What is the concept of training bags?
The first concept (training bags):
A range of training expertise designed by specialized experts in a systematic and organized manner and used by the trainer as a training broker.
The second concept (training bags):
An operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific material, activities and procedural steps necessary for implementation on the basis of training objectives.
The third concept (training bags):
A document containing a detailed statement of the training procedures for use by one or more trainers to ensure that the desired goals of the training program are achieved.
How to prepare integrated training bags:
- Training bags are important in reference and curriculum guidance for the trainer and trainee.
- Organizes the topics and time of the program and achieves its objectives.
- Determines the content of the training and the methods used to implement it.
- It facilitates the development of the program and its evaluation,
- Preparation and planning of the training process is considered.
- Support and assistance in determining the content, identity and objective of training.
Steps to design and prepare training bags include:
- Select the target group
- Identify training methods
- Identify the actual need
- Select training aids
- Set goals accurately
- Building training activities
- Building the reference frame
- Analysis of the content of the training needs report
- Calendar sessions and the program in general,
- This paper concludes that the benefits of Debug may outweigh the negatives.
- Application of the training bag
- Feedback.
Characteristics of the training bag equipment
Someone with scientific knowledge in a specialized field of knowledge
The person who worked in the field of training and training others previously
Someone trained on how to prepare training bags
Familiar with training methods and sources of need.
Training bag design steps: –
- Select the target group
- Identifying need
- What is meant to determine the need
- There’s a difference between what a man does and what he has to do.
Preparing training bags:
- He’s aware of his mission.
- Prepared and planned.
- I know his audience
- Expert on his tools
- Accurate with his procedures.
- Impartial
- Faithful in the presentation of the results
- Engages his audience.
The contents of training bags:
first There is a training bag key containing:
- The name of the training material
- The name of the bag clerk.
- Reference name
- Specific date
- Index of key contents
- Program Implementation Guide
Ii (article plan) contains the following:
This section displays the training material divided into parts equal to the number of its units and separates each unit from the next, and the training unit part consists of the following elements:
The module model is: Sequence of organized event to demonstrate meetings towards achieving overall objectives in (number of units, behavioural objective and topics)
The program is a set of structured elements that include the trainer and trainee to track specific actions such as individual activity or complete a series of activities to achieve one or more sub-goals, The training courses focus on the activities necessary to achieve the objectives of that course within a specific time frame that takes and after the stomach has finished identifying the content and vocabulary of the training, Begin to distribute it to the brain below a description of the training course and its objectives, activities and methods means – the procedures will describe the detailed procedures of the session in this lesson detailed description within a specific time frame that helps the coach to move from one procedure to another and gradually
Thirdly: Scientific materials and applications: This part includes the following elements:
Short scientific material in the form of definitions of terms related to the topics of the training module or the identification of a particular subject
Steps required to implement stages and steps
Notes on the content of training bags It’s hard to know when your session is related to several factors:
The experience of the equipment and the nature of the activities included in the session and the number of participants there will affect the quality of the session’s work
and their experiences – the duration of the entire program, The interaction of the session with others and with the scientific material written according to the specifications of the design of the slides – Borpoint – applications and tools for the implementation of training
Fourthly: Calendar:
In this part a copy of the tools can be attached to measure the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the use of the trainee and the type of evaluation and grades are sufficient to mention them for each training unit the coach will evaluate the student when he needs it, The evaluation reflects his opinion on the quality of the student’s performance. It is not important (or required) to link it to this calendar guide to the objectives of the training unit.
Stages of the calendar process training bags:
1. Preliminary assessment
2. Formative assessment
3. Final assessment
4. Follow-up evaluation
Fifthly: References:
This is a list of external readings related to the training unit and basic references to the use of publisher numbers and pages related to the subject for the purposes of scientific documentation and assistance the trainee should refer to the main sources of the scientific material and preferably mention the reference to the scientific material in a footnote for each session.
