably need completely different other criteria.
Some have even put forward, that performance evaluation can become absolutely unnecessary amid this rapid movement and flexibility, In this case, it is possible to be content with the variables of its governing performance, the most important of which, for example, quantity, Accuracy, speed, response, Continuous development in the work.
The importance of measuring performance :
The importance of human resources to the success of an organization in reaching its goals is growing day by day, High-performance institutions are institutions with a committed and highly trained workforce and this is the key to competition for any organization seeking excellence and survival.
Performance Index Concept
The Key Performance Indicators or KPI is a contributing factor in the amount of progress made towards management objectives.
These are predetermined measures by the administration of what you want to measure (financial, administrative, technical, … Etc. are used to help ensure that the administration has succeeded in achieving its objectives and making the necessary progress.
The following points can be presented to illustrate the concept of key performance indicators:
Basic performance indicators are data based on the fundamental characteristics of the organization’s activity, which stands as a criterion for measuring other relevant data.
Performance indicators are a combination of reports, calculations and charts and may include sales figures, production processes or information about staff, customs and inclinations, or real-time information about the supply line.
Performance indicators: are interrelated ratios that are useful in measuring key activities and results in the organization, Financial reports indicate what has been achieved on the ground, While performance indicators include activities and performance as well as financial and other data on the state of the market, They are all regular together in specific links and relationships, Which gives a clear picture of the course of action, It refers to variables and helps control their effects.
The importance of performance indicators
Performance indicators are an effective tool to verify the extent to which the goals are achieved, and one of the techniques to measure the success of the performance of departments used with quality programs and organizational development of modern departments, through which the ability of management to achieve its specific objectives is recognized through its strategy, and performance indicators are measured and determined based on criteria determined by the nature of the tasks and activities of multiple departments (equipment, technology, buildings, management, supervisory, …. Measuring these indicators also uses several technical, administrative and technical methods to identify these indicators in measuring performance and the work of these departments.
Today’s key performance indicators in modern departments are valuable indicators for teams, managers and leadership officials to rapidly assess progress towards targets that can be measured using SharePoint’s key performance indicators.
There is a lot of controversy at present about the actual value of performance indicators, Companies complain of waste due to the volume of papers and documents piled up each month for reporting, But executives defend this situation because these reports contribute to their decision-making process, it helps them discuss their views and helps identify the organization’s resources, Most importantly, it gives them confidence in the quality and level of decisions they make.
Performance indicators:
– An indispensable part of standard measurement.
– A way to help businessmen define their professional reality
– A way like me to estimate the effectiveness of the work and the sufficient capabilities of the institution.
A means of identifying opportunities of strategic importance to the organization.
-“Everything that is actually measured, It is therefore developed,” Without measurement, there will be no correct decision or implementation.
– Performance indicators play other roles, which we can consider as a direct means of comparing performance (benchmarking reference comparison) or as the dictionary of administrative terms calls reference comparative measurement), Whether it’s comparing similar organizations or comparing current performance to the previous one in the organization itself.
The Golden Rule of Management Science
The evaluation process is one of the five main administrative processes known as management functions, This highlights the importance of the evaluation and evaluation process, as it gives us the means to predict and measure the effectiveness of the administrative process and the extent to which the objectives of the project or organization are achieved.
An important rule in performance measurement says:
“What we can measure we can modify. And develop it and control it.”
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we always echo the golden rule in management science developed by coach Dr. Mohammed Al Ameri (trainer, management and educational consultant) on the process of measuring organized performance, which says:
(All that has no scale cannot be measured, And it can’t be controlled, Or adjust its quality Nor predict a risk, Nor the ability to improve and develop it! ) .
And here lies the usefulness of measurement, This golden rule clearly illustrates the importance of measurement and evaluation in the administrative process.
Benefits of key performance indicators:
A- Speed:
Performance indicators focus on key topics and provide the organization with a clear idea of costs, quality and performance in the supply line in a limited period of time.
B- Ease of use:
Since performance indicators require a specific amount of data, Finding and monitoring indicators will be done at a low cost.
C. Focus on basic procedures:
Performance indicators emphasize actions of a vital nature that form the basis for them.
D- Multidimensional performance :
Performance indicators cover multiple performance dimensions so that they can conduct approaches across different supply lines and organizations.
E- Filling the void in performance:
Performance indicators help fill potential performance gaps in areas that affect supply line competitiveness.