The contents of carrying out training bags:
Taking into account the design of the training bag implementation manual, the information contained in training bags and the contents of training bags should not be repeated, including:
- The cover contains the title of the course and the title of the program, It often contains the name of a sector or author as well
- The name of the training unit is also in training bags
- The training unit number as shown in the box.
- Training unit time as shown in training bags
- The number on the training bag as written.
- The course is also in the bag .
- Description of training activities for each session
- Describe the procedures for carrying out each activity in the course
- Select training methods to use in each session.
The most important features of training bags: –
Training bags are characterized by the integrity of the system, which contains various activities, experiences, evaluations and observations to achieve the goals built.
The training bag on the basis of which training bags must be prepared in accordance with the approach
According to structured and documented scientific curricula, the use of different media and techniques is important for fun training bags.
Digital media and technologies have been widely used for a long time
Training processes and results must be supported. Therefore, you must follow the process of attention received by training bags and then continue to receive it from careful follow-up,
- Diversity of educational means: Uses the use of various educational methods to support the content provided in the training program includes these methods, To name but a few
- The link between training and reality: The content of the training bag must be objective and logical and training bags will not make any difference unless the educational or training content is related to current events affecting the trainee’s career, I have never used this product, but my friend used it while working reformulated: I did not try this product, but I know a friend who likes it to fill it in the future.
The importance of the training bag?
- Regulation of scientific material: The organized way in which training should be marred is what makes the training bag so important, otherwise the training courses become random discussion sessions.
- To plan the course time, Each course has a specific time and should not exceed it at the same time, They must subtract all the data contained in it without shortening any of the components included in the programs when the content is written in the light of the schedule, He can be well organized.
- The training bag is an important tool for establishing and consolidating the knowledge learned in the course in the long term, Where it can be used if necessary
We will explain a number of important official details in the following lines
- Methodology: which is to present ideas in a scientific way and avoid congestion and repetition of content as an example, It is necessary to customize a point of view in each section of the training bag, Connecting all parts to some of the few points mentioned above
- It’s hard to resolve conflicts.
- The United Nations declared August 20 a world day of peace as an opportunity for all individuals and groups to reaffirm their commitment to peace, Reminding themselves of the value they put to peace in their daily lives is very difficult to resolve the conflict.
- Self-training: Although the training bag explains the components of the scientific material in a particular field, However, it requires the trainer to develop a limited number of points urging the student to research the books and scientific literature, which is known as self-training.
What are the most important elements in training bags?
There are pivotal components and it is important that the trainers be aware of them when preparing training bags that we will present below:
- The outer cover of the training bag contains the address of the course, the name of the course provider, the duration of the course and the address of the program.
- Tutorial: Includes a presentation of what the training bag contains in a table and writes the title of each part and the relevant pages in order to facilitate access to the internal contents it is possible to complete the preparation of this guide manually, through two columns manually where it can be automatically designed by wordware
- Training objectives: Each training program has a specific purpose and setting goals is one of the important components that must be included in the training bag in order to complete the measurement of what was finally achieved
- It may be difficult to understand the course, When it is a set of information and definitions, Only in the form of content slide shows from other software applications used to help explain training content
- Evaluation of trainees: One of the important elements that the training bag must include is the tests and evaluations of the trainees there who prefer oral tests, Others choose written evaluations, Others differ between these two forms of evaluation
Graphic images and graphs on websites are used to create a more attractive presentation: the above are important components that must be included in the training bag, graphics and images supporting this study article Maps is one of the usual stereotypes method maps can represent different ideas in the representation of mental drawings which is an example that illustrates the link between different opinions and ends with the processing of mental data; Non-linear as for conceptual maps;
Components of training bags: –
Training bags can be summarized in five main components:
The first component:
The key in the training bag, which includes all components associated with the training bag
Goals you seek and the contents of training bags
Component 2:
The theory is a framework within the training bag.
The information in this training package helps trainees understand the content of the training and allows them to learn and apply basic principles.