Confidentiality and comparability:
expresses indicators using ratios, This is for comparability and privacy.
Performance indicators are represented by some questions and answers such as:
Is the department performing the task properly and in accordance with the objectives?
How far are the tasks going or lagging behind?
– What is the minimum that she has completed?
KPI’s performance measurement indicators usually use a number of tools and methods used in Q-Tools quality applications and tools and planning to identify a number of indicators through which performance can be measured and compared in various fields, know the current situation, plan for a better future situation, and know the progress in management to reach the desired goals.
The technology has contributed to the development of the measurement of departmental performance indicators and has been allocated programmes that measure these indicators as performance measurement indicators for each area of work, activities and products in the organization.
Types of performance indicators :
KPI performance indicators consist of a set of values that measure success in achieving management objectives and can be categorized in the following aspects:
Quantitative indicators (e.g. different digital statistics and data).
Practical indicators (dealing with existing management processes).
Directional Indicators (showing whether management is improving and progressing or vice versa).
Actionable indicators (showing management’s satisfaction with effective change control).
Departmental performance indicators are seen by modern departments as a strategy for achieving goals and results, and a strong indicator of success or regulatory failure, This is why it is considered as a medical thermometric in terms of measuring (heat, pressure and other diseases or other diagnoses) to outperform modern administrations and their success in performing their tasks as required.
Select quality indicators :
Determining performance indicators is a selection of quality indicators and is considered one of the most important performance measurements, Whether measuring productivity or measuring services, Without it the quality system becomes rigid without any improvements, There are generally two types of quality indicators:
I to adjust the quality: It relates to the standards that the organization wishes to maintain, It is formulated at the level of public administration in the organization, Using expressions similar to those used in formulating the basic requirements of the specification, or using lower level requirements related to specific characteristics, Like safety, And reliability, and the satisfaction of the beneficiaries And so on.
The second is: To improve quality, They are often limited to reducing mistakes, waste (removing non-conformity in supply, And improve the settings, … etc.), And in the development of new products with features, Distinctive recipes, Satisfies the needs of beneficiaries more effectively.
The role of quality in measuring performance indicators :
One of the advantages of the Comprehensive Quality Management Methodology (TQM) is to adopt measurement using quantitative methods such as statistics and number indicators with qualitative analysis of results.
The importance of quality lies in measuring performance to achieve effective results, One of the characteristics of measurement is the ability to recognize modification, development and change.
Categories of quality performance indicators in departments:
Departmental quality performance indicators can be classified in general, In five categories:
Performance indicators for management: The organization and the surrounding community are dealing with it.
Product performance indicators: It deals with the requirements of the organization, its employees, beneficiaries, stakeholders and competitors.
Performance indicators for operations: It deals with the ability, returns, effectiveness and control of operations.
Internal performance indicators for management: It addresses the capacity, returns, effectiveness and responsiveness of management to changes, the working environment, etc.
Performance indicators for human resources: It deals with skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and the development of workers.
Are our administrations in the Arab world interested in real measurement of organizational performance?
Measurement is the key test for the success of the performance of small and large administrations,
And the measurement of the administrations is more like an examination, Through screening and diagnosis, problems that departments of all sizes, forms and types may be exposed to are treated.
Steps to develop key performance indicators:
There are five to follow: –
Step 1:
Emphasizing the results “what is measured is what is reached.” Based on this rule, We believe that performance indicators should support their desired results, for example, Improving customer service, Customer relationship development, Reducing the cost of production, Raising morale and the level of solidarity of the team.
Step 2:
Building goals: The first step is to build specific goals. The comprehensiveness of these objectives is chosen through their achievability.
Step 3:
Develop and test performance indicators: Goals can be measured by:
– When dealing with performance indicators as results, It is easy for managers to determine the causes of unsatisfactory results.
Balancing indicators of progress with indicators of decline in performance.
Measuring the components of each target as a specific installation.
Adjust performance indicators to suit existing information management strategy.
Identify areas of progress for the development of the most appropriate performance indicators.
The results of this process can be selected by performing a “missing and surplus” analysis.
This leads us to the fact that when performance indicators are built, Management must rule whether there are weaknesses or exaggerations in adopted measurements.
The fourth step:
Liability framework: This stage is about determining liability for each indicator individually. And also, Caution must be exercised in practice, Especially when the results stem from joint efforts and internal cooperation of the team.
Fifth step:
Launch of the operation: The launch of the PIS system includes four main stages:
Performance indicators as targets: At first, We should look at performance indicators. As high-level targets, They should be deployed during the organizational structure to achieve clear communication about events. This allows the team to identify appropriate performance indicators and implement “plans” to achieve these goals. Of course, Make sure these plans are integrated with each other. Management here should be flexible in altering these plans if necessary.
Individual performance plans: Depending on the planned plans, Each employee must develop their own performance plan. To do this, He must choose the most important performance indicators from the relevant general plan. They will then be overridden at the appropriate level.
3- Develop documentation for the new system: When the PIS system is launched, A record consisting of an update system must be allocated to the next planning cycle.
Training: to help employees achieve their own performance indicators, And because they are responsible for doing so, They must be provided with appropriate training options. Whether it’s group development training.
At the level of the institution or special individual training. Training experiences includes technical and practical expertise, It also includes experiences based on behavioral performance.
* We have to point out several important considerations in the design of performance indicators growth: –
A. The organization’s strategy is what leads to its development, not performance indicators.
The organization should initially define its strategy, And its interim and main objectives, After this, they can select their own high-level performance indicators.
Performance indicators measure the key components of organizational success in the organization:
Each indicator should be entrusted with monitoring a goal to measure its progress, Performance indicators should always be linked to strategic, phased and procedural behavioral objectives (tasks), Because they are essentially linked to mechanisms for working to reach these goals. And as such, A full network of processes should be built in conjunction with performance indicators.
C- Adoption of performance indicators and measurements:
Core activities at the leadership level of the organization must be relevant to activities at the lower levels, As well as tasks at the individual level, Measurement must be done from the perspective of a balanced card.
Oversight, report and review:
These methods ensure the comprehensiveness of the measurement process and ensure that the development will take place at all levels, They also constantly recalibrate performance indicators and ensure that work on strategic and phased objectives is moving in the right direction.
Al Najah Human Development Skills Foundation’s efforts to develop the training portfolio
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge visualization of performance indicator building skills, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond providing practical applications on how to apply performance measurements in organizations from workshops containing practical experiences from actual practices from our training and management expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the training room.
And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other products we produce in the Foundation of Success Skills for Human Development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive training climates so that active learning and practical applications taking place in the training room and outside the training program are the main focus and the actors in it with motivation and high desire that, when they are treated to their organizational environment, will transform the way they practice their work and contribute actively to the administrative process, contributing to the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the participants and contributing to raising the efficiency of the organization’s productivity and achieving its objectives from the training process in accordance with the training process. Indicators measuring the scientific and codified impact of training.
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we have focused on this training bag and the tribi program in general being a fun and useful course, which is why it is a truly active training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in KPI’s performance indicator building skills and recruitment mechanisms in institutional performance measurements, A basic requirement (basic course for job workers) for all general managers, chief executives, senior executives, department managers and department heads with administrative, supervisory and executive responsibilities, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, general supervisors, team supervisors and project managers, and to human resources chief executives and senior executives who contribute to the human resources function, Human resources managers, workforce planning managers, training and career development managers, benefits and compensation managers, vice presidents of human resources, human resources specialists and analysts, interested employees in human resources departments who are instrumental in the development of human resources management and all planning workers involved in the process of strategic planning and performance measurement indicators as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is directly designed to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out regulatory performance measurements.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his or her work to perform the process of measuring performance or planning projects and tasks.
We strongly advise all that wants to manage a project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology in the presence of this training program where it will help him in the ability to build a performance measurement system that will help God willing in his success in leading his project or management or organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which those goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and every researcher for development and institutional success.
Objectives of the training program
The overall objective of the training program
This training program is specifically designed for kpi’s performance indicator construction workers and we expect that by the end of this training program, participants will have achieved the following results ( God willing ):
Enriching and developing the knowledge and expertise of participants in the field of building and measuring performance indicators (KPI’s), And their design mechanisms and the application of measurements, evaluations, evaluations and improvements associated with the results of measurements of performance indicators (KPI’s), Through interaction, participation and exchange of experiences between participants and the trainer in a training workshop in which the trainer focuses on the application of active learning strategies that make the participant a focus of the training and educational process and involves him in applied workshops, training studies, realistic cases and focused discussions on enabling managers and interested people to develop performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of managing their organizations, components, inputs, outputs and activities, By achieving the main objectives of the training portfolio, which focuses on providing participants with modern concepts in the field of:
* KPI’s.