Component 3:
Hands-on content: Displays in basic practical applications within the training bag and what the basic training units have produced
In order to achieve the desired goals, Each training unit includes a number of training courses that include a number of training activities necessary to achieve these goals
Component 4:
The evaluation component of training bags is an element responsible for providing the tools to evaluate the content of training and measure indicators, As well as knowing how appropriate they are to achieve goals
Component 5:
Educational resources and accompanying educational means are very important and necessary components focusing on how educational means work and highlighting the role of educational materials accompanying the training package.
This directly affects ensuring that scientific material and training content are appropriate to achieve the objectives of the training bag
Development of training program materials
It should be integrated with training plan and content design objectives training bags:
1. Search for and analyze information:
Effective information must be correct, practical, clear and flexible, and information may not be accurate if it is not practical or meaningless, the purpose of collecting information is to ensure the effectiveness of the project and prepare to complete it.
The following questions must be answered:
What level of detail is required?
What if other important information is missing in achieving the objectives of the training program?
How will additional information be used?
It is important to distinguish between basic add-ons, inexpensive and of lower quality, And favorite additions, Which is more expensive but of higher quality how effective and acceptable are the different types of information and experience provided to students?
What are the criteria for collecting and analysing information?
2. View information:
- Keep in mind the following factors: Depth of information, And the goals you will achieve, And how long do you have to complete it?
- The latest news is simple without affecting its meaning.
- The course deals with the practical aspects of the subject at hand, Such as achieving the needs and objectives of the trainee
- The real presentation of the logical sequence.
- Use the right language, No linguistic errors.
- Table with appropriate content and page numbers does not include repetition
- Compatible with student level and time frame
- Works with training methods in training courses
The Foundation offers your bag for the numbers and design of training bags: –
Custom-made training bags design
Design professional training bags, make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your course great
Restructuring and development of training bags.
The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific curriculum professionally and re-taking the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive style and elegance to make your training course great
2000 ready-to-receive training bags
A set of training bags ready and equipped for immediate delivery and immediate receipt after adding the trainer’s information
Adoption of training bags
Review the design of integrated training bags and adopt them in accordance with international standards for the establishment and development of open source and adjustable curriculum our training bags are open source and you can print as many unlimited copies as you wish.
Integrated team in the preparation and design of integrated training bags
We believe that we have a team under one vision and goal to develop the training world through a management team, consultants and a professional team that aims to effectively double the success of access to training needs.
Our training bags with unique and unique documented content
Our goal is to unleash the enormous potential of trainers to ensure highly efficient training courses that produce training courses that contribute to a clear change in the lives of individuals.
Free consultation by a specialized preparation team with more than 30 years of experience
Everything you need for your course is available at ours, It adds unleashing and excellence to your training bag, Add creativity and excellence to your course in an innovative way.
Procedures for developing the training material bag:
There are two development processes: Implementation process (partial), Applications, means and scientific and technical calendar include all this development is done without reference to the department of software design and development so that it is supervised in the sector printing and publishing center
The other type is comprehensive development and includes the basic components of the program such as an amendment in the number of hours allocated to the subject in an approved guide to a training program or the time allocated to each unit or subject in this case, Procedures are followed first to develop training programs, And then after that, You have to apply everything you’ve learned during training.
The program was developed based on what has been modified in the training bags.
Your 1,000-year-old bag site includes IMAS training bags in all departments
Some training bags to update 2021
Save long hours preparing your training bag. Download a comprehensive training bag designed specifically by our skilled team of teachers around the world.
Conduct excellent workshops and select the components of your training bag each time using your professionally prepared bag with all the notes and points you want for your course. Don’t worry about cost, time and effort with pre-prepared training materials to the highest standards, There is no doubt that any successful training bag must include technical or human factors. Make it appear positively and for the benefit of the students, He then understands its content and gets information to achieve training goals.
Edit the components of your training bag as much as you want, We also offer an open source training bag. Focus on providing your course and let us pass the training materials to us. Our primary goal is to provide you with special training bags that suit your course so that you can deliver your courses and workshops in an ideal way.
Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula
- Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
- How to determine the number of days required.
- What is the target group
- Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”
Consultant for development and design of the training world