* Tool indicators as a tool to align enterprise strategies.
* Measuring organizational performance indicators.
* Measuring financial performance indicators.
* The foundations for the implementation of KPI’s key performance indicators.
Coaching training workshops.
Hone their skills using performance indicators (KPI’s) efficiently and effectively so that the participant, God willing, can successfully understand and apply modern measurement mechanisms in raising the productivity of his organization, project and management.
Detailed objectives of the program
By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing ):
1. Learn about strategic management processes at the level of institutions and sectors.
2. Learn about the relationship between strategic management and performance measurement indicators.
3. Introducing participants to the concept and importance of strategic planning skill, elements and dimensions and the importance of measuring performance in the planning process.
4. Learn about the concept of performance indicators (KPI’s).
5. Introduce participants to the relationship between performance indicators (KPI’s) and planning processes.
6. Participants manage the importance of performance indicators (KPI’s) in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of performance and thus the overall productivity of the individual and the organization.
7. Assess and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of practical strategic management in a similar organization or organization.
8. Enable participants to plan their regular work in accordance with performance evaluation models.
9. Enable participants to contribute to the preparation of strategic plans related to their organizations.
10. Enable participants to master the use of strategic planning tools, performance measurement sprinkler and balanced performance cards.
11. Enable participants to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan by measuring performance indicators.
12. Inform participants about the indicators used to measure performance and how they are used to evaluate individual and institutional performance.
13. Explain the key metrics and performance indicators (KPI’s).
14. Identify the role of KPI’s in measuring the effectiveness of the organization and its human resources and outputs.


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills

Introduction to the program

There is no doubt that conscious and good management is the only guarantee of its success, Nowadays, many small, informed administrations have overcome the great in their management and their eagerness for continuous development and improvement.
As long as we use modern technology, we have to complete our work by measuring modern performance, Measuring performance in modern departments is an integral part of administrative and technical success by measuring performance indicators and recognizing the success of achieving the goals set. That is why we propose to apply performance indicators to ensure the success we seek.
Measuring performance or evaluating performance
This function (performance measurement: It includes four measurement construction, evaluation, evaluation and improvement, which are considered to be one of the most important functions of human resources management, and the system used to measure performance for a not long time (performance evaluation: It only includes issuing a value for the level of performance) of the worst systems followed where it relied on confidential reports prepared by the direct president, which is often not a real performance assessment on the one hand and on the other hand the evaluation is done by one person and not by a working group and most importantly that the evaluator is far from the objectives of the strategic establishment.
And away from the performance problems and how to avoid them or mitigate them, but the evaluation is based on one topic which is whether this factor performs its work or does not it do it and will it spend a bonus or not, This talk we have already seen in establishments and institutions, although it is still followed in some institutions.
Evaluation in the modern sense aims to change for the better:
The human element is indispensable and it is undoubtedly inevitable to exist at any stage, whether it is manual, mechanical or computerized, These rapid and successive developments in the world of communications and information technology have enhanced the importance of human resources, Many experiences have confirmed that the success of the foundation’s mission is in the hands of workers, Achieving goals depends on the performance of the workers, The success of change efforts depends on the successful change in the behaviour and thinking of human resources.
The performance in the modern concept is the answer to the following questions:
Last year, what did we want to be?
How are we doing this year?
What do we want to be next year?
This is the assessment in the modern sense.
Meaning of performance:
Changing the meaning of performance in administrative environments seeking continuous improvement (kaizen) becomes inevitable in terms of its content, development and measurement, Annual adequacy report forms that are packed with incumbent requirements or specifications such as packages, good-looking, practical experience and other efficiency measurement criteria will probably need completely different other criteria.
Some have even put forward, that performance evaluation can become absolutely unnecessary amid this rapid movement and flexibility, In this case, it is possible to be content with the variables of its governing performance, the most important of which, for example, quantity, Accuracy, speed, response, Continuous development in the work.
The importance of measuring performance :
The importance of human resources to the success of an organization in reaching its goals is growing day by day, High-performance institutions are institutions with a committed and highly trained workforce and this is the key to competition for any organization seeking excellence and survival.
Performance Index Concept
The Key Performance Indicators or KPI is a contributing factor in the amount of progress made towards management objectives.
These are predetermined measures by the administration of what you want to measure (financial, administrative, technical, … Etc. are used to help ensure that the administration has succeeded in achieving its objectives and making the necessary progress.
The following points can be presented to illustrate the concept of key performance indicators:
Basic performance indicators are data based on the fundamental characteristics of the organization’s activity, which stands as a criterion for measuring other relevant data.
Performance indicators are a combination of reports, calculations and charts and may include sales figures, production processes or information about staff, customs and inclinations, or real-time information about the supply line.
Performance indicators: are interrelated ratios that are useful in measuring key activities and results in the organization, Financial reports indicate what has been achieved on the ground, While performance indicators include activities and performance as well as financial and other data on the state of the market, They are all regular together in specific links and relationships, Which gives a clear picture of the course of action, It refers to variables and helps control their effects.
The importance of performance indicators
Performance indicators are an effective tool to verify the extent to which the goals are achieved, and one of the techniques to measure the success of the performance of departments used with quality programs and organizational development of modern departments, through which the ability of management to achieve its specific objectives is recognized through its strategy, and performance indicators are measured and determined based on criteria determined by the nature of the tasks and activities of multiple departments (equipment, technology, buildings, management, supervisory, …. Measuring these indicators also uses several technical, administrative and technical methods to identify these indicators in measuring performance and the work of these departments.
Today’s key performance indicators in modern departments are valuable indicators for teams, managers and leadership officials to rapidly assess progress towards targets that can be measured using SharePoint’s key performance indicators.
There is a lot of controversy at present about the actual value of performance indicators, Companies complain of waste due to the volume of papers and documents piled up each month for reporting, But executives defend this situation because these reports contribute to their decision-making process, it helps them discuss their views and helps identify the organization’s resources, Most importantly, it gives them confidence in the quality and level of decisions they make.
Performance indicators:
– An indispensable part of standard measurement.
– A way to help businessmen define their professional reality
– A way like me to estimate the effectiveness of the work and the sufficient capabilities of the institution.
A means of identifying opportunities of strategic importance to the organization.
-“Everything that is actually measured, It is therefore developed,” Without measurement, there will be no correct decision or implementation.
– Performance indicators play other roles, which we can consider as a direct means of comparing performance (benchmarking reference comparison) or as the dictionary of administrative terms calls reference comparative measurement), Whether it’s comparing similar organizations or comparing current performance to the previous one in the organization itself.
The Golden Rule of Management Science
The evaluation process is one of the five main administrative processes known as management functions, This highlights the importance of the evaluation and evaluation process, as it gives us the means to predict and measure the effectiveness of the administrative process and the extent to which the objectives of the project or organization are achieved.
An important rule in performance measurement says:
“What we can measure we can modify. And develop it and control it.”
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we always echo the golden rule in management science developed by coach Dr. Mohammed Al Ameri (trainer, management and educational consultant) on the process of measuring organized performance, which says:
(All that has no scale cannot be measured, And it can’t be controlled, Or adjust its quality Nor predict a risk, Nor the ability to improve and develop it! ) .
And here lies the usefulness of measurement, This golden rule clearly illustrates the importance of measurement and evaluation in the administrative process.
Benefits of key performance indicators:
A- Speed:
Performance indicators focus on key topics and provide the organization with a clear idea of costs, quality and performance in the supply line in a limited period of time.
B- Ease of use:
Since performance indicators require a specific amount of data, Finding and monitoring indicators will be done at a low cost.
C. Focus on basic procedures:
Performance indicators emphasize actions of a vital nature that form the basis for them.
D- Multidimensional performance :
Performance indicators cover multiple performance dimensions so that they can conduct approaches across different supply lines and organizations.
E- Filling the void in performance:
Performance indicators help fill potential performance gaps in areas that affect supply line competitiveness.
Confidentiality and comparability:
expresses indicators using ratios, This is for comparability and privacy.
Performance indicators are represented by some questions and answers such as:
Is the department performing the task properly and in accordance with the objectives?
How far are the tasks going or lagging behind?
– What is the minimum that she has completed?
KPI’s performance measurement indicators usually use a number of tools and methods used in Q-Tools quality applications and tools and planning to identify a number of indicators through which performance can be measured and compared in various fields, know the current situation, plan for a better future situation, and know the progress in management to reach the desired goals.
The technology has contributed to the development of the measurement of departmental performance indicators and has been allocated programmes that measure these indicators as performance measurement indicators for each area of work, activities and products in the organization.
Types of performance indicators :
KPI performance indicators consist of a set of values that measure success in achieving management objectives and can be categorized in the following aspects:
Quantitative indicators (e.g. different digital statistics and data).
Practical indicators (dealing with existing management processes).
Directional Indicators (showing whether management is improving and progressing or vice versa).
Actionable indicators (showing management’s satisfaction with effective change control).
Departmental performance indicators are seen by modern departments as a strategy for achieving goals and results, and a strong indicator of success or regulatory failure, This is why it is considered as a medical thermometric in terms of measuring (heat, pressure and other diseases or other diagnoses) to outperform modern administrations and their success in performing their tasks as required.
Select quality indicators :
Determining performance indicators is a selection of quality indicators and is considered one of the most important performance measurements, Whether measuring productivity or measuring services, Without it the quality system becomes rigid without any improvements, There are generally two types of quality indicators:
I to adjust the quality: It relates to the standards that the organization wishes to maintain, It is formulated at the level of public administration in the organization, Using expressions similar to those used in formulating the basic requirements of the specification, or using lower level requirements related to specific characteristics, Like safety, And reliability, and the satisfaction of the beneficiaries And so on.
The second is: To improve quality, They are often limited to reducing mistakes, waste (removing non-conformity in supply, And improve the settings, … etc.), And in the development of new products with features, Distinctive recipes, Satisfies the needs of beneficiaries more effectively.
The role of quality in measuring performance indicators :
One of the advantages of the Comprehensive Quality Management Methodology (TQM) is to adopt measurement using quantitative methods such as statistics and number indicators with qualitative analysis of results.
The importance of quality lies in measuring performance to achieve effective results, One of the characteristics of measurement is the ability to recognize modification, development and change.
Categories of quality performance indicators in departments:
Departmental quality performance indicators can be classified in general, In five categories:
Performance indicators for management: The organization and the surrounding community are dealing with it.
Product performance indicators: It deals with the requirements of the organization, its employees, beneficiaries, stakeholders and competitors.
Performance indicators for operations: It deals with the ability, returns, effectiveness and control of operations.
Internal performance indicators for management: It addresses the capacity, returns, effectiveness and responsiveness of management to changes, the working environment, etc.
Performance indicators for human resources: It deals with skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and the development of workers.
Are our administrations in the Arab world interested in real measurement of organizational performance?
Measurement is the key test for the success of the performance of small and large administrations,
And the measurement of the administrations is more like an examination, Through screening and diagnosis, problems that departments of all sizes, forms and types may be exposed to are treated.
Steps to develop key performance indicators:
There are five to follow: –
Step 1:
Emphasizing the results “what is measured is what is reached.” Based on this rule, We believe that performance indicators should support their desired results, for example, Improving customer service, Customer relationship development, Reducing the cost of production, Raising morale and the level of solidarity of the team.
Step 2:
Building goals: The first step is to build specific goals. The comprehensiveness of these objectives is chosen through their achievability.
Step 3:
Develop and test performance indicators: Goals can be measured by:
– When dealing with performance indicators as results, It is easy for managers to determine the causes of unsatisfactory results.
Balancing indicators of progress with indicators of decline in performance.
Measuring the components of each target as a specific installation.
Adjust performance indicators to suit existing information management strategy.
Identify areas of progress for the development of the most appropriate performance indicators.
The results of this process can be selected by performing a “missing and surplus” analysis.
This leads us to the fact that when performance indicators are built, Management must rule whether there are weaknesses or exaggerations in adopted measurements.
The fourth step:
Liability framework: This stage is about determining liability for each indicator individually. And also, Caution must be exercised in practice, Especially when the results stem from joint efforts and internal cooperation of the team.
Fifth step:
Launch of the operation: The launch of the PIS system includes four main stages:
Performance indicators as targets: At first, We should look at performance indicators. As high-level targets, They should be deployed during the organizational structure to achieve clear communication about events. This allows the team to identify appropriate performance indicators and implement “plans” to achieve these goals. Of course, Make sure these plans are integrated with each other. Management here should be flexible in altering these plans if necessary.
Individual performance plans: Depending on the planned plans, Each employee must develop their own performance plan. To do this, He must choose the most important performance indicators from the relevant general plan. They will then be overridden at the appropriate level.
3- Develop documentation for the new system: When the PIS system is launched, A record consisting of an update system must be allocated to the next planning cycle.
Training: to help employees achieve their own performance indicators, And because they are responsible for doing so, They must be provided with appropriate training options. Whether it’s group development training.
At the level of the institution or special individual training. Training experiences includes technical and practical expertise, It also includes experiences based on behavioral performance.
* We have to point out several important considerations in the design of performance indicators growth: –
A. The organization’s strategy is what leads to its development, not performance indicators.
The organization should initially define its strategy, And its interim and main objectives, After this, they can select their own high-level performance indicators.
Performance indicators measure the key components of organizational success in the organization:
Each indicator should be entrusted with monitoring a goal to measure its progress, Performance indicators should always be linked to strategic, phased and procedural behavioral objectives (tasks), Because they are essentially linked to mechanisms for working to reach these goals. And as such, A full network of processes should be built in conjunction with performance indicators.
C- Adoption of performance indicators and measurements:
Core activities at the leadership level of the organization must be relevant to activities at the lower levels, As well as tasks at the individual level, Measurement must be done from the perspective of a balanced card.
Oversight, report and review:
These methods ensure the comprehensiveness of the measurement process and ensure that the development will take place at all levels, They also constantly recalibrate performance indicators and ensure that work on strategic and phased objectives is moving in the right direction.
Al Najah Human Development Skills Foundation’s efforts to develop the training portfolio
This training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge visualization of performance indicator building skills, This bag is not limited to this presentation, Rather, it goes beyond providing practical applications on how to apply performance measurements in organizations from workshops containing practical experiences from actual practices from our training and management expertise that we transfer to participants in the training program.
This experience provided by this training bag coincides with the directions of the Foundation for Success Skills for Human Development, which takes care of the synergy of the theoretical and applied aspects in the context of practical training finds a place in theoretical thinking and practice in the training room.
And in light of this trend, The skills of success look forward to providing a training bag in which participants find what they are weighing, and what they benefit from in their educational practices.
We look forward to this training bag, and other products we produce in the Foundation of Success Skills for Human Development, An entry point for a broader and in-depth dialogue leading to the creation of interactive training climates so that active learning and practical applications taking place in the training room and outside the training program are the main focus and the actors in it with motivation and high desire that, when they are treated to their organizational environment, will transform the way they practice their work and contribute actively to the administrative process, contributing to the increased efficiency and effectiveness of the participants and contributing to raising the efficiency of the organization’s productivity and achieving its objectives from the training process in accordance with the training process. Indicators measuring the scientific and codified impact of training.
At The Success Skills Foundation for Human Development, we have focused on this training bag and the tribi program in general being a fun and useful course, which is why it is a truly active training operator in which the participant learns and practices active learning.
Targeted from the training program
This training bag is specialized in KPI’s performance indicator building skills and recruitment mechanisms in institutional performance measurements, A basic requirement (basic course for job workers) for all general managers, chief executives, senior executives, department managers and department heads with administrative, supervisory and executive responsibilities, as well as those at their level of employment, candidates for these positions, general supervisors, team supervisors and project managers, and to human resources chief executives and senior executives who contribute to the human resources function, Human resources managers, workforce planning managers, training and career development managers, benefits and compensation managers, vice presidents of human resources, human resources specialists and analysts, interested employees in human resources departments who are instrumental in the development of human resources management and all planning workers involved in the process of strategic planning and performance measurement indicators as well as those at their level of employment and candidates for these positions.
This training bag is directly designed to meet their training needs and we advise them to attend this training program and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, expertise and practical activities involved in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out regulatory performance measurements.
We also strongly advise anyone who is willing or qualified to take a leading or administrative role and anyone who requires the nature or functions of his or her work to perform the process of measuring performance or planning projects and tasks.
We strongly advise all that wants to manage a project efficiently, effectively and scientifically codified methodology in the presence of this training program where it will help him in the ability to build a performance measurement system that will help God willing in his success in leading his project or management or organization to achieve its desired goals and verify the extent to which those goals are achieved, Therefore, this training program in its current portfolio is a real prerequisite under the requirements of modern management that meets the training needs of all the categories mentioned and every researcher for development and institutional success.
Objectives of the training program
The overall objective of the training program
This training program is specifically designed for kpi’s performance indicator construction workers and we expect that by the end of this training program, participants will have achieved the following results ( God willing ):
Enriching and developing the knowledge and expertise of participants in the field of building and measuring performance indicators (KPI’s), And their design mechanisms and the application of measurements, evaluations, evaluations and improvements associated with the results of measurements of performance indicators (KPI’s), Through interaction, participation and exchange of experiences between participants and the trainer in a training workshop in which the trainer focuses on the application of active learning strategies that make the participant a focus of the training and educational process and involves him in applied workshops, training studies, realistic cases and focused discussions on enabling managers and interested people to develop performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of managing their organizations, components, inputs, outputs and activities, By achieving the main objectives of the training portfolio, which focuses on providing participants with modern concepts in the field of:
* KPI’s.
* Tool indicators as a tool to align enterprise strategies.
* Measuring organizational performance indicators.
* Measuring financial performance indicators.
* The foundations for the implementation of KPI’s key performance indicators.
Coaching training workshops.
Hone their skills using performance indicators (KPI’s) efficiently and effectively so that the participant, God willing, can successfully understand and apply modern measurement mechanisms in raising the productivity of his organization, project and management.
Detailed objectives of the program
By the end of this training program, we expect that the participants have achieved the following results (God willing ):
1. Learn about strategic management processes at the level of institutions and sectors.
2. Learn about the relationship between strategic management and performance measurement indicators.
3. Introducing participants to the concept and importance of strategic planning skill, elements and dimensions and the importance of measuring performance in the planning process.
4. Learn about the concept of performance indicators (KPI’s).
5. Introduce participants to the relationship between performance indicators (KPI’s) and planning processes.
6. Participants manage the importance of performance indicators (KPI’s) in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of performance and thus the overall productivity of the individual and the organization.
7. Assess and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of practical strategic management in a similar organization or organization.
8. Enable participants to plan their regular work in accordance with performance evaluation models.
9. Enable participants to contribute to the preparation of strategic plans related to their organizations.
10. Enable participants to master the use of strategic planning tools, performance measurement sprinkler and balanced performance cards.
11. Enable participants to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan by measuring performance indicators.
12. Inform participants about the indicators used to measure performance and how they are used to evaluate individual and institutional performance.
13. Explain the key metrics and performance indicators (KPI’s).
14. Identify the role of KPI’s in measuring the effectiveness of the organization and its human resources and outputs.


ضمن مفاهيم تصميم الأنظمة المنهجية في التدريب، تأتي مصفوفة IMAS كأداة من أدوات صناعة التدريب المعاصرة، والتي تتعامل مع آلية تجميع عناصر الحقيبة التدريبية في شكل متكامل ومتماسك لضمان توافق هذه العناصر مع تحقيق أهداف التدريب ورفع كفاءة الأداء مشارك ومدرب ومنظم. إنه يمكّن المطور من تطوير سيناريو تدريب احترافي مدروس جيدًا وإدارة وقت الجلسة التدريبية. يمكن للجلسة معالجة أي موضوع.

المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني

صممت منهجية خاصة بالجودة الداخلية في الوحدات التدريبية التابعة لها، حيث تشمل على خمسة معايير رئيسية، تتضمن الإدارة والقيادة، والمدربين، والخدمات المقدمة للمتدربين، والمناهج، وبيئة التدريب، وذلك بهدف تطوير جودة التدريب المقدم في المنشآت التدريبية لمواكبة حاجة سوق العمل المحلي.


يعد أول برنامج من نوعه في تقييم وتصنيف الحقائب التدريبية ويهدف إلى أن يكون مرجعاً مهماً للشركات والمؤسسات لضمان جودة التدريب المقدم لكوادرها من أجل تطوير الأداء وتطويره وتحسينه. إن جعل هذه المعايير دولية ليس فقط لأنها منتشرة في أكثر من قارة واحدة ومئات البلدان والمنظمات، ولكن أيضًا لأنها متوافقة مع العديد. تقنيات أسترالية ويابانية وكندية وأمريكية.


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Training bag: KPI's performance indicator building skills

Training bag: KPI's performance indicator building skills

Training bag: KPI’s performance indicator building skills